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The Universe Within

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by LakshmiKMBhat, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. LakshmiKMBhat

    LakshmiKMBhat Gold IL'ite

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    I have just finished reading The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee. The book took me on a fascinating journey. The blurb of the book reads, “It is the story of the quest to decipher the master-code that makes and defines humans, that governs our form and function. The story of the gene begins in an obscure Augustinian abbey in Moravia in 1856, where a monk stumbles on the idea of a ‘unit of heredity’.” The story continues through the decades, even up to now. The author has made all those years and the works of so many scientists come alive.

    We have always known the term gene and have used it casually to describe some characteristic in the family. In Mukherjee’s book we learn a lot about what makes us who we are. But this knowledge is scary too. It is as if there are so many universes within us just as there are universes out there in space. They are unknown to us, and these universes within us are in many ways unknown. It is as if they have a life of their own. A single mutation or a change and everything changes. Most of the time we cannot do anything to stop the chain of events resulting from the mutation.

    Reading about cancer in the book my thoughts went back to the days when I used to visit the children’s ward of the cancer hospital. I met some very brave people, one of them a lady from the northern part of our state. She and her family were agriculturists. In the normal course of life we would never have met. But we did meet, and there was an instant rapport. She had come with her youngest daughter who had cancer. Her eldest daughter had insisted on this treatment. She wanted to do her best for her little one. Her husband wanted her to return home and let nature take its course.

    That lady fascinated me. In spite of her problems, she was so enthusiastic. She had never been to school, and I would often see her with a pen and paper, learning to write her name. She told me how to make ‘jowar roti’, though my first attempt was a flop. But, she encouraged me and said that everything comes with practice. Once the little girl was given colouring books and crayons, but she was reluctant to accept them. She did not want charity. When it was explained to her that they were given by a young man, who wanted to help children in some way, she was happy to accept them. It was so inspiring to see that self-respect. They had so less in material terms, but were so rich in right values. That little girl was lucky to have such a mother and the mother was lucky too. One day when I went to the hospital I learnt they had left. I don’t know what has happened to them, but they will always be a part of my life.

    Manipal lake (1).jpg
    sindmani, shyamala1234, Jey and 2 others like this.

  2. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Lakshmi
    You touched my heart with this blog of yours. Whenever I read about the self inquiry of Bagwan Ramana Maharshi, I do realise that it is the hunt for the deep source within. I often think of Ganga which is so pure in its source but becomes so dirty when it reaches Kasai. In its purest form, all souls are alike but as they travels from their deep source within to the visible surface, they get so contaminated.
    The story of the young child with cancer touched my heart. Once someone asked me for what sin that it committed that such a young child should suffer from a ravaging cancer. Ramana too suffered from cancer but he understood its significance.
    We talk about the mutation of genes and attribute such mutations to our Karma in Hinduism. In other words, we decide our own destiny through our actions.
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Genes, cancer, treatment, cure, karma ..... so much is being said about these topics of late and there are never ending documentaries on these topics. Much of my time is spent watching those. So if I get started, I might just go off at a tangent.

    The understanding about genes has come a long way from Mendel's times. The way characteristics are determined is now believed to be a lot more complex than the way Mendel described it. Studies in identical twins brought up in the same environment often show different personality traits. Why?

    Coming to cancer, cancer treatment and cures, I have been watching a lot of videos which claim that treated with ayurveda or in the way the shamans in the rainforests of the Amazon treat patients are more likely to recover and that cancer drugs are more than half the reason for so many patients dying. The Sacred Science - Free Online Screening This was corroborated by a cancer doctor from the US whom I met yesterday who also said that it is against the interests of the pharma companies if other cures and remedies which are simpler and cheaper are found.

    Congratulations on your post being nominated by Jayasala42.
  4. Agatha83

    Agatha83 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Lakshmi,

    C is the most dreaded word by any human being because of its callousness in robbing a person of his or her confidence, strength and beauty. Many times I have passed by the Cancer Institute, where I could see scores of children with their shaven heads, cheerfully playing, not minding the immense pain they undergo. I stand still there, for a minute and offer my sincere prayers to God asking Him, to give relief and cure from the dreaded disease, to all those people suffering.

    sindmani and LakshmiKMBhat like this.
  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Lakshmi,

    I have heard rave reviews about the book. I did start reading and because of time constraints abandoned midway. Now your snippet reminds me to finish it. You know when I started I reading the book, I was reminded of a teacher who was teaching us anatomy for Yoga as part of my teacher training series. He tried hard to impress upon us how each cell is capable of life and went into various other details. I found it all so fascinating. Whenever my kids ask if I were to go to school again, what would it be for, I always tell them it is to study genetics. Thinking of the mother and daughter par, I cannot help but wonder if happiness is also coded somewhere in our system. Nice write up!
    LakshmiKMBhat likes this.
  6. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Lakshmi,

    Such a deep post. Genetics and gene mutation always intrigue me. I really hope and pray that little girl recovered and spreading her radiance to this world. Years ago, when I was at Sai youth, we used to go to children hospital and cancer hospice regularly. Once I met a girl, she had a disability such that she had a big head body body didn't grow. I felt sad seeing her and you know what, that little girl told me why I look sad and asked me to cheer up. I was broken down seeing her positivity and exuberance. Till to date, I cannot forgot that incidence. Your story reminded me the same. On a lighter note, I think exactly the same as our dearest @Srama, if we can find the code generation for happiness, in fact for contentment then the world will be blissful.
    Thank you,
    LakshmiKMBhat likes this.
  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Smt. Lakshmi:

    I had a chance to interact with a neurosurgeon when I was 35 years old when I accompanied a very young engineer (23 years old) who was working at that time for a premier R & D organization. He complained of double vision and frequent headache. Eventually, he was diagnosed with advanced stage of Melanoma. When I asked the surgeon how a young person like that can get a disease of this magnitude, he replied, "generally, patients like him are born with cancer cells even during birth. They remain dormant and hence unidentified by the immune system. Later, it learns how to hide from the immune system and develop at a geometric progression." This was a shocking information for me at that time.

    Now I closely work with another R & D firm here in town. They are working on finding cure for cancer. They have identified a protein in our system that detects malignancy in the body. They have patented this. Their method is to take out the protein from the affected patient, process it in a lab setting to flag all cancer cells. When injected back into the body, this protein will flag all cancer cells so that our own immune system will destroy the cancer cells rapidly.

    I am reading articles now that indicate eventually, immunology will come up with a solution to make cancer a disease that could be eradicated from the face of the earth. I couldn't wait for those days.

    sindmani and LakshmiKMBhat like this.
  8. LakshmiKMBhat

    LakshmiKMBhat Gold IL'ite

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    That is reall good Viswa Sir. Cancer is so frightening, in February my mother's sister's husband was diagnosed as having lung cancer. Please excuse me for not replying earlier. I was away to attend my brother's daughter's engagement and I was not checking my blogs or e mail. :) Regards, Lakshmi
    Viswamitra likes this.
  9. sindmani

    sindmani Platinum IL'ite

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    Superb snippet.heart touching
    LakshmiKMBhat likes this.
  10. sindmani

    sindmani Platinum IL'ite

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    Regarding cancer I think we can opt for simpler ayurvedic treatments( if available) . because radiation treatment and other treatments for cancer is quite painful. Hope no one in the world suffers anymore with cancer. Thanks for telling us about ayurvedic treatments for cancer. I didn't knew. May be I can search about it in internet

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