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Present Indian Marriages-upgrades Required To Keep Relations Smooth .

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by yellowmango, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    One more advice
    Treat your girls as equal to boys. It is simple as that.
    Eg: would you allow your son to adjust and compromise in someone's house by believing it will be fine one day?
    Hell no. . .
    You would think about his pride, his ego, this and that.
    But when it comes to girls, you are fine to let her explorer her own luck with a bunch of strangers.
    Girls too have ego and pride like boys.
    No parents arrange a marriage for their son without seeking his opinion. But not many girl's opinions are counted.
    Even if they opine, It is judged. That too by fellow women in their family.

    Stop believing that your family's respect lies under the vagina of your girls.
    Let them freely chose their life and make decisions be it marriage or divorce.
    Don't force them to compromise because of your social pride
    greenchilli and yellowmango like this.
  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Men also are taught how to keep the wife under control "right from the beginning".

    Some families believe that no matter what the DIL is the bottom of the hierarchy, and the household's happiness can be assured only if the DIL is submissive or made submissive.

    No. The whole problem is this consider MIL as mother expectation.

    Because DILs are regular human beings with regular energies and regular 24 hours in the day. They cannot keep fighting or standing up for themselves morning, noon and night, weekday and weekend. If her parents are treated as second class citizens, yes, she can fight against it, but that victory and that respect gained for her parents, leaves a very bad taste in the mouth. Looking after parents from her own money, yes, it is her right, but if that comes with a lot of associated unpleasantness and repercussions in other parts of her life/marriage, her parents will not like to get the help, and she also will find it harder than it has to be to help parents. Taking care of parents while holding a job and looking after one's own spouse/kids is a big challenge, add to it an unwilling spouse or in-laws who pass comments... it becomes almost undoable.

  3. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    If I could do it, I would become a judge just to pass this and make it a law.
  4. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    +1. Especially in countries outside of India.
    Some people are so judgmental that they forget to teach their kids that it's not ok to disrespect peers. And then go on complaining to anyone and everyone how their son got suspended because of a girl and her parents - not because of his rotten attitude.

    So make sure you teach boys the meaning of the word "CONSENT".

    End of rant. I've had such a stressful week.
    Lakshmi6197 and yellowmango like this.
  5. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    @SGBV.....You really don't understand the Indian family system that well.You may feel you do,but you don't .
    Somethings are not so easy to understand from the out side.
  6. coolgal123

    coolgal123 Platinum IL'ite

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    if she goes for love marriage , then also people says that her parents have taught her how to trap good boys, so that her parents dont have to find a groom.
    if woman goes for arrange marriage and say no to JF, then also her parents are cursed that they have not given her sanskaar.
    if woman goes for arrange marriage and say yes to JF, and gets nuclear after marriage if things didnt work out, then also people says that her parents had just taught her manipulative skills how to win H.
    so i guess only one way is left that go for arrange marriage , say yes to JF, be there in JF until you commit suicide out of frustation, even woman who have committed suicide due to inlaws torture, i have heard judgements for them too - she was having anger issues, she didnt have patience,too selfish, she cant see anyone in the family even from one eye...hence committed suicide in anger.
    and all things said by woman. No wonder, woman is enemy of woman.
  7. Lakshmi6197

    Lakshmi6197 Gold IL'ite

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  8. pocahontas

    pocahontas Gold IL'ite

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    As someone who is yet to be married and who's parents believe that I have not done anything in my life to show for the last 33 years I have been on planet earth, I can say this - god forbid I get married to someone who makes life miserable for me, my parents will expect me to stay married because any marriage is better than no marriage/divorce/separation. Even today (as was years back), my dad will keep saying stuff life 'a girl's family should not have so much ego'.

    Women from previous generations were stronger - my dad's aunt left her husband and lived with her brother as her mother in law was cruel to her and her husband didn't do anything about it. One grand aunt chose to love with her kids, some 30 years after marriage as she had had enough with her abusive husband. Another grand aunt and her husband left their marital joint family home and lived with my grandfather (my grand aunt's brother) because of issues with her in-laws - she didn't want to live alone and her husband contributed to the family incomes. Both my grandmothers are very strong women, my paternal grandmother especially will not stand one slight/insult.

    Some ten years back, one of my aunts (mother's cousin's wife) wanted to divorce her husband - he was brazenly cheating on her and robbing money from her parents' business. He also had multiple civil cases against him for fraud and embezzlement. Most of the family didn't know how she could think this way and some openly voiced that this is the issue with today's educated and working women.

    Why should I (or someone else like me) overcompensate just because I am educated and working?
  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Sometimes I feel education is used against women to make them more pliable, to manipulate them and to abuse them.

    Consider these:

    You are so highly educated. You should be able to adapt better (meaning we can do what we like being less qualified than you, we can be abusive but you should know how to be very accepting and polite in the face of all that).

    Educated women today are so manipulative. (That means toe our line or we will conclude all your education has only ruined you. How dare you have any terms or conditions?) They are so demanding.

    Education has made them very arrogant and aggressive. (How dare they have their own mind and protest against injustice)?

    And finally if they complain: You are educated, why did you get married if you could not find someone who could satisfy all your conditions?
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  10. coolgal123

    coolgal123 Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes,people wants to use woman's education only in their favor . ....peoole wants to use paycheck earned by woman, yet want her to be dumb , docile DIL inside of 4 walls of the house.....it came like a shock to them when they see education has changed women 's mind in women's favor too...
    All the bulshit about educated woman is like a tantrum thrown by a toddler...

    Education was given to women for extracting more and more from them, but it had benefitted woman immensely along the way . ...

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