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Please Help Us In Making Our Life Better

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by simple1234, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. simple1234

    simple1234 Silver IL'ite

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    we have been married for 7 yrs , my wife is very good person. we have moved from california to texas 6 months ago. small issues making us to think about life and living here in USA.

    our problems:
    1) home buying : Buying home is our primary motivation to move to texas from bay area. The real estate market is crazy here and couldn't find home yet. we wanted to live where lot of indians and good schools.

    2) wife works from home : she used to go to office in cali , but she is feeling lonely at home sometimes. keep complaining about we don't have friends or no one . we have been asking parents to visit us but they keep delaying about US trip due to commitments in India.

    3) 5 yr old DD doesn't listen : she is super good and super active. looks like she is a strong will kid, it is tough to deal with her for morning routine like brushing, bathing and getting ready for school. Also tough time at bed because she doesn't go to bed until 10:30 pm.

    Can you please give us good recommendations to deal with these issues and how to make our life better

  2. Angela123

    Angela123 Gold IL'ite

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    Finding a house can take time. I bought my home after looking for close to a year. revisit your requirements/musthaves about the house you are looking for. It might help narrow down the options and might make the process go faster. Also, if you are not already, work with a good realtor.

    Try to go to Indian gatherings/festival celebrations or any volunteering. Most Indian groups have whatsapp groups, ask anyone to add you. Since you guys moved there recently, try inviting any people you know over tea or dinner or meet them outside for lunch or something. This is what we did to find friends. It is a process, sometimes it takes time or sometimes you find your friends in the first meeting. Find local temple/church whatever you guys go to and they will have activities and most people encourage new comers. This will help bring down loneliness to some extent. Also, if there are indians in your kid's class, try reaching out to them for a playdate for the kid, who knows you might like the parents!!

    As for DD, she sounds like most 5 year olds. you can start a routine for her, which includes a specific bedtime. It will work only if you follow through (even on weekends). For the morning routine, make it a game so she doesnt feel like listening to you - for brushing teeth, use a timer and ask her to beat the timer.

    Good Luck!
    KashmirFlower likes this.
  3. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    All your problems are very temporary. It will change soon. Make sure you both remember this and do not hurt each other. Sometimes words spoken in bad time are remembered for life long especially for women
    Vaikuntha likes this.

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