Dissipiating Karma

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by CoolPie, May 24, 2017.

  1. CoolPie

    CoolPie Silver IL'ite

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    Dear dia3,
    Thanks for your post. Yes the past life regression therapy can dwell on past life incidents and hence an assessment of what we did in the past life to a certain extent can be known. Doctors using this technique, affirms again that there is a theory called karma and also a doctor above the human doctors.

    Dear dimple7,
    You can place a photo of any Hindu saint on a stool and circumambulate the picture with devotion/faith and chant his name and do namaskars to him for every round like how you do in the temple going around the diety. Scientifically, the diety or the picture is the central energy point from which blessings and energy radiate. This certainly brings merit and also fulfils one's wishes if done with FAITH. Or you can visit any saint's samadhi or his brindavan and do the same. This reduces karma and hence solves your problem or fulfills your wishes. One can even beg for salvation. I hope the same holds true in the case of saints of any religion. Its only that human beings have religions and saints classified under them, the true saints do not have any caste, creed or religion. All religions are one and the same for them. All religions invariably point to someone called God.

    Dear blessings1010,
    Wonderful post on using positive affirmations in regard to karma. Of course, those affirmations you have mentioned can work out any anger, jealousy, hatred and other unwanted thoughts from the mind. Once the mind is clear and cultivated with good thoughts, we become inclined to create good karmas more than bad ones. To attain salvation, the saints strongly suggest the mental qualities and character need to be good and sober.
    A good post worth praise. Thanks for sharing.

    Dear dc24,
    The man you have mentioned is worth an example for us to follow whenever possible. God bless him to continue his good deeds. Also there is a beggar in India, who donates books for the underprivileged children using all his money collected by begging. I dont remember the place he is in. There are a few more souls worthy of mention and praise. All these people set examples for us to emulate besides teaching us ways to dissolve karma. In short, every chance to help others in need is a chance in disguise given by God to nullify our karmas. In fact, we have to feel blessed for such a chance that springs up in our lives. This makes me conclude that we should be thankful to Him for every little thing. Thanks for being active on the thread.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  2. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Good that your MIL has become sober after reading the book.
    Thanks for sharing positive affirmations for dissolving karmas. Will keep them in mind and try to repeat everyday.
    Please share more such tips.
    blessings1010 and CoolPie like this.
  3. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    After reading this thread I got few doubts..
    Suppose someone troubles us, we sometimes think bad of them or curse them in our mind..does that cause bad karma.?..or cursing someone openly ...extreme jealousy or hatred towards someone..even when not expressed openly..does it accumulate bad karma?
    We do have control over our actions..we can stop ourselves from doing wrong if we know that some action is wrong..but sometimes we so not have control over thoughts or emotions..it's very very easy to think ill about someone..does this lead to bad karma..
    I have some frustrations towards certain people who troubled me earlier..many times I had negative thoughts about them...
    What is the pariharam or remedy for thinking bad about someone?
    dimple7, sindmani and CoolPie like this.
  4. dia3

    dia3 Silver IL'ite

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    if they harmed u and u r cursing them for that, then this curse is going to definitely cause bad karma definitely in their path because i read somewhere that the curses surely affect horribly the person who is cursed--even generations are affected by it...

    see i come from a very non religious and highly educated family where women did Masters even in 1970's so you can imagine my family is the one that questions everything and i am also quite non-religious but i just came across some psychic and past regression stuff n i believe in the kinds that are done by ivy league educated doctors or pyschics used by top investigative agencies..u can serach for them online and scheduel readings

    ...n i came across stuff that proves that curses defintely affect teh person taht is cursed and karma is definitley there...so try to do good and never harm anyone becasue same harm may not return to u but to ur progeny...karma is like that- it will hurt the cursed person at the place where it hurts the most..its like universe/God's judgement deliverance

    and especially never hurt the weaker ones as the curses and karma return maginfied ...

    just to tell u a real story----thsi is a true story about the family we know very well, my dad's sister is married into this family--- and it will show u how karma works...., in this very rich family, their son died in a car crash in his 30s- a very handsome dashing man- his car was hit by some drunk driver n then this family started treating their widow DIL horribly n she was forced to leave her in laws house...

    for few years, this family was living happily except the loss of their son- they had all the riches, money, comforts, luxuries, world travels.

    They also had a very beautiful daughter and another son who were saddended by loss of their beloved brother suddenly in the 30s but didn't care much about their sister in law who was traumatised to leave the house after she became a widow....,

    then in some years, their only daughter got married to a very very rich guy who was paid a very hefty dowry n married in a very very lavish style ( the marriage was talk of the town) after spending so much money but after few months of marriage, she started getting treated horribly by her hubby to the extent that her own hubby who she loved dearly started abusing her really bad-- emotionally n sometimes physically and had an affair with another woman n started torturing her to leave the house.....

    eventually she got divorced but was completely traumatised....looking at her condition her father who loved her dearly got sick and ultimately died of sickness n grief saddened by his dear daughter's life..like even after giving so many riches, wealth to her hubby, she was emotionally tormented and divorced,,,which is very sad....

    after sometime, this super rich family got their daughter married again to a very rich guy ( basically of their own social status) but the same story repeated again.....for few months, this woman had a happy married life, gave birth to a child and then this second hubby also started treating her badly...n started an affair with another woman n started torturing her....so second marriage also got destroyed ---- she became a single mother...n this girl was very very pretty n rich from a very high status family but both the times, it was weirdly the same story that happened to her.....

    So everyone knew that it was karma caused by the curse of the DIL that destroyed this family's happiness in the terms of destroying the 2 marriages of their dear daughter and also causing the death of the family headhold due to sickness caused by the sadness of their dear daughter ....

    .this karma didn't happen in 2-3 years but after many years since the DIL was forced to leave the house and in this case see, it affected their daughter which hurt them the most....so karma may not affect the person but the karma and curse can affect their progeny theirby causing the ultimate grief....

    so CURSES given by the victimised person will definitely affect the cursed person that too real bad....the women in my family who are highly educated n qualified like they did Master's even back in late 1970s n non -religious, after seeing this entire situation also started believing in curses and karma and how karma n curses can even destroy the richest and happiest person !

    even in west, people have started believing in karma, ancestral curses or other curses especailly when some situations occur again n again n even money can't fix those....
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    dimple7, sindmani, IniyaaSri and 2 others like this.
  5. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks dear for sharing this real-life story.

    Stories like this need to be shared as they become strongly ingrained in our psyche and saves us time and again from committing sins/bad karmas.
    dia3 and Needtobestrong like this.
  6. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Let me also share the story of our elders' family friends...
    There was a family in our known circles in which an elderly uncle was hugely tortured by his own son and DIL. Aunty passed away even before her son's marriage. Uncle was very religious and helpful person. Immediately after hus son's marriage, son n DIL started objecting to father's charitable ways, pooja etc.

    He wasn't given proper food and his essential medicines were stopped on the grounds that they were expensive and an elderly man can pass away any time.

    Son n DIL are both very well educated and earn handsome money but father used to wear old dull clothes.

    This continued for many months and eventually due to nonavailability of important medicines, he became very ill. My mother's elder sister and her husband went to meet him. In abject painful condition, he cried a lot and cursed his son and daughter-in-law that may God never give them kids.

    After a week or so he passed away. Son never bothered to do after-death rites religiously. Father's death didn't affect him and they continued with their routine life of enjoying...partying etc.

    Now..after an year or so, they started to think about planning a family. But despite all efforts, consultation with best doctors...DIL couldn't conceive. She had failed IVF @3times at 3-4 months of conception. After which she developed some problem and her docs told her not to try again as it might put her life in danger.

    So after so many years of their marriage and both reproductively healthy during their initial years, they are still childless.

    So, we shouldn't hurt anyone consciously and instead should always try to seek blessings of elders, poor and destitute.
    dimple7, sindmani, IniyaaSri and 2 others like this.
  7. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    But please note that if someone curses you out of enviousness/hatred while you're innocent then God will punish them severely and since for parents there's nothing more precious than their kids...so Kids bear the brunt of parent's wrongdoings.
  8. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear readers of this thread,
    I would like to know your views on non-vegetarian food as it involves killing and hence can be grouped under bad karmas.

    Please see to it that it's not a personal attack on anyone's preferential food habits but just an opinion so that we all get a better understanding on how karma works.

    I'm sharing with you all my opinion. I'm strictly vegetarian by birth and by choice too. In my opinion, killing an animal or bird just to satisfy tongue is an act of cruelty and hence attracts punishments. If eating nonvegetarian was that good, then why in most holy places/teerthas/ashrams is it prohibited. All Gurus/ Spiritual Masters too consider it an act of violence. Recently read in Garuda Puran too and read long back in Srimad Bhagvata that such a diet where killing takes places attracts severe punishments.

    I again seek your forgiveness. These are just my opinion which I studied and formed after a long association with exalted holy people and holy scriptures.
    CoolPie likes this.
  9. Ragini25

    Ragini25 Platinum IL'ite

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    Can you write a post without verbal diarrhea about "rich", "educated", "over educated", "ivy league", "in westernized Indians" and such usual diarrhea. Thanks
  10. CoolPie

    CoolPie Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Needtobestrong,
    The scriptures and all the sages like Buddha and Mahavira for ex., advice right thinking, right words and right action as all these attract karmas.

    Thinking/intent is given much importance by the sages (than us, as we think only actions weigh more karma than just thoughts) as they attract karmas in a subtle form. They suggest that good thinking is more important and as equal as good actions.

    Every thought weak or strong has a vibrational power which rises in the sky and hits some other soul. If your thoughts are very powerful, concentrated and strong, it springs in to action exactly as how you wished.

    “As human beings, we are a mixture of physical body and subtle (aura) body. Subtle body is the energy field in terms of thoughts. More negative thoughts deposit negative energy from the subtle body to the physical body. In meditation, we clear our subtle body, that is, we clear our negativity by taking cosmic energy. This aura protects our physical body from every disease. Meditate and get rid of every problem,” -suggestion from a doctor.

    They say, whatever you do is your karma that you are creating yourself for your future. If you are helping others, you might receive help. If you are harsh with a person, the circumstances might put you in the same difficult position. So cursing others is just like cursing ourselves. In short, what you do to others is nothing but what you are doing to yourself though it doesnt seem to be so at that moment.

    So wrong thinking is like harming the other person as well as your own self.

    According to sages, how others treat you is their karma, how you react is yours. And they have all lived a life of example for us to follow. We know Jesus Christ said, when someone slaps you, show the other cheek. Though we might not be ready for all this, since our ego doesnt allow us to show the other cheek, it is always good to remain calm and always be good if you want a better life in the future births.

    Please visit webiste dadabhagwan. He is an illuminated soul who attained such an exaltation in the recent times in 1958 I suppose, but has answered queries on karma while he was living (living but detached). You ll get all doubts clarified. Its always better to think good, speak good and act good however the other person treats us if we want to attract good karmas. Atleast we can give a try and see atleast a few times, though it might be difficult for us all who have not killed our ego.

    Lastly, for acheiving liberation, the thoughts need to be very very pure. So thinking and intent is of much importance according to the sages.
    If you react towards others in a positive manner through thoughts, words and actions, even though they have harmed you emotionally, or through actions, you are surely attracting good karmas.
    What they have done to you is their karma. You need not bother about it. The laws of nature will definitely give the right judgement to them at the right time in this birth or in the future births.

    Two souls having a give and take account will have to face circumstances accordingly when their karmas fructify. Its like you had a give and take account with that soul and probably he/she is creating a difficult situation for you. That is, what you have done (may be in the past births) has just been rewarded.

    In short, treat people the way you want to be treated can be applied for thoughts, words and actions towards others.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    dimple7, sindmani, dia3 and 4 others like this.

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