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Need Urgent Help On Breastfeeding

Discussion in 'Infants' started by shwetapj, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. shwetapj

    shwetapj Silver IL'ite

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    I delivered a beautiful baby girl on 22nd oct. I had a c section and had a perfect breast feeding session but had to stop after a week as I had developed an infection on the incision of c section and was on medications for around 2 weeks. Baby was formula fed with spoon only (not bottle fed at all) after 2 weeks I have recovered from the infection and my doc asked me to start breastfeeding again. I started breastfeeding today and every thing went smoothly until at night when my baby woke up for feeding at 12.30 she was still feeding till 3.30am in the night.

    I am worried am I not able to produce enough milk? I have been taking satavarex in milk to increase milk Production

    Pls help

  2. shwetapj

    shwetapj Silver IL'ite

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    I want to add one more info that my nipples are very sore and painful
  3. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    For immediate relief- apply coconut oil for the sore nipple.
    Look into purchasing a nipple cream. I am not sure which is good brand in Indian market. But ask your OB or a pharmacist should be able to suggest one.
    After every feed apply coconut oil/ nipple cream.
    Before every feed- wipe your nipple wth warm cloth.
    Wipe your babies mouth with a warm cloth before & after every feed.
    If your DD is sucking for almost 2 hours, it could mean 2 things-
    1-it means she isn't getting enough milk. Eat menthya seeds soaked in water. Drink the water Which it is soaked too. This will help in boosting milk immediately.
    2 it also could mean your DD finds it comforting to suck. Did you notice her sleeping during this long hour feeding session? If your DD has slept but still is sucking- it just means she just wants comfort of given the nipple and the being next to you.

    Don't fall asleep feeding your DD, keep yourself awake. Watch something/read or text. Keeping myself awake while breastfeeding was quite a challenge to me during night time. I used to watch TV shows to keep myself awake.(This is told to new mothers coz of SIDS)

    I had no help and I managed alone-- I was extra cautious in quite a few aspect.

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    cliona and dc24 like this.
  4. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Shweta,
    Congrats on your new born.
    Hot water press helped me to relive sore breasts.
    New born babies would try to remain at breast not only for feeding but also for the warmth and secure feeling that they get from mother. Only way to increase the lactation is to feed more so start feeding your baby often.
    There are many lactation inducing foods: Bread, Rusk, Bittergourd, Kovakkai, Garlic etc you can browse for options. Try to add these to your food often.
  5. Bhanulakshmi

    Bhanulakshmi Bronze IL'ite

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    Hmm blindpup already suggested watever needed..
    U can forcibly remove the latch with ur finger if u think she s not feeding n just want to suck ur nipple...
    U can c if her jaw line is moving until the ear to confirm if she s having milk or just sucking..dats wat my nurse told..
    Press ur boobs n c if the milk flow is happening..
    Also make sure she sucks the area around the nipple as well wit a wide mouth instead of just nipple..
    I think this usually makes sore nipples...
    All d best
  6. Bubbles

    Bubbles Silver IL'ite

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    Dear @shwetapj, don't worry..what you are experiencing is normal..and alright.
    What you describe sounds like baby is cluster feeding... ie going for long continuous stretches of feeding.
    I remember waking up the night nurse worried that my baby was sucking nonstop on the second night right from 1 am to 3 am!!! Got me confused.. And even much later baby used have these marathon feed sessions lasting 2 hours easily. Sometimes as early as half an hour after a previous feed !!!!

    Babies do that often, particularly when they are undergoing a growth spurt. Even otherwise, it is natural for babies to have cluster feeding sessions.. they do this to seek comfort - mothering is more than just feeding, and rightly so, don't you think ?
    Sometimes their needs are more and this is their natural way of making you produce more milk for them..
    So its going good, don't worry.

    I want to tell you that while there are quite many lactagogues - foods that help you secrete milk - the most important thing is to just feed your baby on demand, and with loving thoughts. You sure can improve your diet but no need to stress about it.
    In fact, stress by itself is more dangerous for your milk production than anything else.

    Simplistic though it sounds, our bodies are well trained for motherhood. You just need to nurture your baby and feed on demand, and that is enough. Most lactagogues have supplemental effects only.

    Having said that, it is by no means easy on you.. you can follow whats been mentioned earlier for the sore nipples. You also get these reusable gel pads that you can place over your nipples - kind of like nursing pads - but they are sooooo comfortable and relieving.
    You may also want to consider buying Lanolin cream, it's great for sore nipples too. They say you don't have to wash it off, but that is up to you.

    Do you have a nursing pillow? Consider getting one - your back will thank you..and it will be useful for the next several months.
    Also try feeding while lying down - it will be easier on you, and maybe you can get a few winks too..Don't worry its safe for baby to nurse while lying down - just be careful not roll over her if you do doze off..;)

    Breastfeeding your newborn — what to expect in the early weeks • KellyMom.com has some useful info that might help... Look into other topics as well, I found it to be a great resource and factually correct.

    Enjoy cuddling your baby!
    Warm hugs..
    cliona likes this.
  7. guesshoo

    guesshoo IL Hall of Fame

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    The baby has growth spurts regularly and each time they feed more because they need more. that helps you produce more milk and in a few days, you'd be producing enough milk and your child will get more efficient extracting the milk from you. Until the next growth spurt when they demand more.

    Lanolin cream is brilliant for sort nipples.

    To increase milk production I soaked 1tsp fenugreek seeds in 4-5 spoons yoghurt over night. it soaks up a lot of yoghurt and becomes quite huge. I would munch and swallow one spoon throughout the day topping up with yoghurt if it's very dry. in a day or two my supply increased quite a lot.

    About night time feeding, do check if it's comfort suckling. I'd give my washed little finger and if the child sucked on it happily it was because of the suckling reflex. If she were hungry she'd cry in a minute. since it is very important to have our (both me and her, to regenerate and grow respectively) sleep, I was advised to give a dummy by the health care providers. I am kicking myself for having ignored tha advice for the longest time putting a huge strain on myself...

    Take care and have a great time with your little one!
    blindpup10 likes this.

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