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When Child Acts Embarrassed Of You?

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by momsky, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks @Shanvy ... I've been a bit down lately after DD told me the reason why my eldest is acting up like this. She said some of his classmates have been curious as to why I look young and that maybe I may not be his/their real mother because I'm very fair and has average height to have tall kids (ds1 is 12 and 5'11).

    Nowadays, I just come very early to drop off my chidren's lunch.
  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    @momsky hugs to you. Peer pressure and bully is worst kind of emotional scarring teens and preteens go through. Imagine his position. Now that you know the reason can you send food in a hot pack instead and see how it works.
    And you can also try talking to him, that you understand his sudden change, and also can stop bringing lunch altogether if it helps him privided he can eat what you pack in the morning.

    You also take this point to teach him to react positively. Next time somebody says that yeah it is all in the genes.

    Once somebody told me i am young to be the mother of a 21 yr old, my husband who was standing near by said " i was in school and i snatched her out of the cradle"..
  3. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks @Shanvy , I just tried again few days back but he threw up as usual. His coach had to buy him something on their way to a game and got told off later for trying on a game day (I forgot)... Anyways, that's the last of me trying this year and the next year coming. I know my son will come out of it, most likely in hs... he's a bit of late bloomer.

    I'm not comfortable bringing up the topic my dd mentioned, unless he opens up first... I think this is his own battle to deal with. I've volunteered over the years in their school, and his classmates are good, smart kids.. maybe ds1 took it the wrong way. I want to try what you suggested but have to wait 'till he comes to me first.

    What your dh said is too cute ;)
  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    @momsky wise decision. Some fights are theirs and their demons to slash. We can be the moral support waiting in the sidelines when they need us.

    Maybe it is the way it was said. Your ds maybe sensitive and feels that he is the man of the house in the absence of his dad. It happens. So give the space and let him come to you when he is ready.
    momsky likes this.

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