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Celebrating Valentines day with you all....

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Mindian, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    That's a nice thread Mindi and nice to see all the responses and the meaning this romantic world holds for us in different ways! I would answer Mindi, but then I am afraid I will be writing way too much! I do want to say however that your questions made me think quite a bit, actually a lot and I was surprised with my own answers! So thank you for that! Happy Valentine's day!
  2. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Okie Mindi...Here we go.
    You wanted some fun didn't you... so my answers are 1. way off the mark. (in blue) and 2. serious (in violet)

    1)Romance to me is.........

    ...breaking into a song and dance with aerobic exercise movements :)

    small gestures of affection - a shared joke, smile, making gentle fun of each other...

    2)Love to me is......

    ... Marrying the man you sang and danced with, ditching the America returned groom-fixed-by-parentt, at the altar.

    Very powerful emotion; cannot be described.

    3)My ideal venue for a romantic date would be...........

    Atop the snowy mountains...!

    A picnic on a warm afternoon on a grassy meadow with a small brook gurgling by, beneath a tree with gentle breeze...

    4)The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....

    ...mmm? who wants food when the air is filled with love! Haven't you heard the tamil song "Paal irukkum, pazham irukkum, pasi irukkaadu..!" (There will be milk, there will be fruits, but there won't be hunger...) :)

    Simple rasam, and appalam.

    5)My favourite romantic song is.....

    "evandi unna pethaan, pethaan,....."

    "I will always love you" by the late Whitney Houston from the movie Bodyguard

    6) what I think is most symbolic of romance....

    The diamond ring!

    A red rose!

    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...

    Diamonds, diamonds and diamonds!

    I already have the best and want none other - Our eldest son, born Feb 14th. He is the most precious valentine gift! Need I ask for more?

    8)My favourite Love story is...

    All Mills & Boon ....

    Sathyavaan Savithri

    9)A message to my Valentine would be....

    Don't take me out today..the restaurnats are all crowded!!

    Thank God for giving you to me

    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....

    well..today I can't..I have a two hour meeting with the deputy director followed by a three hour meeting..so I have to prepare for it ..:)

    Pray to God thanking Him for blessing me with this wonderful man

    Have a wonderful Feb 14th all!
    7 people like this.
  3. knbg

    knbg Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mindi......
    Here I am......

    1)Romance to me is.........

    One humming the song the other thinks....at that moment........

    2)Love to me is......

    Caring and comforting............
    Sharing and cheering........
    Fluffing up the pillows.......Massaging tired hands........

    3)My ideal venue for a romantic date would be...........

    Hills........Hills.......on a cloudy day..........with birds singing in the back ground.........and a brook babbling by the side............

    4)The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....

    Chinese veggie spread..........

    5)My favourite romantic song is.....

    Tum pas aaye........KKHI
    Yeh kahan.........aagaye hum........Silsila
    I'll be your dream.......Savage garden
    Father figure....George Michael
    Thunbam nergaiyil yaazh eduththu nee.......Inbam serka maattaayaa.......in Desh raaga.....

    6) what I think is most symbolic of romance....

    Walks on moonlit nights......
    Chats with hot tea on cold evenings......

    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...


    8)My favourite Love story is...

    those by Danielle Steel......

    9)A message to my Valentine would be....


    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....

    Cook favorite food ......dress up .....and have a quiet dinner with soothing music ......

    Thank you dear Meeti Mindi....Happy Valentine's day to you too.........!!!!!
    th_Chocolate.gif th_love-124.gif th_gift-box.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
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  4. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    1 - Romance??? Searching for that elusive word in our happy marriage for 50+ yrs.

    2- To both of us is living in harmony under the same roof, fairly happily, till today.

    3 – We have never gone together as a couple, except to the Marina!! Does that not make us the most romantic couple, never missing out on the famous Marina??

    4 – Curd rice with uppu narthangai for him & a spicy pickle for me. Ofcorse I do make a simple dessert for him very often because he walks straight to the refrigerator after washing his hands. He knows, atleast a home made ice cream will be waiting for him there.

    5 – To remind him of God’s blessings, I regularly hum
    Manaivi amaivathellam….

    6 - the very fact that we are living together for 50+ yrs. We mumble our complaints about each other, but never shout loudly at each other.

    7 – A simple box full of Cadbury’s – so much advertised that I think, it must be the right choice.

    8 - it is so easy to "create compatibility"!!

    9 – Thank you for tolerating me for 50+ yrs – I know I am no angel, easy to live with.

    10 - t is V day everyday – we have not got bored with the monotony of our lives!!
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  5. justanothergirl

    justanothergirl IL Hall of Fame

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    Lovely post Mindi! Here we go with my answers
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  6. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    hey Satchi baby,

    Did not expect you to be the first here and agreeing with me too so a big Hi -5 to that :cheers

    Fighting and making up sheepishly

    oho? idhudhana kaadhal sadugudu ??? LOL. I had heard of this term from the tamil movie alai paayudhe but never really understood what it meant..I am assuming it is this...

    tks and a happy Vday to you and R as well.... do have that ice-cream .I am having a good time listening to all the songs recommended here.:)
  7. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    dear tanoshi,

    (This was in Tokyo, there are no power cuts there) ,and switched on all the lights. As if that wasn't enough, he saw all the nice food set on the table and while changing up said, "Pasikkardhu, soru podu" and went to sit with his true love :D the TV!!!!

    lol....a very personal love story indeed that you can one day share with your grandkids.

    Or if there's no beach, any waterside.

    I totally agree. LOVE the waterfront too and the noise of gurgling stream..

    Last year it was a stuffed toy - a love struck lion for my man..lol

    and how exactly does a love struck lion really look ? LOL

    Go to pick him up at his work place early and go out for dinner. Come back home and cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie. :)

    You Do that :thumbsup and have FUN.:cheers

    and tks for the movie recommendation.. Richard gere and J lo??? looking forward to watching that.
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  8. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Mindi, why is it not so surprising to see a thread with a list of questions from you...aah, i know the answer, i know YOU for so long..as you say..nice one buddy.

    now i am sure you are going to tell me, you knew i would take time to answer this thread even if i am pressed for some ..

    ok without being a spoilsport will definitely answer every question of yours after sharing this.

    This morning, i was cooking, and C wakes up and comes to give a gm hug and starts laughing, and when i look quizzing, she tells me she remembered something that happened 8 years back on this day..the feb 14.
    She was 8 and the first observation of the red and white balloons in all shopping malls and the sales that were screaming everywhere, ..so on feb 14, that year, we were all in our places in the kitchen, (it is one of our favorite places for discussions as family, while i cook, the three watch..)
    this is how it went..
    C: dad did you get mom flowers.
    V: No, i did not, why ??
    C: you should get red roses, teddy bears because it is valentines day..
    V: oh, i did not know that..

    so this is what he did next, he took the cauliflower that was lying on the counter, went on his knees and said "Will you be my valentine and happy valentines' day" on the same breath:hide: and the kids were screaming and clapping..wow, such a sweet memory..i thought the kids forgot, but they remember..

    I still have a dreamy smile whenever i see cauliflowers..

    Age?? what is that.. now why did you bring that here.. romantics do not age..

    Please fill in the blanks of the following sentences preferably in one line.You are most welcome to go overboard in expressing yourself.:)

    1)Romance to me is.........
    Companion silence, able to feel the love of your spouse even in a crowded room..

    2)Love to me is......
    Looking beyond the flaws and imperfection in the same direction. being the strength, the courage of the person you love..

    but i love khalil gibran's take on love more.
    "It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations."

    Home...the next one would be a garden, with a swing and brook and music..

    4)The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....
    Piping hot rice, dal, brinjal curry, curd rice with mango pickle.

    5)My favourite romantic song is.....

    AAjkal paon zameen par is something that i still feel after 20 years..:hide:
    so does this song makes me go mushy..

    I love these two songs for the reason that V sings it for me sometimes..
    endhan pennidam illada..
    nenjukkulle innarunnu..

    i have a long list..but for some other time.

    6) what I think is most symbolic of romance....

    The smile that reaches the eyes with a glint of mischief...

    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...

    A personalised scribbling something similar to this one.
    Celebration of Love- you made it happen. - Blogs - IndusLadies

    8)My favourite Love story is...
    P.S.I love you..for some reason not sure why..but the subtlety reaches out..

    9)A message to my Valentine would be....
    ------------------ he will understand what those --- means without my writing everything...and let the spirit of love embrace everyone in our path.

    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....

    stay at home. simple lunch/dinner.
    a nice chicklit..with a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee, me sitting on the floor with him on the sofa...hmm only he is xxx kms away...:rant

    same to you.
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  9. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    hey meenu,

    You may stand first in the line for this ENDEARING naughtiness that is so ingrained in you.:)

    1)Romance to me is.........

    when my DH pretends that he doesn't like plum cake so I (who loves it to crumbs) can have his share too.
    so, food does pave its way into romance , eh?

    4)The meal that I would choose for a romantic evening would be....

    Sambar vada baby...any day, anytime

    OH YEAH,Garam Garam sambhar mein dubhe Vada.... is it????

    a single red rose (I can almost hear my daughter saying 'corny mom':rotfl)


    8)My favourite Love story is...

    is that of Eve and Roarke, my favorite Cop and Millionaire story.

    OH a big time fan of J D robb are you ??
    I have not read any of her " in death" series..

    cook his favorite meal and go out to enjoy a movie or a show with my DH.

    I hope you get to do that,Meena dear....wish you fun and happiness always.:cheers
  10. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    thanks SSC, great to see you here :)

    10/10 for italian dinner and beach!!

    A big :cheers to that....

    1)Romance to me is.........

    Falling in love over and over again with the same person, and with a special spark each time :)

    Awww thats so sweet.. my best wishes to you for that to happen .:)

    7) My idea of a perfect Vday gift...

    A nice picture of us together, with something written in his handwriting... Now, thats a keepsake :)

    loved that :)

    10) today IF I were to celebrate V day I would.....

    Just book my tickets, and fly out to give him a surprise, and see the million-dollar grin!

    Awww How I wish i could say " Just do that SSC,but practicality prevents me from saying so.so do the next best thing.... the day you meet again can always be V day for you..what say ?? isn't it all in our minds, after all???:cheers

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