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The Way Divorced People Are Viewed

Discussion in 'Life Without Spouse' started by Dreamer, Sep 1, 2018.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    The society works this way only.

    The moment you open up your problem to the society :-
    25% of them are satisfied that your problem is bigger than theirs
    25% of them are happy that you have problems in your life finally
    25% of them are curious to know your problem, so that they can pass some of their free time discussing it
    25% of them are genuinely worried for you, but of these only very few can be of help. Others intentionally or unintentionally would end up judging you, questioning you, and pitting for you.

    So, better you care nothing about your society.

    Not only for divorces, but for everyone there is a judgment given by the society.

    I have kids, but I am a career woman so I focus a lot on work too. The society judges me for that, and label me as a bad mother
    My friend is childless, and she is also a career woman. But still the society is still harsh on her for being childless

    I am married and I sometimes expect my H to help me with parenting and household chores which he happily does. But the society has problems with him.
    There is a egoistic man, who doesn't help his wife at all, and the society has problem with him too

    Divorcees, married people, unmarried people, victims, successful people, failed people, people with kids and without kids, people with jobs and without jobs..... everyone is judged. Everyone one is offered a free piece of advice.

    Just that, it depends on how mentally stable we are to face this society.

    Basically divorce takes a toll on your mental health, and it depresses a lot. Same goes for the death of spouse or childlessness or even joblessness.
    When people are depressed and emotionally down, such judgmental attitude of the society breaks them down.

    This is our society and we can't change them. But we can change us. We can get out of our depressed state to be normal, and stable to face life boldly
    Once we are ready, no matter what the society says, nothing could break us.
    sindmani and GlobetrotterG like this.

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