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Celebrating Valentines day with you all....

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Mindian, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    hey u taara..tks sweetums. it always feels good to get your seal of approval.:cheers
  2. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    tks Sumi..:)

    .)Romance to me is.........

    sharing an umbrella when it rains

    can you hear me sing pyaar hua ikraar hua hai pyaar se phir kyu.

    2)Love to me is......

    the feeling of "Tu hai toh i will be alright .... "

    Yeah I understand that feeling :)

    3)My ideal venue for a romantic date would be...........

    the beach or the sofa of our living room....

    hey too much romance associated with the lazy couches in front of the TV huh? LOl

    4)The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....

    I have to agree with your choice of dessert...meal doesnt matter as much as the dessert;)


    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...

    a note expressing his love would be perfect. Its been ages since i received one ... :p

    Hmmmm tell me about it...LOL

    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....

    Snuggle and watch a romantic movie at home.... I am sure he will not be keen on romantic movie but what the hey...i can snuggle and watch an action movie too :

    Hey, now THATS the spirit... anyways the movie doesn't matter , right ? have FUN:wink:
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    In which case Mindi, one more highly recommended favourite by Hemant Kumar - Na yeh chaand hoga, na taare rahenge .....
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  4. kelly1966

    kelly1966 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Mindi.. my god you've got everybody up and about scratching their heads and coming up with fantastic replies..
    you know what after reading so many fbs I'm totally out of ideas.. so give me sometime and I shall get back.. till then.. try not to think of all the romantic songs... now satchi just mentioned hemant K...
    till then have a great day
    1 person likes this.
  5. Deepu04

    Deepu04 IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Mindi. Very nice thread on this special day. :)
  6. mimur9

    mimur9 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mindi,

    Finally love in the air settled in snippets. Happy to join you with my post though we don't celebrate it customarily but this day makes us to
    get us ready to [​IMG][​IMG] our love for our partners.

    1)Romance to me is.........

    To take time, giving an helping hand to your spouse with sweet talks while doing the chores

    2)Love to me is......

    understanding, smiling, take time to have a pleasant glance at our partner atleast once in a day [​IMG] (which many miss because of the mechanical corporate busy life)

    3)My ideal venue for a romantic date would be...........

    yes, my option too is a lovely evening by the Beach [​IMG] & watching the night sky [​IMG]

    4)The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....

    a nice home cooked food by the candle light or in a moonlit night [​IMG]

    5)My favourite romantic song is.....

    lot of them in my playlist which will play like a DJ [​IMG] in the sequence that my spirit captures them

    6) what I think is most symbolic of romance....

    A glance, A smile which gives the feeling "I love you and I am there for you" [​IMG]

    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...

    Lovely words or even a look expressing the love from heart [​IMG]

    8)My favourite Love story is...

    Ours!! Love in arranged marriage is always a thrilling episode of life.

    9)A message to my Valentine would be....

    You give meaning to every moment of my life. Thanks for accompanying me in this journey making it a pleasant one.

    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....

    Want my hubby to come home early and have an early dinner & nice talks by the beach side & some night sky watching.

    Wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day [​IMG]
  7. Pallavi4me

    Pallavi4me Platinum IL'ite

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  8. kottravai

    kottravai Gold IL'ite

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    Hey Mindi,
    Adding my thoughts to your cheerful thread...
    1)Romance to me is.........

    Looking into the other’s eyes and losing one-self, without a word being said.

    2)Love to me is......
    The feeling one gets when at the end of your tether and about to crack up, one look at one’s loved one and one feels comforted.

    3)My ideal venue for a romantic date would be...........

    Under the starlit night, by the ocean, a walk hand-in-hand along a riverside, holding hands together at a hilltop, the wind whizzing through the hair, the sweet smell of the woods all around, chirping of birds, mist-covered landscape.....

    4)The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....
    Chinese veggie spread – Piping hot momos, hot and sour soup, sizzling schezwan main course and fried icecream for dessert.

    5)My favourite romantic song is....
    Hello by Lionel Richie
    Nothing’s gonna change my love for you by Glenn Medeiris
    You’re still the one I love by Shania Twain
    Dil Kya Kare Remix by Instant Karma (Shaan)
    Snehidane from Alaipayuthey
    The list goes on.....

    6) what I think is most symbolic of romance....
    Roses, especially Red ones...

    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...
    Any gift, however small is ok with me – the thoughtful gesture is what matters.... Oh, I’d appreciate a red rose and real-life experiences put into words, too. :)
    8)My favourite Love story is...
    A story that my friend told me while in college – “Never Tell Ben...”

    9)A message to my Valentine would be....
    You swept me off my feet and turned my world upside down...

    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....
    Wish to take the whole day off from work and cuddle up on our bed/sofa whispering sweet nothings to each other and getting lost in ourselves, oblivious of the world going on around us. :)

    In the spirit of the season, here's wishing you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
  9. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    1) Romance to me is.........

    Telling her something nice about her mother (after raking my brain for a whole day!) and seeing her face light up like a 100W bulb

    2) Love to me is......

    the opposite of hate

    3) My ideal venue for a romantic date would be...........

    The Museum wondering where we’ll be lodged when we become relics of the Past

    4) The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....

    Anything that I can pronounce properly

    5) My favourite romantic song is.....

    Abhi na jao chodkar, yeh dil abhi bara nahi

    6) what I think is most symbolic of romance....

    ‘Panchakacham’ ( a style of wearing the dhoti) which I could not wear before marriage

    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...

    Nothing as foolish as Jim and Della (Gift of Magi fame) exchanged!

    8) My favourite Love story is...

    The stories of all jilted lovers who lived happily ever after (thanks to the jilting!)

    9) A message to my Valentine would be....

    Thank God it is over! Now we can start loving unnoticed!

    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....

    Say ‘Oh, not again!’ and twiddle my thumbs wondering what to do!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!
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  10. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks sabi:)

    Though I must say that I was a tad dissapointed that both the Sabis ,my good friends did not come out with their answers I will just let you girls be:)

    But I am sure both your answers would have given a different perspective to my thought processes:)

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