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Grocery Shopping, an Extreme Sport

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Balajee, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    It is high time that shopping for groceries is declared an extreme sport. It is far more dangerous than bungee jumping, skydiving etc. The chances of your bursting a blood vessel or getting a heart attack is far higher here than the chance of you breaking your head or bones or giving up the ghost in the other extreme sports (Note the OTHER, I have already declared it a dangerous sport).

    It all began for me, a guy who steers clear of danger in every way, a guy chap nurses ambitions of dying peacefully ub old age in say another half a century,, on the eve of the Pongal festival when my wife stumbled upon the terrible truth about the absence in our house of moong dal, the vital ingredient to make the dish after which the festival is named. (I hold my head up in pride as a Tamil. Only we have a festival named after a dish. After all, there are no festivals named tandoori chicken, butter chicken or matar- paneer?).

    Immediately she did the unthinkable and unspeakable thing. She told me to rush out and get a kilo of the lentil. I always steer clear of buying dals as I cannot tell one lentil from another. I mix up chana and arahar dal which often look like long lost twins. But this was an emergency as my wife and daughter were neck deep in pre-festival house cleaning. So I rushed out and plunged headlong into danger without even realizing it. I didn't know that the seemingly simple task of buying a kilo of lentils was fraught with high risk and peril.

    So I entered the self service store and took a packet of the dal.. The bill I got at the counter nearly gave me a heart attack and sent up my usually below normal BP soaring. The world at least .the shop spun around me. I suppose I escaped narrowly from getting a heart attack or a burst blood vessel.

    Believe it or not, the price of dal stood at Rs 143 per kilo!That too not in the open market but at a central government cooperative store which prides at giving the customers discounts making all items available below the market price..

    "Can't you make pongal without moong dal?" I mumbled as I reached home. "Can you stage Hamlet without the prince of Denmark?" retorted my wife.

    I escaped narrowly though my BP soared faster than the price of dal but others may not be that lucky. Both me and my wife agreed that the grocery shops should follow the system adopted by fashion designers who as a rule tag .their creations with ' price on request' possibly to protect the prospective buyer from heart attacks and skyrocketing B when they quote the rate.

    Here is a scenario at a grocery shop:

    Customer: A kilo of moong dal please?

    Shopkeeper: Is your BP okay? What's your bad lipoprotein and triglyceride level? Do you have a history of heart problems?

    Customer (puzzled): What has all these got to do with a simple request for moong dal?

    Shopkeeper: Do you have a medical certificate proving that you don't have abovementioned ailments?

    Customer:: (getting angry): What for? I just need a kilo of lentils?

    Shopkeeper: Do you think I should have an ambulance standing by with a medical team before I quote the price?

    Customer:( Whose BP IS now really soaring): Just tell me the price of the dal will you!!! (This sentence is preceded by a series of unprintables).

    The shopkeeper quotes the price and sees the customer vanish from before his eyes? Wondering whether the customer is endowed with superspeed or ability to disappear, he looks down and finds the customer lying on the ground gasping for breath.

    Shopkeeper (blending a note of triumph with sorrow): I warned you didn't I?

    At this rate the health ministry should make it compulsory for shopkeepers to have a sign outside their stores declaring that shopping for groceries is injurious to health and every customer must come armed with proper medical certificates along with shopping bags.

    But this could be fun. At this rate we would soon have reality shows on TV which would require the participants to survive a grocery shopping spree.

    And the way price of lentils is soaring soon they would have a pride of price along with exotic items like caviar, foie gras at the parties of rich and famous.

    And you can always catch middle class government servants and slap cases of owning assets disproportionate to known sources of income if they are caught buying lentils. Politicians and bureaucrats will jack up their bribe rates pleading that they have to buy groceries with that.

    Who knows in future even Swiss bank vaults could yield kilos of lentils stashed there by our babus, netas and businessmen who start hoarding dals , giving that worthless yellow metal gold and precious stones a go by.

  2. amihere

    amihere Platinum IL'ite

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    The soaring prices of day to day necessities are really alarming and you have put it down in a hilariuos way:thumbsup
  3. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Soaring is an understatement. The prices have already crossed the stratosphere.
  4. knot2share

    knot2share Gold IL'ite

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    This is pretty much the experience we have, everytime we come on a holiday to India. Things that used to cost Rs5/- those days are atleast Rs 30 to 40 now. So unbelievable honestly. I remember going to Spencer Plaza in Madras once and had a glass of Chikoo Juice and it costed me Rs45!! I was shocked. Jasmine flowers which we used to get 1 mozham for 50 paise, now costs Rs 20 and that too the flowers are tied so far apart. It is amazing to see how people still manage to indulge very often partying and eating out. Only thing that has not changed is the cost for an archana in the temple which is still a humble Rs 2.50 or something like that. Enjoyed your post.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  5. Jpatma

    Jpatma Silver IL'ite

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    Typical of your style, hilarious.
    I think shopping itself is an extreme sport, i still have not figured out where inflation has not crept in.
    Enjoyed the forewarning by the shop keepers .
  6. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    hi Balajee...hilarious as always..grocery shopping is a chore for me and a BORING one at that with the increasing prices.:)

    Shree.....where do you get an archana for 2.50?????
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  7. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Balaji,
    Sorry i have come late, byt blame it on the internet problems i have been having.
    Heart attack, BP bcs of Dal ? Well well, good i dont have to do this dirty job.No wonder harsha keeps asking me for more money, and it finishes faster than i can blink.
    But i tell u, best is to eat fish.the price has remained constant all this while.Rau is 80 per kg, singara and lanchi too around the same price as for the last 10 eyars.
    That is why i say veg people aer expensive to maintain, HAHA.
    Superb one, what wit and what style.
  8. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey which temple is that? It must be a heavily subsidized one. Otherwise even beggars outside temples dont accept Rs 2.50/1
  9. knot2share

    knot2share Gold IL'ite

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    Oh no!! Mindi/Balajee.......Looks like I am wrong here. Has that gone up too?? Last time when I heard of it, was still Rs 2.50, but then when was the last time???.........mmmmmmmmmm........quite a while back come to think of it now. Even until recently I remember hearing that it was around Rs 2.50 or so. But again how recent is this recent........I dunno.
  10. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    knot2share, what is the name of this Rs 2.50 paise archana temple. Bhagavan Inflationproofesvara/

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