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Yet another Avatar

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Holi is one of our most colourful festivals. Colourful in the literal sense of the term. It is a time for rejoicing, happy get-togethers, feasting and saying adieu to the dreadful winter and welcoming the beautiful spring. But somewhere down the line, the Holi festivities have been taken over by the hooligans and today in some of the North Indian cities nobody ventures out on the day of Holi for fear of being roughed up by the thugs. Their method of celebrating Holi includes throwing balloons filled with dirty stuff, paper bags filled with faecal matter etc. The colouring stuff is made up of harmful chemicals that cause severe skin problems thus creating a huge demand for dermatologists! Some colours do not rub off till the next holi! These colours also change hues with every bath like the old ‘Bleeding Madras’ shirts!

    It is sad to note that the celebration of New Year Eve is taking a similar turn in Chennai. The hours preceding the break of New Year are virtually in the hands of highly inebriated youth who go on a rampage. A Maruti car, for instance, parked outside the Taj was smashed by the miscreants last year. Eves are not teased but tormented by the roadside Romeos. The Police come out with stern warnings against the miscreants and these warnings create no impact on the thugs but succeed in forcing the law-abiding citizens to stay at home! Several of my friends prefer to stay indoors and watch the muck dished out by the numerous TV channels rather than getting bashed up outside.

    But with the city already in the grip of the New Year fever, I was witness to an interesting incident at Adayar. The roads were choked with high density traffic and even the pedestrians were finding it difficult to move faster than a snail. Two-wheelers were sandwiched between the milling pedestrian crowd and the city buses. One scooterist nearly lost his life when a bus pulled up so close beside him that his knee brushed against the tyre of the bus. In sheer panic and disgust he aimed a kick at the side of the bus. Two of the passengers of the bus who were drunk jumped down from the moving bus and engaged the scooterist in a wordy duel. Putting pieces of the conversation together, I could make out that the action of the scooterist angered them because they felt that a kick aimed at the bus was a kick aimed at them being occupants of the bus at the material time. Suddenly one of the thugs delivered a violent blow on his head which could have laid him lifeless but for the helmet he was wearing. Before the scooterist could recover from the initial shock, they started punching him on the chest and back and we were standing there helpless and paralysed. The scooterist pleaded with them with folded hands not to hit him but in vain.

    Just then two men came that way on a mobike, got down from the vehicle and ascertained from the onlookers the reason for the scuffle. They then turned on the thugs and gave them such a thrashing the like of which I have seen only in Rajnikanth movies. As the crowd around rejoiced at this sudden appearance of the good Samaritans and the deliverance of the innocent man, I found myself focusing on the two men. I suddenly found the vision around me dissolving into an ethereal landscape and the two men fusing into a formless light. I heard a faint recitation of

    Yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya glaanir-bhavati Bhaarata/
    Abhyttaana-madharmasya tadaatmaanam srijaamyaham//
    Paritraanaaya saadhoonam vinaasaaya cha dushkritaam/
    Dharma samsthaapanaarthaaya sambhavami yuge yuge//

    I realised that the two men represented the fulfillment of the Lord’s Promise. In them, I could perceive yet another Avatar. I was filled with a strange glow and I looked forward to another New Year with greater confidence.

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  2. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Cheeniya,

    Is it not consoling that even the worst traffic and population density of Adayar has its positive side?! Yes, don't be surprised. You may be thinking that K has gone bonkers...how can she see anything 'positive' in the mad rush of Adayar. Well, its hopelessness has only brought out gems of observation from you and in turn you share them with us and all of us have stood to profit from your wonderful accounts!
    Some time back, you wrote about "Feeling like a worm", also an article triggered by the insensitivities in Adayar streets. That moved me no end. This one is just the same, shocks one about the mad rush and the rudeness of youth. Just as we wonder if there is any sense in all this madness, you talk about seeing the Lord's many hidden wonders manifested...again...in two young men.
    So, thank God, all is not lost and there is always hope if we can perceive it!
    I have heard from the old and wise that the sun sets and rises only because there is still good on earth. Let that be a Divine Truth.
    Thanks for sharing this with us in your inimitable style.

    ...And...I wish you and yours a very Healthy, Happy and Peace filled 2008!:cheers

    L, Kamla
  3. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Cheeniya Sir,
    Yet another thought provoking from you. The last 3 lines as always the crowning jewel..In them you could see the Lord's promise..these lines are what we should live by..Though you have outlined so well in detail what some people do as part of New Year's celebration , I dont think I need to wait for New Year's eve to see such horror..It is highly prevalent though out the world in many different forms.some terrible some difficult some even gruesome..That you saw the 2 men at the end to save the innocent is your luck..In what I can see of life, the tormentors continue to torment and no one lifts a finger to stop it..many are willing bystanders and others dont care..You can tell I sometimes watch CNN where from I pick up all these happenings..I make it a point to only watch it occassionally or any other news media for that matter . Just 2 months back I happened to see a shocking news story that happened in Florida in a very poor neighborhood. I cannot even relate it here thats how sad the whole thing was..To this day nothing much has been done except the whole thing gets enmeshed in the legal system..sometimes even that does not happen!
    Its truly a turn of events when atleast one human being realises that he/she has to step in to balance the equation. I am glad our dear friend Kamla wrote before me because her answer to me is like the silver lining.so well spoken..so I will adapt those lines that the Sun sets and rises because there is still good on earth.
    Wishing everyone a Healthy, Peaceful and Happy New Year 2008:queen
  4. RamyaVaradharajan

    RamyaVaradharajan Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Cheeniya sir,

    "Yet another Avatar" is apt and in a nut shell it brings out the qualities that the youth need to instill in themselves for a better tomorrow. Leave alone a better tomorrow; but for their own betterment. This would ultimately reflect upon a flawless and a well knitted nation.

    I guess Lord Mahaveer's incident can be brought to light in this context (i read about the same recently). Once he was in deep meditation and it was told that a large amount of peaceful and serene energy emanated from his eyes. A bird, that happened to rest beside Lord Mahaveer, got frightened and flew away when he opened his eyes. In spite of being a calm person, Lord Mahaveer felt that "Violence is inherent in the very opening of human eyes".

    The modern generation is filled with enthusiasm that at times is filled with rage and fury which is uncontrollable and over-rules the nature tailored master computer ("Brain"). The same can be felt in various situations which you have neatly sketched.

    The crown of India's spiritual wisdom- "Bhagavad Gita"; reveals the nature and state of the "consciousness" in a lucid and profound manner that is to be realized and applied in all walks of Life. The Supreme personality of Godhead says :Yoginam api sarvesam... "Of all yogis or transcendentalists, one who always thinks of Me within himself is best."

    I whole heartedly thank your esteemed self for having sketched this landscape a couple of days before the New Year Day. The divine incarnation can be felt in all his creations if patiently viewed and accepted.

    I pray to the Almighty to bless our family members here and through out the globe for a happy, prosperous, healthy and an auspicious New year. May the day dawn from the womb of mother nature with nurturing aspects sprinkled from heaven !!

  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamla
    I am so happy to receive that response as the first one to my thread. I have tried to convey that there is no need to seek God through the toughest of penance. He manifests Himself day in and day out through such acts as I have described and all that we need to do is to keep our eyes open.
    But when even such evolved souls like Adi Sankara could not see the Lord in the untouchable that he encountered in Kashi until the Lord threw him a probing question, what are we,the lowly mortals, to complain about?
    But as you have rightly pointed out,as long as the Sun rises and sets, let us keep our faith in the goodness around us!
    And I wish you too and your family a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year!
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2007
  6. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear AC
    I agree with you that the bad things that keep happening around us depress us no end. Though we blame it on Kali Yuga, we can't help getting agitated by such incidents. But let us remember that promises are broken only by the humans but not the Divine. We must keep our faith in His promise. I see Him in several incidents around me such as what I have narrated in my thread.
    When the mighty come to the rescue of the weak, I see His presence there.
    When someone leads a blind across the road, I see Him there. No good thing can happen where He is not manifest.
  7. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri,
    Lovely post - can I copy the same in my Gita sub-forum also?
    It will fit there beautifully !
    To be very frank, your title shook me with surprise!
    I thought you were planning to take a new avatar in 2008 !:idea
    I even went to the extent of imagining (ofcourse wildly) that the shift may be from humour to contemplation (philosophical?) for obvious reasons !!
    Thank God, you realise that we need more humour, if possible more & more humour from you.

    Yes, Sri, we now see in life, the truth of the saying
    Manushyan deiva roopaeNa
    It is upto us to identify the truth in this statement and equate correctly.
    The avatars are answers to the silent prayers of the good people and perhaps Lord decides to descend to the world-arena to set things right - the protection of the good, the destruction of the wicked and to re-establish the essential divine nature of man.
    Oops,sorry Sri, this is my FB post & not a Gita post !bonk
    Vish & I take this opportunity of wishing you & yours, a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2008.
  8. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Ramya
    You have captured the essence of what I tried to convey through a long exposition in a short and lucid sentence 'The divine incarnation can be felt in all his creations if patiently viewed and accepted. '

    The episode of Lord Mahaveera is indeed an eye opener. The profundity of his teaching that 'Violence is inherent in the very opening of the human eyes' shows what a great apostle of non violence he was. Thank you for embellishing my thread with a very ennobling feed back. What more is needed than to redidicate ourselves to such noble thoughts on the eve of this New Year!

    You are indeed blessed to have been endowed with a very mature thought process at such a young age. People like you add a lot of lustre to IL.

    I wish you all the very best in the New Year!
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  9. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chithra
    Please be assured that I have no intention to change my Avatar from the Owl! I think that I am the only one in IL who uses this Avatar!
    Your switch over from Deivam Manushya Roopena to Manushyan Deiva Roopena sounds very significant. It reminds me of a song of Kannadasan, 'Manithan enbavan deivamagalam'. The qualities that deify a man are spelt out beautifully in that song. It is difficult for a man to attain Divine status. It is even more difficult to identify the God among men!
    Most of us have been trained to look for God in Temples, mosques and Churches but not among us. Most of us associate Gods with some distinguishing features. All these make it difficult for us to identify Him even if He travels with us in a train or a plane!
    I and Indra wish you and my good friend Vish all the very best in 2008!
  10. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri,
    Can't help coming back so quickly, on reading your sentence
    Most of us associate Gods with some distinguishing features
    In our younger days, N T RamaRao's face was associated with Rama, Krishna etc, after seeing so many movies where he was handsome enough to carry the roles..
    Later we switched over to accepting Nikhil Bharadwaj as Rama in BR Chopra's serial !
    In spite of all their popularity, can we ever imagine the Big B or Sharukh Khan as Rama or Krishna ? I wonder !!
    Is that a wild thought?

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