Spiritual Molecule

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Viswamitra, May 2, 2019.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Satchi,

    The purpose of my thread is to find ways and means to enhance DMT production in natural ways as opposed to using Ayahuasca, LSD, magic mushrooms or other chemical components, etc.

    It is my humble view that sustained progression towards Self could be achieved only through deep meditation, breath control, yoga, constant flow state mindset, loving demeanor, equanimity, humility, simple lifestyle, diet that enhances DMT, etc.

    In most countries, all of those artificial plant based ingestion is illegal.

    satchitananda and Thyagarajan like this.
  2. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Interesting that you mention the environment. There is a concept in psychedelic experiences known as 'set and setting'. These terms were coined by Al Hubbard and popularized by Timothy Leary, the infamous Harvard Psychologist, and refer to the mindset (set) of the person taking the trip, and the physical environment (setting) in which the trip is administered. The nature of the transcendental experience is highly individual and is determined by our preconditioning, our beliefs, values and culture. The environment where the experience occurs also bears heavily on the what the individual visualizes and feels. For instance a deeply religious person might visualize gods and angels, whereas a physicist might find himself floating through nebulae and galaxies. This quote from Wikipedia explains the role set and setting play in a transcendental experience.

    Of course, the drug dose does not produce the transcendent experience. It merely acts as a chemical key — it opens the mind, frees the nervous system of its ordinary patterns and structures. The nature of the experience depends almost entirely on set and setting. Set denotes the preparation of the individual, including his personality structure and his mood at the time. Setting is physical — the weather, the room's atmosphere; social — feelings of persons present towards one another; and cultural — prevailing views as to what is real.

    — Timothy Leary, The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead

    The idea of the environment joining you in a spiritual experience is not only plausible but seems to be a key influencing factor even without the assistance of drugs. Last month I was at Yosemite National Park. Yosemite is quite possibly my favorite place on earth. I have one of those annual passes and I escape there as often as I can. Something changes inside me when I am there, I feel a cosmic connectedness. If there is a setting that could trigger a spiritual experience in me it has to be the redwood groves of the High Sierra. I was hiking through a grove of giant sequoias one morning and the trail was quiet and deserted. The air was brisk and the only sound was the crunch of the snow under my feet. I stood inside a cluster of trees and craned my neck to look at the canopies of the redwoods, taking in the immensity of these ancient living organisms that had existed in that very spot for thousands of years. In the mist they seemed otherworldly, like grand sentinels of time, silent observers of human history. I don't know if it was the lack of oxygen in the head from too much craning of the neck : ), or something else but for a fleeting instant I saw myself as they saw me -- a tiny speck, an inconspicuous dot on their time scale. I felt the tumble-dryer of thoughts in my head come to a standstill and my sense of self dissolve into nothingness. All my past regrets and future worries seemed to desert me. I felt untethered in a good way. It lasted all of a few seconds before my husband caught up with me but the moment was surreal. If not for that man I was this close to enlightenment! :D The calm it induced stayed with me for a few days before familiar habits and neuroses resurfaced. Next time I visit I will try to find a spot to meditate and see if I can recreate that brief blissful moment and maybe hang on to it a little longer.

    Thank you so much for this thread. I will be a frequent visitor! : )
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you for fulfilling your promise to present a good response to this thread and your response is far superior to how you set my expectation. Somehow, I have strong inherent opinion that there is so much to learn from the environment around us and may be it is derived from the physical knowledge that Macrocosm is just sum total of Microcosms. When you walk through a forest filled with tall trees, the vision you experience, the creaking sound you hear when the gentle wind makes them shake a little, and the smell you get in the forest and the feeling you get when you touch 1,000 year old tree elevates one into an extremely spiritual situation. The thought of hunger and thirst disappears into thin air. The feeling of consciousness spreading beyond the artificial wall of the body is extraordinary. That observation by the senses elevates our consciousness and put our mind into a flow state melting our egoistic attitude. In my analysis, I came to know, saturated unconditional love for everything around us including other organisms, staying in flow state on every action we do as much as possible, breath control to breath only 4 times a minute, meditation on 6th and 7th Chakras, Certain yogic practices and diets, etc. enhances the spirituality.

    When I read the content in NIH website, I understood the importance of why the ancient Indians led a peaceful life.

    "The ancient Indians were the custodians of a highly evolved civilization with great awareness on the decisive importance as well as the vulnerability of man's natural environment. The ancient Indians sages and Rishis had considered human environment from the point of view of physical, chemical, biological and social process that influences directly or indirectly the health and well – being of the human kind. Their approach towards life was very comprehensive, highly integrated with the environment and, therefore, was ecologically sound and sustainable. It was aimed at promoting a peaceful coexistence with all the living organisms as well as a fuller harmony with the physical environment. The ancient masters tactfully implemented much of their value oriented teachings through certain rituals, taboos and totems and made the people to observe it as spiritual duty; the violation of which was feared an antispiritual. This approach had its astonishing impact and the people accepted these value oriented practices as a way of life and which in course of time became traditions for ages ensuring peaceful coexistence of human kind with other living organisms as well as with the physical environment. But with the advent of modern civilization most of these value oriented traditions are being either lost or discarded. The disappearance or disregard for such time tested environmental conservation or preservation oriented traditions had begun to show its detrimental effect on the life supporting system.

  4. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa Sir,

    Thanks for sharing your research on psychedilc experiences that can occur naturally and with the help of external stimulants.
    I have had many many of these experiences but had never known why. Now with your detailed snippet I atleast understand the process behind.

    with constant practice getting the 6th and 7th Chakra to vibrate was easily acheivable. but with so much going on in personal life I had taken a break practising Yoga and just restarted it.

    All I can conclude is the yogic practice I had been doing was probably the key to those experiences but since you had already mentioned that those Siddhis are like traffic lights that distract or hinder's one's progression I had built awareness to not to pay much attention. Still those experiences do happen occasionally.

    It was really an interesting read, Thank you! and it is always good to know why and how certain things that cannot be explained happen.
    Gauri03, satchitananda and Viswamitra like this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Lakshmi,


    I don't know what to say in response to your wonderful feedback. As I mentioned to Cheeniya Sir, I myself began research on this only recently driven by a woman talking about how she got rid of her suicidal tendency through Micro-dosing. It looks like measured small quantities administered over a period of time redefines painful memories in the neurons by altering the emotions associated with them into a completely positive experience. This NPR radio listening made me ask a question if certain plants, tea, mushrooms have large quantities of DMT, there has to be a way the human beings can enhance production of DMT internally. When I researched further, the methods were clearly written years ago by the traditional Hindu saints.

    When I read about how much of DMT is produced at the time of child birth, I realized how the bonding with the child works for the new mother. It is produced in large quantities in near death experiences as well as actual transition before death as well.

    During life, it happens when someone is in constant flow state, highly meditative state, certain Yogic training, breath control, saturation of love for all organism including plants, animals, insects, etc., extraordinary love for nature and understanding the nature's language, etc.

    You must be a very blessed soul to feel such experiences by consistent yogic practices. Keep doing what you do and enjoy the blissful experience. Traffic light analogy was more to do with the feeling of becoming Godly and losing the vitality of the vigorous practices. We never know what is the level at which we truly become consciousness only being.
    satchitananda, Thyagarajan and jskls like this.
  6. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa,

    I like to believe there is something beyond the direct human experience. I always wish I could have an OBE or NDE. However, whenever I try to talk of this, the BH says that they are based in a 'chemical locha' in the brain. Based on what you have explained, maybe he is right to an extent. Even so, it does not quite explain how people undergoing an OBE or NDE are able to narrate events they have not been 'witness' to (in the sense in which we understand the word), what the relatives were talking in the corridor, what the docs and nurses were talking, what instruments they were using, what was placed above the cupboard etc. After all they did not have any stored memories of these events in their brains before their experience. I don't know whether I am confusing issues here. Please forgive me if I am.
    Viswamitra and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Leaves, and roots containing DMT are available in India. But does not have any organized Ayahuasca meetups in metro cities, like they have in western countries.
  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Amulet! Don't tempt me into going looking for it or researching further.
    Viswamitra, Thyagarajan and Amulet like this.
  9. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    OK... I do not particularly like Tea either. I prefer coffee.
    satchitananda likes this.
  10. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    1 tumbler coffee - 1 Mar 2017.jpg

    Here you go, Amulet! :laughing: Sorry for the diversion, Viswa. :pensive:
    Viswamitra and Amulet like this.

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