Dissipiating Karma

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by CoolPie, May 24, 2017.

  1. CoolPie

    CoolPie Silver IL'ite

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    Dear dc24,
    As we all know, Consumption of Non-vegetarian food definitely attracts bad karmas as per the theory of karma. If possible, its better to avoid harming other souls in any way. Again, these are expounded in vedic scriptures too.

    The suffering undergone by a soul while its body is being killed amounts to create a bad karmic account as harming emotionally and physically.
    Its like causing a severe karmic crime and is against the laws of nature. Anything committed against the laws of nature will surely be punished.

    Dear readers,
    The above explanation in response to dc24 like she has already said, is not a personal attack on anyone' food habits, but only a response to her message.
    dc24 likes this.
  2. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks to all who answered my query..Sometime in 2014-mid 2015 I went through a very bad patch..in my personal and professional life..I confess to have ill thoughts for those who troubled me..in my anger and frustration I wished that they would not prosper and that they would suffer same way as I suffered etc etc..I'm not in touch with many now, but it seems like they are doing quite well...
    I don't purposely trouble anyone and mind my own business, I don't raise my voice against anyone unless they have started the fight first..but how do I make my thoughts pure and stop having bad thoughts about others?
    dimple7 likes this.
  3. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Wonderful explanation :worship2::worship2:
    dia3 likes this.
  4. dia3

    dia3 Silver IL'ite

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  5. dia3

    dia3 Silver IL'ite

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    I can't help if it sounds like verbal diarrhea to u ???? The facts r not verbal diarrhea....if u don't like these words, no need to read the post.... NO NEED TO TAKE OUT YOUR HATE OR JEALOUSY.....i have noticed that u r very sensitive to my posts..whats up with that ?????..

    i don't care if u r 1 of the moderators or not in this forum...this is a true story in my extended cousin's family where i was trying to explain that even money can't get rid of sorrows created by bad karma.........i can't help speaking the truth....

    i haven't used any nasty word but u seem to be particularly sensitive to my posts......i have been noticing that .........WHATS UP WITH THAT ????????

    Even ur words seemed antagonizing in some posts...do u care to look into those or becoz u r 1 of the moderators, the rules don't apply to u ???????........WHATS UP WITH THAT ??
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    dimple7 likes this.
  6. dia3

    dia3 Silver IL'ite

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    yes u r completely right...if someone hurts an innocent soul then the curse n karma comes into effect...i guess the universe also doesn't care about evil souls as their curses don't matter...LOL..their big basket of bad karma is going to negate all positives ..
    dimple7 likes this.
  7. dia3

    dia3 Silver IL'ite

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    See they might be doing well now....but wait for a couple of years, u will see Karma's action ...as @dc24 pointed out and as in my real life story, curses n bad karma didn't directly impact the wrong-doers but their progeny so that the wrong-doers felt lot of brunt !!...

    if u noticed in my real-life story, my distant cousin had to face same type of misery 2 times--repititive pattern --this is a sign of bad karma/ curse......

    .its like if lot of people in family r ill some way or the other, its curse/karma..if someone keeps losing job or doesn't get the fruit of their hard work, its result of bad karma again--because of something that this person did or his parents did.....i used to wonder why it affects progeny but i was told the reason that @dc24 gave which is very logical..

    these events didn't happen immediately after the wrong doing but after quite a few years n sadly, affected progeny miserably ...i would say since most were my extended family, i felt sorry for all of them including the widow who was just a distant SIL to me but my extended cousins, were more close to me ......!!..

    but as they say, universe/God/karma's wrath doesn't spare anyone --not even the rich and mighty----in God's n universe eyes, every human being is same !!
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    dimple7, Needtobestrong and dc24 like this.
  8. dia3

    dia3 Silver IL'ite

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    Yes, this is definitely the case of bad karma caused by your uncle's curse as he was an innocent soul who was tormented by his evil son and DIL....
  9. CoolPie

    CoolPie Silver IL'ite

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    Dear dc24,

    Here is a further explanation for the qualities of non-vegetarian food that I found when googled.

    Everything in the universe that has prana or life energy is classified under three main categories viz - satva, raja and tama.
    Man and food can also be classified under the same.

    Classification of men
    Satva - Selfless by nature, lives for the benefit of the society and does not expect rewards or appreciation for the same.
    Raja - lives for personal gains and acheivements
    Tama - does not have a problem stepping on other's toes even if it meant harm to others

    Food is no exception and at a subtle level, it too is made up of the Sattva, Raja and Tama subtle components. The proportions of these subtle components vary depending on the type of food-veg or non veg. Sattva stands for purity and knowledge while Tama denotes ignorance and inertia. Anything that has a higher Sattva component assists our spiritual journey and anything that is Tama predominant has a tendency to diminish or obstruct our spiritual practice.

    The reason for the increased Tama in meat after the animal dies is because of the extent of suffering when it is being killed. Also the thoughts of anger and revenge in the animal are far more pronounced as compared to a plant which has a rudimentary mind and intellect. This is the main reason for the increased Tama component.

    And plants too experience pain when killed or when parts of it are severed. The comprehension of pain however is less than for animals. This is because the mind and intellect of a plant is rudimentary as compared to that of an animal. However, if a fruit or vegetable is plucked when it is fully ripe or has fallen from a tree, there is relatively no pain to the plant.

    When man consumes non vegetarian food, the tama component in the meat induces anger, stress, anxiety, negative energy etc due to the pain experienced by the animal while it was being killed. This leads to more psychological unrest and diseases to pervade easily. Also one is mentally agitated and this leads to harming others intentionally or unintentionally.

    Hence satva prominent food is more preferable due to its qualities than tama dominant food.
    The above are scientific facts based on research on food and its effects on man by spiritual research organisation.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2017
    IniyaaSri and dc24 like this.
  10. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    I can understand the tremendous amount of mental and emotional agony you must have gone through.

    To enhance and increase your positive karmas, please read and save previous posts wherein various ways have been enunciated.

    In kaliyuga, the best way to do is Namasmarana (chanting Lord's names); following in the footsteps of saintly people, exalted gurus, and holy men; serving poor, needy and downtrodden.

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