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When Child Acts Embarrassed Of You?

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by momsky, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. justanothergirl

    justanothergirl IL Hall of Fame

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    There are two issues in ur post and I will try to address both.

    1. Middle schools in my school district do not allow parents to drop off anything unless its a medication.
    No missed HWs/lunches/projects/permission slips. Nothing. IF u miss the deadline for submission of a form u will miss the event.Period. If u forget ur lunch u will go without it or u are offered a school lunch on credit. Yes it seems hard and unforgiving and I have been furious at times myself esp when my boys invariably forgot one thing or another ..but I have to admit it has helped them tremendously in the long run.
    They now take responsibility for their forms/hws/permission slips and boys have also stopped being picky about many things including whats being packed in their boxes. Anything, they soon found out was better than hunger or long cafeteria lines. Sooner they learn this less painful its going to be
    . He will not always have the luxury of having someone ferry lunches to him . He leaves his lunch untouched because he knows he can get u to give him a hot lunch. Stop the service ..and get his coach to talk to him about missing food.
    U will be surprised how quickly things change after a teacher has the ‘talk’
    2. When I go out of the way (and hot lunch service is one) and my child expects me to hand it to the office and disappear like I am a fugitive I will withdraw the service. He will still get the lunch box in the morning but the delivery of it hot from the oven will be stopped. Being polite and gracious when people go out of their way to be nice to us is also a lesson one should teach kids early. People outside home will not always be so forgiving.

    In case u are wondering..yes its a phase . Most of the kids I know including mine went through it. It gets better. I have expressed my sadness but never forced my company on them. But not being gracious or polite is something I do not tolerate....and they know it.
  2. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you @BhumiBabe , bringing lunch to my children were never an inconvenience... there's no cafeteria in his school and parents/grandparents bringing hot lunch is a common sight... school has even set up a big table, with sticky notes and marker for use.

    He's the team captain for volleyball and basketball this year so I don't think he has self-esteem issue. I can't think of high school right now but most likely, I will be giving allowance to buy his lunch.
  3. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks @justanothergirl , happy to hear this is just a phase. My children's school actually allows parents/grandparents to bring in hot lunches, they even have set up a specific table for this right outside the office.
    The only lunch he will eat without it being hot is green leafy salad and plain non-oily bread, otherwise he will throw up. He threw up once in school already.

    DS1 is very well-mannered according to the teachers and coaches so hoping this attitude will get better somehow.
    justanothergirl likes this.
  4. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi @momsky
    Have you shared these incidents with your husband? What does he say?

    Everyone here has given good suggestions so I am not going to add anything different.

    At one point your son should also understand that no one, not even his mom, needs to do anything for him. Whatever his parents are doing for him is out of love for him and he should be graceful.

    Yes, do cut him slack for his adoloscence, but he should realize the time, energy, love, and sacrifice his mom puts into those hot lunches everyday.

    Best wishes
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
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  5. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you @Rihana , very well said. The last thing I want is my kids hating me.
  6. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks @kkrish

    I told his Dad about it, he said it's normal and I'm being too sensitive... apparently, he saw some of DS1's peers being like this to their parents when he was in charge of the kids while i was away last year.. never believed it though since i never noticed it myself

  7. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Its good you husband is aware of it.
    I am sure that he is also observing your son and will step in if he feels that your son is going out of boundary.

    From your responses to other posters I feel you too want to give your son some time.

    You should handle this in a way you and your husband see fit; only you know your child best.

    Everything will turn out fine. Do not worry.
    momsky likes this.
  8. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    My husband and I have separated. I did not want to mention it earlier as i don't want it to be a possible reason as to why my son is acting like this.
  9. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Ok. I apologize for assumimg otherwise.

    No. I will not say that is the reason. All adolescent, boys at least, go thru this phase.

    I stil feel it is good his dad is aware and am sure he will address your son if he feels the situation warrants it.
    Once again I repeat, all will be fine. Do not worry.

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
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  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Generally, schools do not encourage parents dropping off anything in school, including lunch, forgotten projects or homework. They send periodic reminders to parents that this is not allowed. They call it the no-rescue policy. Your school seems to allow it and even has a table set up. So, you could go with the flow.

    How come no cafeteria? Is there lunch available to buy? Where do kids eat lunch? There is no special area called cafeteria maybe, but there will be a forum or big indoor place where kids eat lunch, no?

    Both are very physically intensive sports. In particular, basketball. Don't pick this battle. He needs proper nutrition every day. But you could start addressing the "won't eat packed lunch" problem slowly. Try out various options, and see which packed food works at least somewhat. Then, give that once a week.

    In my high school, I have seen many parents dropping off food at break and lunch times, and after school if kid is going straight to sports practice. Mostly, it is what they got from drive-thru of fast food place!
    momsky likes this.

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