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Pinnacle Of Awareness

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    My Dear Vani,

    It is bound to happen to everyone and don't let the judgment in occasional situation to deter your effort to purify your mind.

    We are like a fruit with five layers known as Annamaya Kosha (Food Sheath), Pranamaya Kosha (Vital-air Sheath), Manomaya Kosha (Mental Shealth), Intellectual Sheath (Vignanamaya Kosha) and Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath). Overcoming the senses come by practicing moderation in what we see, smell, hear, taste and feel allows us to penetrate food sheath. Listening to inhalation and exhalation with a thought that positive energy entering our body and negative energy leaving the body like the food intake excretion our body does allows us to pierce through vital-air sheath. Emotions are major part of our lives and they are difficult to avoid but definitely possible to evaluate and control and this will help us to pass the mental sheath. More we achieve equanimity to remain calm in all circumstances, we pass through mental sheath. Intellectual sheath is the most difficult part to penetrate as it is required for us to gain understanding of our true and inherent nature of Ananda but sometimes can stimulate our ego. Therefore, the attitude of being a detached individual receiving energy and information with no ownership to anything gets us to overcome this ordeal.

    Expanding the span of awareness helps us achieve this state of mind that would defeat the selfishness and move us towards the selflessness or oneness. Once we go through all of it, we get to our inherent nature which is nothing but Anandamaya (Blissful) state. This is a state where all the instruments become neutralized empowering the true Self. We learn at this stage, we neither contribute nor receive anything. We are neither a giver nor a beneficiary and we are part of the whole. We see the whole world as powerhouse of energy and warehouse of information with Microcosm as minuscule part of the whole Macrocosm.

    Lotus leaves and flowers are known to be unattached to the water in which it resides. Honey Bees extract the sweetness from the flowers and don't get carried away by the beauty of the flowers knowing fully well, their life span is very limited to blossom. Only awareness is real and everything we attach ourselves to are unreal. :)

    messedup and girvani like this.
  2. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    So much wisdom in those words Viswa. I am not my thoughts. This was perhaps the biggest revelation from my meditation practice. It is almost a relief to realize that I don't have to believe everything my mind comes up with. It is a narrative colored by my upbringing, education, experiences and prejudices. It is a story line like any other external story. Our thoughts are the ruminations of a brain that has evolved with a negativity bias. We tell ourselves not to believe what others say about us, but we don't realize that the same is true of our own minds. Emotions are responses to thoughts that aren't necessarily a reflection of objective reality. With that knowledge it seems so foolish to distress ourselves over every errant thought that passes through. It is easier said than done of course. It takes practice and never-ending reminders that I can think something and distance myself from that thought without having an emotional response to it.

    I agree completely about being true to ourselves and those around us. Pretense takes up so much mental and physical energy. Transparency is liberating. It frees us to channelize our energies towards more productive pursuits.
    messedup, Srama, Viswamitra and 2 others like this.
  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    I have been trying to articulate a response but fail to come up with one. Being an observer is very interesting, on the days I can manage to do that. I say that because most of the days are spent experiencing pain and pleasure. On rare occasions when I feel the sense of calm, there is this sense of .... (I don't know how to phrase it) that all I want to do is want to remain in that state and surrender completely. Of course the moment THAT realization dawns, I am back on earth again :) On the rare occasions when I feel the energy around me, it is blissful and as mentioned when it is all positive it seems wonderful but facing a negative emotion/energy is such a humongous task, starting from identification of the emotion. But once peace is made after analyzing, the feeling is amazing. It has been a habit of mine to generally question myself when I react negatively and the source has always come down to me - not what the other person did. It is my inability to shed my past experiences and treat this as a new experience. As I observe, it is amazing how a 'happy/good' experience is always new and lovely (seems to be not embedded as deeply) but a negative experience seems to stem from the past embedded very deeply. I am trying to understand that. Do we subconsciously live in so much of past pain that it is ready to resurface at the slightest slight? And why don't we live in the past happiness so much that instead it can resurface as quickly? And then there are those days when I speak/act with passion without realization and wonder as to where it all came from. It is no doubt fascinating being an observer.

    Just this morning, as the alarm went off I woke up with a "What! I slept like five minutes ago, time to wake up already follwed by wow! Where was I for the past 6 hours, no dreams no memories!" and then I smiled for like someone said "Thank God there is this thing called life that comes in the way (of death)!"

    With this much clutter ...coming to that sense of being observer all the time is something that looks impossible but try we must.
    messedup, girvani and Viswamitra like this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    It is always so satisfying to hear the experiences of others validating my conclusions out of my own experiences. The conventional wisdom also states that we are not our thoughts. When I read the book "Holographic Universe", the author of the book Michael Talbot clearly articulated that when an image falls on our screen inside our eyes, our mind within a fraction of a second takes that image in the screen and analyzes with previous impression to actually provide the image of what we really see. This was a big revelation to me as well as I was under the impression that we all see the same image always. Different people seeing different things is justified through this interpretation. Our past impressions considerably influence our lives.

    Emotions are major part of our lives and energizes our thoughts considerably. It is our emotions that binds us with everything our mind likes without an objective discrimination. When what we think, say and do are three separate things, the mind faces a conflict draining so much of energy. Synchronizing them into one makes life a lot easier and helps us to remain transparent. We have the ability to empower our select thoughts through determination and especially when it is for the common good of all beings, it merges it with universal energy.

    Gauri03 likes this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    I would wait for a year to get such a wonderful response from you. I prefer this thoughtful response that is loaded with so much wisdom than a timely response. Like I said earlier, pain and pleasure are two banks of a free flowing river called life and indulging in either one of them will result in the river (life) failing to reach the destination of Ocean of love.

    But we are humans and feeling those emotions resulting in pain or pleasure is inevitable. We can only reduce the reaction time by questioning ourselves like what you suggested. Most of the time, it is our own reaction that resulted in the outcome than what was happening outside of us.

    I always feel each happening in our lives is an individual experience and it is our mind that connects all of them and interprets that into a life. Being aware even for a few minutes everyday gives a great sense of fulfillment. The power of now is far more valuable when compared to the embedded legacies we become due to our mind's vagaries.

    Past experiences when it is soldered with emotions gets recalled quickly by the mind. It is difficult to be without any emotions but it is possible to regulate our emotions. A calmer mind is a listener/observer whereas agitated mind is an instructor. Whether it is forgiving ourselves or others, it happens only when a calmer mind prevails. In a calmer mind that is engaged in the present moment with one thought at a time, it is difficult for emotions to get encrypted. When we learn to prolong those moments, life becomes more pleasant and enjoyable. Listening/observing mind is engaged in awareness whereas instructing mind takes us into forgetfulness filled with emotions and embedded legacies.

    Srama likes this.
  6. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa,
    .A great article on awareness! I enjoyed every bit of it.It is rather a heavy dosage for people like me.The greatest philosophy is couched in the snippet.'Just be an observer'.Easy to say, but difficult to implement, though not impossible.
    Awakening, in simple terms seems to mean to find out some space in the mind less judgement.It is very often likened to stand amidst a violent storm, simply witnessing it.We have to be outside in that storm .
    A few days back there was a lecture in Tamil in Sringeri Sharada Mutt Chennai.The topic was 'witness' or 'saakshi'.
    He started talking about negative feelings like anger,hatred etc.Since no value can be attached to those evil emotions, we need not conquer them at all.It is just like conquering a barren land."Anger or hatred do not exist".Why to conquer the non existing entities?" he asked.
    He gave good explanations for the word 'saakshi'.
    ' saa' means 'with' and 'akshi' means 'eyes'.It is 'awareness .
    The word'aksha' also means 'the centre of a wheel''The spokes revolve,the outer rim rotates but the axil remains steady as a sakshi while there is a speedy revolutions.
    The Upanyasak also explained the word'sakshi' to mean '
    spiritual wisdom'.He likened the event to watching a
    march past' parade.We choose an advantageous point to witness the parade among all the para phernalia.
    In the same way 'meditation' offers a comffortable position to your mind to observe thoughts merely as a winess without judgement.
    Dear Viswa, your article brought before my eyes the venue Shankara mutt and the wonderful speech.
    Thank you Viswa for an introspective snippet.

    Jayasala 42
    messedup, Thyagarajan and Viswamitra like this.
  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Smt. Jayasala:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject as well as your learning experience from the Upanayas in Sringeri Mutt. Your words, "Awakening, in simple terms seems to mean to find out some space in the mind less judgement" is a profound statement by itself. Observing our thoughts, distancing ourselves from our thoughts and experiencing we are not that is a very unique experience. Ownership brings with it the burden of protection and maintenance whereas observation makes us only the Trustee. Ownership brings emotions with it while observation keeps us free from any emotions. Ownership gives us the sense of pride whereas observation gives a sense of belonging.

    If the energy and knowledge are sourced from where we belong and they are subjected to use based on interpretation of our mind (cauldron of thoughts) which itself is temporary, where is the ownership? This question eliminates "I" and "Mine" completely out of the equation (body consciousness). We are not this body or mind or diminutive ego and we are part of the whole. Our only duty or obligation is to use the tool called mind to be aware and realize the infinite potential to scale our energy and knowledge. How we use it wisely is our freewill. We are a witness to the Truth that is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.

    messedup and Thyagarajan like this.
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:Thanks. I thoroughly enjoyed studying the thread.
    2. Besides educational and contemplative in nature, it reveals a declaration that you have almost discovered the connection and the existence of the chemical communication circuits between body ,mind, intelligence that translates into psyche and perception which eventually leads one to perform actions.
    3. Conclusion sounds or echos certain ideas outlined in Bagavath Gita.
    God Bless!
    Viswamitra likes this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:Thanks to Madam Sister.
    Lord Vishnu is carrying a revolving disc in one of his hands. The connection to wheel and it’s centre is better understood now.
    God Bless!
  10. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    This resonates with me so much @Srama. I go through this at least once a week. I so wish I can figure out what are all my weak buttons so that I will not allow anyone to press that intentionally or unintentionally. :0
    Thyagarajan, Srama and Viswamitra like this.

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