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Raising Virtous Children

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    Honestly to me this seems like a post that has come from your heart and hoping for all that is excellent for the child must be coming from a place of passion about the issue. While your post may seem like you are addressing a parent, I assume you did not intend merely that way. Recently I came across a quotation (looked up but couldn't find it) and the gist of it is if we (as adults) should remember that some child is always watching us somewhere - implying no matter, a child may be watching us and emulating our behaviour. Being aware of that fact alone should help us be better as a person, not just as father/mother, brother/sister, in a typical role - that is how we teach! We all know that many factors, many inputs (nature vs nurture) play into how a child will turn out but that doesn't mean we as adults cannot do what is supposed to be the best. We may never know which child we are influencing and how and where! I passionately feel for every child that I am fortunate to teach and no matter what they say or others say, I try to teach them that I want to see that good side of them shine always, with a hope and prayer that it is making a difference and will come handy from time to time or when they need it. I think I have shared this story several times and I never tire of sharing it just like I never tire of sharing with my students on a weekly basis -


    Children are our future and the best way to leave this earth for them is by 'doing' our best! We cannot lose hope. It is in our hands to be our best selves, no matter the results!

    As for Bach sir, when is he wrong? Never in my world - that I can say!

    While it may be very hard to explain or even understand this at my level,
    across the world value systems are the same! No one ever teaches any child not to be his best. The thing is they are not just listening but are also watching.

    Another week is starting - I have set an intention for this week and hope to see results. Thank you for the reminder.
    shyamala1234, girvani and Viswamitra like this.
  2. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa,
    we are not bothered about the those amenable to discipline ever,( constituting around 15%) and those are average who can be brought into track. The worry is about 15% of kids whose parents try their best and lead exemplary life so they children can learn and emulate.But this minority are capable of attacting at least 50% of the average into their fold.It is a known fact that evil habits stick to very easily but it takes years to get at good habits.Actually I don't want to generalize on rare cases.May be they are rare, but capable of influencing younger minds very fast.The children are assets of any nation and any evil force caused by anyone
    will have a severe impact.Psychologists throughout the globe have a great concern over the issue.
    parents have come to a stage of'doing the best and preparing mentally for the worst'.
    Jayasala 42
    Viswamitra likes this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    I was waiting for your feedback as you interact so much with the children regularly. You have understood me correctly. I didn't write this thread with an intend to give advice to the parents. I realize every child is unique and it is parents who need to understand them and customize their parenting accordingly. It is a very generic thread how the children can change their lives by changing their way of thinking.

    Regarding two wolves, I am not tired of listening to that story either. It is a very important lesson for every child to know about the two wolves. The children are the future of every nation. China and Japan brought generation change by introducing English in their schools and the entire new generation of Chinese and Japanese speak fluent English now. They didn't look at English as a foreign language but as a business language.

    Each child has the best side present in her/him and bringing up that best side has to be done by every adult around this child. I conducted Ramayana class for the children in our spiritual center a few days back and after two weeks of teaching of Ramayana, morals learned from Ramayana, a Quiz, etc., within 6 months, they decided to enact a play in Ramayana. When we trigger them, they deliver much more than what we think they are capable of delivering.

    You are right about the children watching us all the time more than listening. 85% of what they learn is from visual than listening to what is taught in a formal setting. Thank you, as always, for your feedback. I truly enjoyed reading your thoughts.

  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Smt. Jayasala:

    Thank you for the second response. The pressure for each generation is different when compared to previous generation. The world is becoming much more competitive when we move to the next generation. There are only three types of options for the children.

    1) Depend on parental advice and shape up the future
    2) Become independent and weave their own principles
    3) Become interdependent and match their thoughts with the society.

    The new generation of children are moving out of option 1 mostly worldwide. Option 2 is not entire successful either as it is built on trial and error. Option 3 works well if they do mid-course corrections based on what they see and learn from others.

    In a society, negative and positive are equally prevalent for the children to choose from. Their mental state determines which direction they choose.The influence of both exist a lot in the society and the children may have to choose and tread well. One of the reasons I mentioned triggering their inner happiness is once they taste the inherent happiness, they never like to go back. Frankly many children in the US smoke weed or go for Psychedelic drugs to feel that inherent happiness temporarily. If they find it in natural way, they would remain committed to that path.

  5. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa,
    A very good post for young parents how to bring up a child to be a worthy citizen in future. In the present scenario it is really a very tough job for the parents as the children are exposed to so many medias. Yet as a responsible parent we have to teach our children what is good and bad. As the children initially take the parents as their role model it is important for the parents to practice what they preach.

    It is the aspiration of all parents to bring up their child as an ideal child. Where do we start to achieve this dream of ours?

    According to our Indian philosophy the process of educating human beings and moulding their character is a process right from the womb. When a woman carries a child in her womb she is given advice on dos and dont's, not only regarding her diet, but also about her other activities. She is advised to read religious and other good books and not to read vicious books or to watch violent or sadistic movies.

    From Mahabharatha we come to know that Abhimanyu learned to break the chakra vyuha when he was still in his mother’s womb while Arjuna was explaining it to his pregnant wife. Alas! But as Lord Krishna called him he could not complete the explanation how to come out of it and so Abhimanyu could not learn the secret of getting out of it.

    When Prahalada was in his mother’s womb Narada was telling his mother the stories of Lord Vishnu’s devotees and Prahalada was born as a staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu.

    Modern research also shows that emotions and feelings can be formed in the brain even before we are born.

    Mother is the first teacher to a child. There was a time when grandmothers also were helping in bringing up children with their great story telling talent. When children were about six to eight months old, they used to keep the child on the lap and bring the hands together on top of the head and they used to teach, “Krishna Rama Govinda and
    Ramakrishna Govinda,” the first spiritual lesson of the child after entering the world.In the present nuclear family system children are bereft of this advantage. In the good old days children got used to sharing things with siblings. But now the one child norm deprives the children this quality unless the parents teach them.

    Children should be taught to give respect to elders from young age. They should be never encouraged to make fun of elders or domestic helpers.

    When a child starts talking teach them small slokas and make them chant it before the Deity after bath.
    Avoid spoon feeding when the child completes 3 years and teach them to eat food on their own. After one child norm has been adopted by couples, I have seen mothers feeding even a grown up child who studies in high school. It is not good to pamper too much or to over protect.

    Personal hygiene also should be taught from the tender age. Children should be taught to brush the teeth twice a day, both in the morning and at night before going to bed.

    Parents should never show discrimination between a girl and boy. Both of them should be taught to keep their things neat and tidy. We should take help in domestic cores from both of them whenever needed.

    Discipline is crucial when bringing up a child. It should be consistent, but there should be reasonable boundary for the children to feel free. As a cow tied to a poll has the freedom to move around to certain space, children also need certain amount of freedom. Setting boundaries for children’s behavior helps them to learn how to behave in society.

    Take the children into confidence and discuss with them financial issues and make them understand whenever necessary.

    Do not push them to do anything which is beyond their capacity.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Mrs. Srinivasan:

    Excellent response! Thank you for pouring in your thoughts about the subject of parenting. You brought some nostalgic memories of both my paternal and maternal grandmother. I remember them doing "Krishna Rama Govinda" to other children as I didn't remember my own experience at that tender age. It is imperative for carrying mothers to have some good thoughts as it substantially impacts the child in the womb. Mothers have profound impact on the life of the children.

    I have so much respect for every mother's response here because I know what amount of love they have showered to their respective children. You have brought some very good points. The discipline has to be measured leaving them to think independent as they grow up and make informed decision. When they get to the adolescent age, if they learn how to discriminate and how to question themselves, they lead a life with inherent happiness.

    I completely agree with not forcing anything on the children. I feel they all have inherent nature and the teachers and parents together will have to find and nurture these talents. They need to discover themselves and other adults around them should become a tool to help them.

    Many soft skills are learned by the children by watching adults and therefore, we have a moral responsibility to teach them through our actions as they emulate and grow.

  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear PS ma'm,

    This, what you have said is true.
    I cannot tell you the countless number of times I have asked children including teens who their role model is and invariably it is always the mother or the father ...even in families where parents don't live together.

    All other people who make an influence can certainly do that and very effectively but children are invariably watching parents closely even if they say "I don't want to be like my mom or dad"...they are most closely watching the immediate family no matter!!!
    Viswamitra likes this.
  8. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear shyamala, Sabitha and viji,
    Thank you all for liking my feedback to the post.

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