Astrological predictions

Discussion in 'Astrology Numerology & More!' started by Pragaspathy, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. welcome

    welcome New IL'ite

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    i did not get response for my earlier mail.
    Hence givinig the info again for you ready ref.
    Hope to receive a reply.
    Appreciate your services.

    1) Date of Birth:Sept 27,1966
    2) Time of Birth: 6.02 pm (chennai, India)
    3) Place of Birth:(chennai, India)

    i would like to know the following:

    Future: Settlement and family.
    i am blessed with a kid and husband.

  2. shreyashreyas

    shreyashreyas Gold IL'ite

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    My details are as below

    1) Date of Birth :29th Aug 1982
    2) Time of Birth: 5:50 PM
    3) Place of Birth: Bangalore

    I was doing my MSc when i got married. discontinued. Want to do MBA now. Will i ever study and complete my masters. please tell me

    and also
    Originally Posted by Pragaspathy
    Dear Mrs Sandhya,

    Your 10th lord (lord of profession) is associated with the 2nd and 11th Lord Jupiter and well placed in the 9th house, i.e. iin the house of luck. Also, your 10th Lord Mars is well placed in its own house i..e in 7th house from Navamsa Lagna, i.e. in the House of Aries. These indications will not allow you to be a silent spectator as a House wife. If you have got a wish to go for employment, you can try for the same and you will get it.
    Sir, you had mentioned that i will work. can you also tell me by when will i get a job. i am trying from a long time but not getting any to my satisfaction

    Sir please reply
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  3. devidxb

    devidxb New IL'ite

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    Dear Pragaspathy,

    Plese tell me in general about my horoscope.... my career,family,children etc.

    DOB 2 - 12 - 1984
    Time 9: 30 AM (India)
    Place of birth India

    Many Thanks
  4. Pragaspathy

    Pragaspathy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Pritirach;1062411

    On scrutiny of your birth chart,it is found that you belong to LIbra Lagna and the Moon sign is Scorpio and you belong Jyesta star. The house from your lagna is occupied by exalted Sun, owner of 11th house. When the 11th, the lord of profit is placed in the 7th house, you will have a very luxurious married life.

    As the 10th house is occupied by exalted Jupiter. So, you will have a decent job. Moreover the Sun is more powerful in your in your horoscope, since the Sun is occupying both the Rasi chart and also Navamsa chart. This is called Vargottama position. Sun is more powerful. You will have a very future.

    <May God Bless u abundantly in all respect

  5. Pragaspathy

    Pragaspathy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi lekhas;1062495

    I am sorry for the delay. I am answering all the queries one by one. Kindly let me whether your time of birth on the night of 31st December 1975 or on the night of 1st Jan 1976, since you have mentioned as 12.25 AM/ On getting reply, I shall immediately reply to you.

  6. Pragaspathy

    Pragaspathy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi ushan;1062592


    I think I hv answered your request. If not kindly repost the same.

  7. Pragaspathy

    Pragaspathy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi pavithra55;1062660

    In your mother's horoscope horoscope, the Ascendant is occupied by Mars, Sun and Rahu. The Ascendant is soul and moon is mind and body. As the Ascendant is occupied by the three malefic planets, normally, it will give health problems, especally the Rahu in the 1st house is not good for normal health.

    IN any female horoscope, the combination of Sun and Mars, both of them are hot planets, not good for happy married life. In most of the case, this combination will separate the life partner.

    IN addition, the placement of Ketu in the 7th house form her Ascendant will make her much oriented to religion than normal bed relations.

    She has a good Dana Yoga. The 2nd lord (house of family) and the 11th lord Jupiter (house of profit) have joined in the second house itself. This is a very indication for dhana yoga. As the 8th house is aspected by teh 8th lord Jupiter, she will have good longevity.

    At present, she is running Mars dasa Rahu Bhukti and this will be operative till 3.9.2010. Till this period, she may be having health issues. But do not worry, everything will go alright.

    Regarding the question raised by you, please arrange to furnish your question No. and also the answer number, with your request, so that I can analyse your request and send the reply because, it is little difficult to trace the back messages.

    may god bless u and your family abundantly in all resepct.

  8. Pragaspathy

    Pragaspathy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi slmi;1062780

    In your son/s horoscope, the Lagna - Sima (Simmam) is occupied by the house Lord Sun, Jupiter and Venus. The Lagna, ie the soul is more powerful.

    The fourth house is considered as the house of educaiton. This house is aspected by the house lord Mars, which will certainly give him good eduation. The 5th hosue, the house of intelligence is aspected by the house lord Jupiter and also the Moon is also aspected by the Jupiter. Moon controls the mind. The aspect of JUpiter is very blessing and the mind will be very balanced one and it will not have any oscillation. More over his Lagna Lord Sun and also the Moon are in triangle position, i.e. 1st and 9th house. This means that his soul and mind will work togeher and he will not have dual mind.

    The 10th house is occupied by Mars. Normally, Mars, in the tenth house will make such native as a commanding police officer, top military officer, surgeon etc.

    While I hav narrated the good placement, it is my duty to inform the placment of Rahu in the 5th house. 5th house among other thing relates to Pithru Sthan. The placement of Rahu in the 5th house causes Pithru dosham. Hence, he will have to do the remeidal measures to please his foreparents.

    Normally, those who having the Sun in the Lagna, will have the marriage after 27 years. Hence, I have not analysed his marraige timing for the time being. However, this canbe done after some time.

    May God Bless U and all your family members, abundantly in all resepct.
  9. Pragaspathy

    Pragaspathy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi slmi;1062780


    I am extremely sorry that I have mis analysed your son's chart, by taking the year of birt as 1992 instead of 1982. While saving the same, I noticed this. Kindly ignore the message sent by me. It is purely my mistake on having entered the year of birth.

    However, on scrutiny of his birth chart, it is found that he has Moon, Mercury and Sun. The placement Mercury in Lagna (except Pisces Lagna) will make the people highly intelligent. The combination of Mercury and Sun has caused an excellant yoga.

    The aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house, house of life partner, 9th ouse,house of fortune and 11th house, house of proft is very good for him. The SAturn is karaka for Longevity and the aspect of Saturn from 2nd to 8th will give him good longevity

    IN his horoscope, all the planets are hemmed in betwen Rahu and Kethu, which is called Kala Sarpa Dosha. Such natives will normally have delay in matters, like education, employment, marriage, children etc. This dosha will get nullified after the age of 32 years. As planets are moving from Rahu to Kethu, the intensity of the dosha is reduced.

    He has Kethu in the 5th house, the house of pithrusthan. Hence, it is advisable to do some preethi for his forefathers.

    The sun in the Lagna will normally make the native to get married after 27 years. Howeer, the transit Jupiter is directly aspecting the Lagna. Hence, there may be chances of marriage enquiry. Now he is running the dasa of Lagna Lord Sun. Normally, the dasa of Lagna lord will god results only.

    KInldy post your request after some time, so that I can tentatively work out his timing of employment.

    Again, I would like to inform you that I am sorry for the mistake committed by me.

    May God Bless U and your family abundantly in all respect.

  10. Pragaspathy

    Pragaspathy IL Hall of Fame

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