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Toughest Time In Your Marriage Life

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by SGBV, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear all,

    We generally share our good times, those lovey dovy, hunky dory stories of our marriage. But, we all know, that's not all about the marriage. There is always an other side of the coin.
    Many of us would have faced tough times, compatibility issues, differences etc... either during the initial stages or after a certain years of your marriage.

    I personally don't believe the existence of a perfect marriage. We human beings can never be perfect, so are our marriages.

    Let us share those tough times here.. May be how we overcome those problems, and how do we feel about it later on...

    Perhaps, this thread could help the newly married couple, who lose all their hopes after certain problems.
    I still encounter with people, here in IL forums, as well in personal life, who belief the existence of perfect marriages just by seeing smiling couples.
    Just because a couple is made for each other by appearance, doesn't mean their marriage is a bed of roses!

    Let's discuss!

  2. shreyashreya

    shreyashreya Junior IL'ite

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    i always feel most hardest time for me when i dont get my h support on any issue, for me this s most toughest time, wen i was teenager i used to believe in love story like Cinderella n all but after seeing ppl around me i started realizing this type of love not exist
    now i feel there is no such thing called" perfect marrige" exist ,atlest i never witness it,all i see cople r fighting wid each other ,disrespecting,bitching about each other......though i feel from my n others experience period of initial one year in marriage is nearest of those love stories which we read in story book ,that is golden period,after one year it start fading,sigh
    sindmani and anika987 like this.
  3. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for sharing.
    I beg to differ. I completely have a different idea about marriage.

    The love and the marital bliss we enjoy during the initial year may fit to the story books/movies, but that's not the real love. That may be infatuation, lust and of course mixed with love and affection.
    But as you grow old, you become fat and saggy, busy with kiddos, stressed with house and work, issues from all over the sides etc... but if you feel someone is there for you, someone is attracted towards you, someone is still missing you.. Then that's what called love. This kind of love happens only after you spend some quality time together. This maturity comes only after passing certain hiccups.
    But many of us feel this love with time. Wait for your time too.
    sindmani, sbonigala, anika987 and 3 others like this.
  4. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    So true.

    Had been through ups and downs, but the only difference was I realized the above quotes before marriage itself whereas my husband realized it after marriage..One of the favourite quotes by Variyar (who does religious discourse) for an entirely different reason but fits any situation , and I used to follow all his discourses, so that quote till now I remember..

    Either way the answer is the same, realization..

    Thanks for the thread.
    sindmani and blindpup10 like this.
  5. Cutie1991

    Cutie1991 Senior IL'ite

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    My toughest period was just after my marriage, when my ILs came to visit us in the US. They are not happy with the way my parents got us married. My MIL is very possessive abt my H and is very insecure and needy. My FIL is very rude, orthodox. I had toghest of toughest time just trying to breath. I am still having it.. :( Hoping it gets over soon. They are leaving in January. And I am counting days, hours, minutes, seconds (if possible) left for them to leave..
  6. teejay

    teejay Gold IL'ite

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    The initial couple of years were the toughest so far (i hope it remains that way!)

    I was enjoying my life and freedom, working in an MNC. Almost crossed the marriageable age, parental pressure, initial resistance followed by succumbence to the emotional blackmail. Arranged marriage and a long distance relation ship...killer combo. The few times we managed to meet in the first year was always at in law's place. No privacy,no chance to get to know each other better. Finally, unwillingly ,quit my flourishing career to try and make the relationship work. It took couple of years and a lot of patience for things to fall in place and to gain a place in his life above the MIL. But I finally got there and intend to stay put.

    When I open facebook and see posts from my old colleagues about their jobs and lives, i feel a twinge inside for all that I had to give up. But then I sigh and get over it. No pain ,no gain I guess
    sindmani, Chocolatey and Bubbles like this.
  7. coolgal123

    coolgal123 Platinum IL'ite

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    our toughest period of marriage is started after delivery of my first daughter....my inlaws showed their true color ....till this time i was able bodied and ignoring my IL tantrums, so all were goody goody....but after my delivery it became unbearable and i complained to my H, instead of understanding me, he sided with them, and to make me come around, started emotionally and physically distancing himself from me. it hurt me to no end. i still kept on trying to be a good dil and good wife....my inlaws abusive behavior kept on increasing ... i kept on trying almost for 7-8 years....
    but one day my husband subtly blamed me for his parents abusive behavior( i know he knows his parents are wrong) and he did it before too subtly or clearly....but that day something happened as if a chord has been cut and i felt emotionally distant from my H. i remained depressed for months after that. i felt everything was pointless. i lost interest in everything , even combing hair, and getting ready. i just keep it going on for my kids though. I kept on exploring my inner self. I evolved through the process, i changed in a more confident and less approval seeking person. My husband also changed for better, he felt that he lost me.... he amend his behavior and tried to be a nice husband...its been 2 years now we are going good...after 10 years of marriage now i feel that our marriage is stable...and we care for each other, always did, but now we come first for each other, and respect each other truly.
    people say that marriage is good for 1 year or so....but i feel marriage is like a wine,initially it has to rot, and then older it gets, it become better...
  8. sbonigala

    sbonigala Platinum IL'ite

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    We have known each other for 15 years now. Know each other's positives and negatives. We are growing up and growing old together and as @SGBV mentioned, we have seen each other in prime youth (20s) and seeing each other in 35+ age. We both know we don't look as pretty and handsome as before but we appreciate that fine lines caused by too much laughter together and dark circles under the eyes with pressures taken together, my c-section scars - that stands as a witness of togetherness and we are extremely proud of these. We love each other madly and we know we would only exist without each other but not live.

    All this comes from years of sustaining each other's temperament, anger, smiles, losses , achievements and moods.

    Toughest period in marriage :)
    My toughest period was from the day 1 of my marriage till almost until a couple of months before - trying to keep my in-laws happy and satisfied and foregoing my every little wish.
    I would not say my husband did not support me or stand by me. It was my choice not to share these disappointments with him. Had I made him aware of whats going on, my marriage would have changed long time back. Whenever I had to forego something and miss out on those things that I wanted the most, I always told myself, "Would I feel bad if I did this for my own mom, So I should not feel bad and lost when am doing this for MIL and FIL"
    This continued until the last few months. Recently with a tragic loss of a close friend, DH and I happened to share some our time together and then I opened up unintentionally(those times when you kinda lose track of what you are talking out of pain). It was then DH made me realize that I was being used and not loved. I could not believe it when he said, "Darling, you are a mom of 2 kids, you need to understand when people are using you - all these years you never said a word and I assumed it was all okay. You deserve a lot more and please stand up for yourself, I will support you. Don't let people use you and kill your self respect. You don't have to do anything that hurts your self respect. You don't need to be rude, just be assertive."

    This one conversation changed the whole dimension of our marriage. Now my marriage is me + DH + kids ONLY but not me + DH + Kids + MIL + FIL + FIL relatives + MIL relatives + relatives' relatives + neighbors
  9. penpaal

    penpaal Gold IL'ite

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    i felt this is really a nice point of view :)
  10. penpaal

    penpaal Gold IL'ite

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    A good topic to discuss. I have been married for 6.5 years now. Feel like still going through the tough period..My husband was a 'spoiled brat' so it was hard for me to make him understand he got some responsibilities as husband and father.My ILs kept on spoon feeding him as they wanted everything under control.
    Hopefully things are changing and seeing improvement in him.May be after few years down the line, I will be able agree with the point "Marriages are like wines,as it ages,it just gets better" :) else will end up in divorce:(

    Life is really unpredictable.Will wait and see what life is holding for me but I will give every short to survive this marriage because I love him and he is the father of my kid .
    sindmani likes this.

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