Regular Periods But Diagnosed With Pcos

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by kalcandu, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. kalcandu

    kalcandu Silver IL'ite

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    Dear ladies,

    I am aged 32, trying to conceive my first child. Hypothyroid since last 6 months. Taking thyronorm 50mcg.
    I am having heavy periods since last 2 months and doc suggested ultrasound scan of pelvic region. The report says bladder normal, uterus normal and ovaries appear polycystic. I met my gynac and asked if it is a problem. She asked if my periods are regular and i said yes. Then she said to try naturally for 2 cycles and then if no success she will prescribe pill to induce ovulation.

    I came home and googled polycystic ovaries and am shocked. Since last 6 years i have never missed a single period. Periods are regular, 27 days with 5 days of bleeding. So how i am having pcos? I am not having excess facial hair problem nor elsewhere excess hair in body. Is it conclusive that i have pcos or are there other tests that i can ask my gynac to do?

    Since july 2017 i am hypothyroid and after the diagnosis i realized that my periods were somewhat heavier. But it normalized after I started taking thyronorm. Again last 2 months it is heavy. My tsh levels have increased from 3 to 4.58 in one month. I asked my gynac for reason and she said there may be some bodily reasons.

    I started ttc last 2 months only and i am seeing all dark everywhere. We couldnt ttc for last 1 year as husband had orthopedic surgery in leg . Now this pcos.

    Kindly advise how i can check for ovulation if i am getting period every month and yet suffering from pcos disease. Also, is it safe to ttc if tsh is 4.58? My gynac said no problem to ttc but internet is full of info that there is problem of miscarriage. I am scared what to do. I have further been diagnosed with vit d and vit b12 deficiency. Feeling somewhat unhappy.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018

  2. wish4miracle

    wish4miracle Silver IL'ite

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    Hi kalcandu, I am very much in similar condition. I am 32 hypothyroid. Recently Diagnosed pcos by ultrasound but my periods is normal. 27 cycle. 3-4 days moderate flow.
    However, I am ovulating perfectly on cd13 from left ovary. I have sharp ov pains that confirms this.Pco ovary is my right one. It has been staying msf for long time. I also don't have facial hair.

    I think you may also be ovulating from one ovary as you have perfect cycle. Other one might be msf which makes them say pcos.

    First thing you can do is confirm whether you are ovulating or not. Use ovulation prediction kit. If you could not do it, ask for follicular study with natural cycle. Don't go for induce ovulation without knowing this.

    Second thing is bring down your tsh below 3. It is important to get pregnant. You can reduce weight bring it to normal bmi and work out regularly to keep it intact. Yhis helps tsh to be normal along with thyronorm. don't consume cauliflower and raddish. People say exercise helps to correct pcos as well.

    Wrt vitamin b and d def, ask for prescribtion of vit d sachets and vit b tablets with folate. Most women are deficient with these due to our current lifestyle. Increase your exposure to sunlight.

    No need to worry, just focus to correct all set backs. Even if both ovaries are pco, there is treatment and ways to correct. I wish all my best to you to come out with positive outcome.
  3. wish4miracle

    wish4miracle Silver IL'ite

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    Hi kalcandu, I am very much in similar condition. I am 32 hypothyroid. Recently Diagnosed pcos by ultrasound but my periods is normal. 27 cycle. 3-4 days moderate flow.
    However, I am ovulating perfectly on cd13 from left ovary. I have sharp ov pains that confirms this.Pco ovary is my right one. It has been staying msf for long time. I also don't have facial hair.

    I think you may also be ovulating from one ovary as you have perfect cycle. Other one might be msf which makes them say pcos.

    First thing you can do is confirm whether you are ovulating or not. Use ovulation prediction kit. If you could not do it, ask for follicular study with natural cycle. Don't go for induce ovulation without knowing this.

    Second thing is bring down your tsh below 3. It is important to get pregnant. You can reduce weight bring it to normal bmi and work out regularly to keep it intact. Yhis helps tsh to be normal along with thyronorm. don't consume cauliflower and raddish. People say exercise helps to correct pcos as well.

    Wrt vitamin b and d def, ask for prescribtion of vit d sachets and vit b tablets with folate. Most women are deficient with these due to our current lifestyle. Increase your exposure to sunlight.

    No need to worry, just focus to correct all set backs. Even if both ovaries are pco, there is treatment and ways to correct. I wish all my best to you to come out with positive outcome.
    kalcandu likes this.
  4. kalcandu

    kalcandu Silver IL'ite

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    Dear wish4miracle,

    Thanks so much for writing. I thought i was the only one with such a strange scenario. My ultrasound report does say that both ovaries show polycysts. So dont know how i am getting regular menses.

    I did try opks. I never got a positive which started giving me bad omens. Then i switched opk brand and tested more often and got a positive. The very 2nd day i did ultrasound and evening doc said pcos. So i am very confused. Are opk results trustworthy? Also, does follicular study means they will insert scope in our private area? I had a very bad experience with a gynac who inserted her fingers for some exam and i expressed discomfort. She abused me verbally and gave me i have mental block towards going for such tests or scans.☹️

    Thanks for your encouraging words. Doc has prescribed vit tablets and folic acid tablets. Ya i will ask doc my doubts and then decide for tablet induced ovulation.

    All these years i thought u ovulate if you are getting your period. Turns out that is not the case...
  5. amunique

    amunique Gold IL'ite

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    Hello Ladies, i am also in the similar situation.
    kalcandu likes this.
  6. kalcandu

    kalcandu Silver IL'ite

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    Could you please share more, if you are comfortable?
  7. amunique

    amunique Gold IL'ite

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    i have normal cycle but 30+5 days and yet pcos. 32 yrs, but not trying to conceive though.
    as per my knowledge, if pain occurs before periods,its a sign for ovulating.
    kalcandu likes this.
  8. kalcandu

    kalcandu Silver IL'ite

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    Thanks for sharing amunique. I feel more equipped in facing my gynac now, knowing that such cases do exist. Otherwise i was feeling scared to ask my doubts to the doctor. I am not observing any pain around the time of expected ovulation. Guess it may not be the case for everyone..i did observe eggwhite cervical mucus. So feeling prayerful and hoping for the best
  9. Bhaskaran

    Bhaskaran Silver IL'ite

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    Dear mam,

    It is easily cured in Homeopathy and no other system is successful for pcod's , thyroidism , and vitamin D3 deficiency. This are all due to metabolism . So all guys reading this should bear in mind that , when ever a person suffering due to metabolism the first choice to them is to consult with a Homeopathy doctor is the best way.
    This type of case will be easily cured with a single dose of medicine . There are two medicine in homeopathy which will cover 90 % cases , in this threads, they are 1) SALT which we use for cooking i.e normal salt and the 2) CALCIUM CARBONATE which we use with thambulam ( sunnambu) .
    You please contact a homeopathy Doctor along with a print out mainly your writing of this post, the doctor will choose a right medicine depends upon your mind and give pills with adviceses to follow and you will be cured shortly.


    MIND- ANXIETY- Dark , in

  10. Starkgirl

    Starkgirl Silver IL'ite

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    I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 2 years back , took medicine for couple of months and i was under observation for a year. 6 months after stopping medication my blood test revealed my thyroid is normally working.
    But during this time my periods went totally out of whack, my endo even said I might not be ovulating and in order to conceive they have to induce it .
    But I made some lifestyle changes after that , I was very careless with what I eat, now I don’t do that .
    Even though I like rice , potatoes and hate greens . I started to eat more of greens and very lesss of carbs and fats
    I started green tea , quinoa, seeds and nuts in my diet.
    I started juicing ( green veggies with fruits)
    I exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes, I do pranayama and I feel all this helped me to maintain good health .
    And now when I am actually TTC I realized , I am ovulating just fine.
    I had that fear but even after this my chances of getting pregnant is just 30% every cycle.
    My friend had Pcos and LH-fsh harmone issue , she was struggling to get pregnant , then she started panchakarma ( Ayurvedic detox) within 2 months she lost weight also she conceived.
    So make sure you exercise, you eat right and If possible go for this Ayurvedic detox.
    You will be fine
    All the very best
    kalcandu likes this.

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