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Profundity is the name of the game!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Profundity is the name of the game!

    A friend of mine recently raised a very pertinent question. Pertinent at least according to me. He asked me why a heavy food at day made you so sleepy but the same at night would make you an insomniac. Honestly I never thought about it ever, though I had experienced this several times in my life. Though I am aware that some of the more enlightened ILites will have some plausible answers for this, as far as I am concerned, this will be one of life’s many riddles that will remain unsolved forever.

    Coming to think of it, it is our ability to contemplate on such little riddles of life that makes us stand out as extraordinary individuals. For example, if you muse on the above question even without finding any answer but could pose more such questions, you are bound to reach dizzy heights in your social ranking. Like, for instance, why do we wash bath towels? Are we not already clean when we use them, and if not, what's the point of having a bath? Or you can show that you are tech savvy with questions like ‘If you are in a vehicle going at the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?’
    Throw around a few more of such probing riddles and you reach a philosopher status.

    I have heard quite a few exponents of Gita, philosophers and erudite scholars my life. People tend to evaluate them not by the depth of their knowledge of a particular subject but by the anecdotes that they narrate. The farther is the relevance of such anecdotes to the main topic, the better. Why is it so? Let us take an exponent of Gita for example. Most of us know Gita in its simple form and understand its meaning in its fundamentals. We do not go to listen to an expert to hear what we already know. The expert also knows that. In order to prove the depth and extent of his knowledge, he is under pressure to build his own repertoire of jokes, anecdotes and questions that would apparently supplement his lectures on Gita. Even if they don’t, he will still stuff them into his talk so that he can continue to ride the crest of his popularity.

    The latest trend is to address a few questions to the audience and not expect a reply to such questions. The only thing is that you do not make it look like a question but a profound statement by adding things like, have you ever wondered why it is so etc! Put that way, it is bound to hit the audience as a monumental example of your sagacity! You may try questions like ‘ Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?’

    My suggestion to you, therefore, is not to dismiss anything as too trivial to merit your attention. Everything can be built up into something very profound by presenting it in such a manner that it evokes some introspection in others. While doing so, body language too can be an effective tool. I remember an occasion when a friend told me that he could remember what he ate this morning or a day before but not what he ate a week before and looking deeply into my eyes, for a few minutes, added, “You know why!” And I was lost to the world for a whole week trying to find an answer!
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2021
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  2. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice one Sir!
    I understood one thing for sure, to make people think you are a great thinker, a philosopher, etc. you should pose such questions for which they had to break their head for an answer! like which came first--egg or the chicken

    perfect example of such a thing is--the film song--'kodi asaindhadhum kaatru vandadaa'..

    Ok my question is ---if you have honey in the morning with lemon juice or hot water, you will slim, but if you take the same with warm milk during the night, you will put on weight?
    Any answer????

  3. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Cheeniya Sir
    yet another of your great threads and thought provoking title. As soon as I read the title I knew you were going to let the cat out of the bag !?! or try and catch more mice ??!! Not sure how to answer the bath towel question I am sure it was not intended for mandu like me! Have you ever wondered why people who are intellectually challenged have to face such bath towel and other profound questions? Beats me!
    Talking about philosophers I have to mention Dayananda Saraswati here. I used to attend his lectures a long time back. I always thought very highly of him and he was very eloquent to say the least. Not that I knew much about the subject matter then (dont know anything now; atleast now I know I dont know nothing about anything;will stop ramble here) The most annoying thing that he did was to deviate from the subject line. I used to take notes during his speeches (proof that I am big mandu) and he would go off on tangent with all his anecdotes and jokes and such and the audience will have a hay day all but me who will be waiting for him to pick up the main (serious) topic and talk about it. Which he always did,pick up the main thread in his lecture. I was reminded of these when you wrote about the erudite scholars.
    It is interesting that you end with a request. Towards this request I am planning to do something. When I goto workout tomorrow,to the lady who scans my card to let me in, I am going to ask a profound question "You do know why I am here dont you?" and I will keep one foot in front of the other to add emphasis thru body language!!!!!!
    Continuing wearing "kulla" ..
    wonder how we are going to face the reactions from Bhajanai Khosti- you have dared to start of with a heavy food question and even more daringly have talked about Gita exponents; In your para about Gita exponents I dont even know which line to point. Each is profound in its own way especially the line "stuff them into his talk" are you talking about kozkattai or kozhakozha ventaikai; And mention of the latest trend in questions is the icing!!!!! Be forewarned and forearmed. the sky is falling !!!!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2007
  4. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Ha ha, ,
    Now that our resident Naradamuni (or should it be NaradImuni?!!) has done the job, let me go ahead with my fb!
    Yes Cheeniya sir, long time no see...on my part of course. But believe you me, I am waiting for some time of my own and I want to catch up on all your posts!
    This one was too too good! I am always amazed at the way you notice the most mundane things and make an arresting post out of it!
    What you wrote is so true and almost all those who are in to public speaking resort to this technique to capture the attention. Enjoyed reading it.
    BTW, have you ever wondered as to why you write so well and call them ramblings???....eeehihee......a poor try, but I did!

    L, Kamla
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  5. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Honestly,as i saw the title in the new posts section, i thought what is it going to be today..the word profundity pulled pack a few blocks..and took me back to the drama classes ..shakesphere...during school days....

    So, the bath towel, the shoe lace, the egg or chicken, everything is a thought provoking schema of actions.....good....so now i can go around with an air of profundity even though i ask a stupid question...:queen and I have to thank you for that...

    because if i state something with a little pressure and a few pauses...I may soon find others start to nod in agreement, perhaps muttering “How true that is". Isn't this what is happening today......at most of the classes, seminars...
    Lot of these people who give these speeches are notorious for the same....technique..but we all lap it up....

    2 days back, there was a quote of Madhavan's speech at the breathe eazy lauch....where in he stated my son has not seen a sparrow, he is three....y because there are no worm..y no worms..because of the pollution....and then ...tomorrow we may makes dosa's and rotis on the road...." the impact of this was...I started thinking how true".

    It is all in the name and in the game....

    For your request...let me start, with my neighbour....with a "You know what..................".
  6. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri
    Putting a question across that will make others break their heads is one thing but follow that question with a smug or serious look and an inscrutable smile like that of Mona Lisa and you are sure to hit the jackpot! That song 'Kodi asainthathum' was specially written for lovers to mull over instead of wasting their time over 'sweet nothings'!
    This honey thing is new to me. Never knew honey was a double edged weapon! But thanks for the point. It will help me to spend my next few days in contemplation!
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear AC
    I see that you are on the right track already!
    What you have written about Dayanand Saraswathi is true of all speakers irrespective of their subject matter or areas of specialisation. I have heard Palkhiwala on Union Budget, Prof.Chandrasekhar on Population explosion or Shiv Kera on You can Win and I can tell you that their speeches wouldn't draw half the crowd if they were not packed with juicy jokes. Such humourless speeches would be like listening to Jesudoss with a severe sore throat!
    Coming to our in-house exponents, I have always found that their brand of humour is juicier than mine! It is like the latest Five Star chocolate with nuts and fruits! Remove them and you'll have only a kozha kozha mouth and the chocolate inside the mouth stranded like Trisangu not knowing whether it is going in or coming out!
  8. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamla
    You are right about our Naradimuni who has started the attack like Shoib Akthar! Let's see whether the wickets will fall or she'll fall!
    Mundane things of life offer a greater scope for humour than the serious ones. If someone gets flattened by a speeding truck, it cant be a subject matter for some light-hearted banter but if a fat aunty slips on a banana peel, it would most certainly be 'The Comedy Time!'
    I call it Senile Rambling as both the words complement each other so well!
  9. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Shanthi
    We had a professor in my college days who was well known for his horrible English! But he had the knack of making us wonder if he made those mistakes out of his ignorance or to mock at us! He,however, became legendary for his way of using the English language! His phrases like, 'Get out or I'll ask the Principal to get out' and reprimanding the students who loitered around the verandah aimlessly with his classic,"Boys, why are you rotating the Verandah?!"
    He is the one who taught me that you could cover up your stupid statements with a very grave look on your face!
  10. Malathijagan

    Malathijagan Silver IL'ite

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    Cheeniya Sir,
    Now you seem to be in a philosophical mood. May be the scientists will start working on this?!
    "He asked me why a heavy food at day made you so sleepy but the same at night would make you an insomniac."
    I liked Kamla's question to you and your reply to it too!-
    Kamla-BTW, have you ever wondered as to why you write so well and call them ramblings???....eeehihee......a poor try, but I did!
    I call it Senile Rambling as both the words complement each other so well!

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