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Quid Pro Quo With The Gods

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, May 20, 2017.

  1. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    In General

    A sidetrack from "on" to "in". I send out intense communication to all my mates , be it on what restaurant to dine or burning topics like the font scandal in Pakistan politics. Y'know, the kind of intense and spinning conversations we have here. As was the norm, I sent out greetings to my mates on Friendship Day. As such we are not fans of this designated revelry, still, swing with the herd.

    I have said this before and still wonder why I haven't connected with you before. I am wont of declaring overwhelmingness where it is due. Thanks for being a part of 2017. You made me read up too much in a short span with your jaunty references. It is common to come across people who delight in talking about trending topics but it is rare to come across kinship who take equal delight in discussing Lynne Frederick and Geneviève Bujold. Thanks, again. I am fully poised now to embark on our donkey quest. I shall find out if I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who might know about the myth of this ordained donkey.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2017
  2. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    On dads

    Your dad seems to be an eminently curious gent! He would have given the DIY dads of today a serious run. Talking of dads, I think I mentioned to you of a group of dads that I interact with these days. The group as such is not strictly for dads but similar to Q-P-Q it consolidated as a dads group from a motley of wandering gents. These men are funny and smart dads. In fact few of their conversations blow my mind away. One recurring theme in the conversations is teaching kids maths and science.

    For instance, what is an atom? How do I teach my eight year old about atom without being too scientific or too deceptive. Should I start with the dawn of civilisation model of Rutherford or jump straight to contemporary Standard Model. How should I teach my kid the significance of art? Should I go with John Berger-styled exploratory talk, moreover, should I even be teaching them about art as in supplement their learning with topics that are not covered in school curriculum. How should I clarify that nudity in the paintings of Lucas Cranach the Elder is art but pornography is not. Tell you, some of these conversations are funny, pungent and hands-on with parenting as these topics have opened up my mind so much.

    I have come across sensible and loving dads before but this tribe is a notch different. I think you of all the people gets the gist and jest both. Your dad resonates with these dads in their aspiration to discover stuff and teach kids the joy in discovery.

    2017 is a big leap for me personally for two things: (1) You here (2) Dads group elsewhere.

    Both have profoundly affected me. This is a memorable year of induction in the conclave of fathers and grandfathers. On that note, a man with one finger, one ear, and one eye had taught me so much through his mannerisms that many able-bodied guides failed to. Let's say, I also shower gratitude where it is due.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2017
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    On Lewis Carroll
    So that's how the She-Google leads men into utter misinformation? Like Omen, I must ask the She-Google 'Why me?' when there are millions of other men waiting to be her victims! Despite hearing some highly classified info about your tendency to mislead, I have been coming to you again and again like Sampson to Delilah. You have proved that Delilah is still alive in you by making me hyper-bald!'

    But then mistakes always lead us to wisdom, the wisdom to be utterly nonsensical conversationalists!
  4. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    On hair
    In Winnie-the-Pooh, the Owl thinks he is the wisest of all and has the age for it too but the fact remains that Owl cannot spell his own name properly and spells it as 'Wol'! The characterisation of Owl in Winnie-the-Pooh typically suited me and I chose it as my ID!
    In my pre university class, our maths professor told us that maths was more mystical than any other. He added that if we guys thought that 2+2 had always to be 4, we were wrong. Under exceptional circumstances, it could be 5 too! It was from that moment, I started loving maths as a kindred soul.
    Coming to the non existent hair, a pal of mine once told me that there were no bald heads among prehistoric men. I agreed with him and asked him why it was so. He shrugged his shoulders and said he did not know. And so saying, he ran his fingers through his bald head and I knew what he was driving at. When I asked him about Einstein, he said every rule had an exception. He warmed up to his subject and declared that it was only the exception that made the rule! 'Take the exception off and it ceases to be a rule' he concluded.
  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    On donkey
    Elementary my dear Watson! Rats are unscrupulous thieves of all edible goodies. And Ganesha is surrounded by them all the time. Mouse is more dignified that way. It knows when its turn will come. There is no foul play there. It only shows that even gods would like to play safe!
    Mind you , it is only a faint explanation. In fact it is so faint that you can hardly call it an explanation. Talking of donkey, it's Sanskrit word 'Gardhaba' sounds more respectable. I think we must take this Sanskrit word too in consideration in unravelling the mystery of donkey as a celestial vehicle.
  6. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    Gardhaba! We are homing in closer! She-Google tells me that Gardhaba is now a Bengali or Kannada word.

    There is so less intel on the origin of this word and its Sanskrit provenance. Gardhaba! Sounds lovely! I can have it for my next avatar moniker. I shall make a note. I will spend some time on this pursuit today. Will catch up and respond to your ramble in the night.
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    On Devadas
    I know a guy who became an alcoholic due to his failure in love affairs. Please note that I have used the word 'affairs'. It is not a typo for your information. This guy fell in love so many times and when each of them failed, he would celebrate with a bottle. As it became a regular feature, his celebrations resulted in his becoming an alcoholic. Fortunately he got married before it became an irreversible addiction. His wife gives him all the 'kick' now which his drinks were giving earlier!
    You never spoke a truer word. I was knocked out of my chair when I first came to know that the authour of this doleful tale of romance was written by a kid! I wonder if he was ever in love to have expressed the lover's anguish in such lucid terms.
    I have seen some of my college friends who had loved and lost. When they saw their girls some fifty years later, they heaved a sigh of relief on this miraculous escape! Needless to say, the men themselves were no Adonis any longer.
  8. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    On Search Engines

    We have enough grievances against She-Google that for the first time Mr Bing search engine might actually have some traffic. Wait, let me try Bing.





    What is this massive discrepancy. This confirms that Bing is a male and a lazy one too, he dropped off 22 billion results. What kind of a man does that? If our Delilah lookalike She-Google is hyperactive then our Mr Bing is a slacker. Damien from Omen has to stop asking "Why me?" and start with "Am I the chosen one?" and compare the results from Miss Google and Mr Bing. With all the sequels in the franchise, I never followed properly what happened beyond movie-3. #1 was a classic! I loved it! #2 and #3 were a letdown. Even the Damien brought up to speed with modern technology cannot resolve his identity crisis with such unreliable multitude of search engines.

    Wah Wah! That is a paradigm shift in defining wisdom. Again, conversationalists with any wisdom are bores! They talk about things that everyone knows about. What use? Nonsensical conversationalists are elite because they talk of things that no one cares about, and even sublime, nonsensical ramblers are niche who never bother to change their aptitude towards such senseless conversations. That steadfastness can only be found in nonsensical ramblers.
  9. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    On Winnie the Pooh

    I had forgotten this story. All the characters in pooh tales are adorable but your selection of Wol is perfect.

    Few years ago, I asked one of my friend's daughter of the programmes she watched on television. She rattled off few names which also included Winnie-the-Pooh. I was excited and further inquired if she had read the book series. She quipped, "Pooh is a cartoon, not a book". With these adaptations, I wonder if children would recognise the original source of these memorable stories.

    So, your avatar picture is a Wol and not a Owl. With that, you have demonstrated that our ramble here cannot diversify to anything other than nonsensical. Even the picture has to adhere to the high nonsensical standard we stipulate here.
  10. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    On Mouse
    I had to look up the differences between a rat and a mouse to determine the genesis of that unscrupulous disposition.


    I noticed,

    Mouse: 40-100 droppings a day.
    Rat: 20-50 droppings a day.

    I am not convinced, yet. You mean though the rats have a cleaner metabolism, and require less mucking out, they are not the preferred species because of their unscrupulous ways. That's a lot of stench to compromise with by opting for "virtue". What say?
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017

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