Words of Sathguru SaiBaba!

Discussion in 'Pujas Prayers & Slokas' started by itsmebhagi, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    "யார் கைவிட்ட போதிலும்,என் பக்தனை நான் என்றும் கைவிடமாட்டேன்"-ஷீரடி சாய்பாபா.
    manjusha19 likes this.
  2. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    We May Not Stop the Birds from Flying Over us
    but can Stop them From Nesting on Heads


    There are six internal enemies that halt our progress. They are lust, anger, avarice, attachment, pride and jealousy. All these dwell within us. God has gifted mankind with power of discretion. By exercising the discerning power of the intellect, we can go near to God. But the internal enemies, again and again, scuttle our efforts to inch our way towards God. As both the sense organs and mind get tempted and overpowered by these enemies, we 'commit' mistakes. We, therefore, should cultivate faith, dedication and patience. We have to surrender to Baba and pray to Him 'Baba! Please move me on to the path of righteousness'. Sometimes, when emotions overtake us, we commit blunders, though our intellect warns us "No". But, if we apply our minds, we come to know what mistakes we committed. Then, we can make sure, such mistakes are not repeated.

    A person, who sincerely repents, must not repeat the mistakes. We should always think of our conduct, identify our evil thoughts and deeds and ensure that they do not recur. As long as we strive to conquer these internal enemies by reposing faith in Baba, we will succeed to scare the birds of evil thought to fly away from our Mind-Tree instead of making a nest on it. Faith-charged devotion to Baba will crown us with success.
    manjusha19 likes this.
  3. memyself

    memyself Junior IL'ite

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    Welcome back bhagi sister and please post it in english i cant read tamil so happy to see u back please keep posting everyday.May BABA bless you:).
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  4. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    [h=3]சாயி சாயி[/h]


    உங்களுடைய புத்திசாலித்தனத்தை மூட்டை கட்டி வைத்துவிட்டு எப்போதும் "சாயி சாயி" என்று நினைவு வைத்துக் கொள்வீர்கள் என்றால் இந்த உலகின் பிடிகளிலிருந்து நீங்கள் விடுவிக்கப்படுவீர்கள்.-ஷீரடி சாய்பாபா[ஸ்ரீ சாய் சத்சரித்திரம்]

    Keep aside your brilliance and keep chanting "Sai Sai". When you do this you will be relieved from worldly matters. - Sri Shirdi Sai Baba [Sri Sai Sath Sarithram]
    manjusha19 and VanithaSudhir like this.
  5. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    Baba is the Source of Peace in Times of Crisis


    Even if a war, agitation, chaos or difficult situation persists outside, Baba protects us with His Divine Power by throwing His hands around us. We, being in His protection, will get rid of fear and pain and find peace of mind. It is common experience to face troubles in life and preventing them is not in our hands. We need a tough heart to weather the storm of struggles. The Grace of God gives us that power. Then, the impact of the external events cannot touch us. Things or expressions of the external world are mere physical and pains from such sufferings are inevitable. Sometimes we feel that we are helpless in controlling such adversities. However, the Omnipotent Baba would bless His staunch devotees to endure pains with ease and calm.

    Baba makes us wise as to not to torment our minds and hearts by the pain of the harsh times we face. We get totally assured that Baba will set right the things. We reach such a stage that even if the sky falls down, we think; "It's all right! I should not bother since Baba is there to take care of". Those in the Protective Arms of Baba will be like a grand-daughter reading peacefully nestled in the lap of her grand father without feeling uneasy or troubled. Then, there will be no hurdle for meditation, for reading, for Sadhana. Being in His protective arms, peace would be at heart. That serenity, only Baba can give us.
    manjusha19 likes this.
  6. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Sister,


    Thank you! :thankyou2:

    Will definitely translate and put so that all can read, thanks for the suggestion!!

    May Baba bless you with peace and happiness...

    || Om Sai Ram ||
  7. memyself

    memyself Junior IL'ite

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    Thank you so much bhagi sister.:banana
  8. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    செல்வம் வந்து சேரும்


    வீரபத்ரனின் கேள்வி: " பாபா, செல்வம் என்னை அலட்சியப்படுத்துகிறது. மனைவியோ, இதை கொண்டுவா, அதைக் கொண்டுவா என்று முடிவேயில்லாமல் உரிமையுடன் கேட்கிறாள். போதும், போதும் இந்த அவமானம். எனக்கு இந்த இல்லறத்தின் கெளரவமே வேண்டாம்"!!

    பாபா பதில்: "உன்னுடைய பாக்கியகாலம் நெருங்குகிறது; வீணாக துவண்டுவிடாதே. கையைக் கழுவுவது எவ்வளவு சுலபமோ அவ்வளவு சுலபமாக உனக்கு செல்வம் வந்து சேரும். பெரும் செல்வத்திற்கு அதிபதி ஆவாய்"!!

    (பாபாவின் நல்வாக்கு)

    பின்னர் நடந்தது: வீரபத்ரனின் தரிசு நிலத்தின் மதிப்பு திடிரென்று உயர்ந்தது. 1 லட்சம் ருபாய் (100 வருடங்களுக்கு முன்பு) கொடுக்கத்தயார் என்று சொல்லிக்கொண்டு வாங்குபவர் ஒருவர் வந்தார்.

    Veerabadhran's question: "Baba, money is procrastinating me. My wife is also asking me to get her all that she desires, with full ownership. I am feeling ashamed of all this and I do not need the family prestige"!!

    Baba's reply: "Your period of good fortune is approaching; Don't get disappointed in vain. You will soon become wealthy, which is as easy as the way you wash your hands. You will soon be the ruler of great wealth"!!

    (Baba's good words)
    Incident that happened later: The price of Veerabadhran's fallow land suddenly increased. A person appoached him stating that he will buy the land giving a price of Rs. 1 Lakh (100 years before).

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  9. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    Baba's Words are the Path to Self-Liberation


    To make the journey of life run smoother, we need to choose a competent Guide or we may revert to square one. It is like getting caught in the Karmic wheel of birth-death-rebirth. When we are moving on one path, our vision is limited to the visible path ahead or surroundings. But, if we have a road-map, we could easily learn which path will lead us to which destination or where we have started or where we will reach. We will be aware of the ups and downs, valleys or road-blocks or forks on the way. Meaningless it would be to begin the journey without knowing the route and the destination looks elusive, difficult and time consuming. It may again prove fatal if we move into wild forest areas where the predators may prey on us. This is just about an ordinary path. But, how could humans travel and reach the permanent abode of peace? The glorious words of Baba, who is our Spiritual Guide, alone will help us reach it.

    We should have faith in Baba and try to practice His golden teachings with a pure mind and firm resolve. Then, we can definitely reach His Holy Presence - our ultimate destination. Just as the one travelling in a forest needs a guide, so do we, to move on the path of spirituality, with total faith in the Master's words. We have to cast our burdens on Baba only, who with His Guiding Light, shows us the right path to Self-liberation.
  10. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    அனுமதிக்க முடியாது


    பட்டினியாய் இருப்பது நன்றன்று. மனம், உடல், ஆரோக்கியம் மற்றும் இறைவனை அடைய மிதமான உணவு உட்கொள்ள வேண்டியது அவசியம்.
    ஒரு புனிதமான நாளில் எனது குழந்தைகள் பட்டினியாயிருப்பதை என்னால் ஒருபோதும் அனுமதிக்க முடியாது .- ஸ்ரீ ஷீரடி சாய்பாபா.

    Its not good to starve. It is vital to consume the right amount of food to satisfy your heart, body, health and also to attain the Supreme.
    I can never allow my children starving on an auspicious day. - Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
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