My Story Of Infertility

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by Elsa, Sep 8, 2016.

  1. Myladdu

    Myladdu Senior IL'ite

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    Elsa hugs to you
    I know how it feels one after other failed cycles. I went for 7 iuis first one was unmedicated. Here the problem is with me pcod. Insulin imbalance. It was very stressful. We have a set of fiends who has kids and with no kids. But they all know our struggle and they were those I cry after cycles. Our set of parents don't know anything about our treatments. They just know we are doing something.
    After 4 th iui I got pregnant and miscarried at 6 th weeks. It was far worse than trying. We break trying for 2 months. Then again iui with ingestion. No got result. I was 32. My center said no more iui. Noe we were left no option other than Ivf. But I'm ok with Ivf as my age was running. So we started medicines. The medicines don't give side effects to all. I'm the one of those. It became a roytine for me to take the medicines all day including baby asprin. It helps with the blood flow to the utres. I'm taking it even before
    Taking all the editions at time was irritating for me. But I'm not unhappy with it. I'm not feeling bad as I'm not capable for natural pregnant . To me it's an tool to get my baby. All our saving went to it. After egg retrieval we went restaurant happily. Mine was FET so waited for a month I spent watching movies going to malls bought tops even I can wear them if I got pregnant.went to embryo transfer and happy to see our babies. Rested for a day and half and went to a exhibition next day. Don't have much expectations in 2 ww. I got pregnant.
    One thing I did after we went to Ivf we didn't say anyone anything about it.
    If you think about a thing strong you will get it. People who have not struggled like us have no idea what we going through. Don't take their talks seriously.
    Don't hide from people face them. You didn't do any crime.
    Sorry I'm not ansering question just sharing my experience
    Elsa and pihu123 like this.
  2. pihu123

    pihu123 Silver IL'ite

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    Your reply have inspired me a lot.You went IUI and IVF in which hospital? Can you please help me out? Have been trying to conceive for more than 5 years but no result...
  3. Myladdu

    Myladdu Senior IL'ite

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    Sorry lot of spelling mistakes in my post just noticed it. I was handling my baby while writing.
  4. Myladdu

    Myladdu Senior IL'ite

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    Pihu I'm in US and I went to CCRM. It is one of the best infertility center in US.
  5. pihu123

    pihu123 Silver IL'ite

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    Thanks @Myladdu For your reply. I am staying In India.If you know any good Hospitals with nice success rate and good doctors then please let me know...Take care
  6. Myladdu

    Myladdu Senior IL'ite

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    Sorry pihu I have no idea, I heard dr. Kamala Selvaraj and Jayam kannan are popular infertalist in Chennai.
  7. Elsa

    Elsa Gold IL'ite

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    Hi everyone,

    I am back, again with depressing news. I decided to go the IVF route. I did one month of birth control pills, before starting ivf protocol. I took the ivf medication (mostly injections) for about 9-10 days, had a good number of eggs (20+)retrieved. But only 4 made it to day 5 and one turned out to be chromosomally normal.

    I might go for another round of egg retrieval before doing a transfer.

    Good luck to everyone trying to get pregnant!


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    sorry to here this.may i know which doctor u consult and from?
    i am also hava a failed ivf cycle.made only 2 from 8 eggs.
  9. Godbless8

    Godbless8 Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi @Elsa

    I read thorugh your entire story. I am sailing in a similar boat as you. Same age as you. TTC for almost 4 years. Was diagnosed with PCOD based on AMH levels. My cycles were very regular. I follow a good diet and do exercise regularly. My fertility specialist suggested to do lap for ovarian drilling which improves chances of conceiving. When my lap was done last year, there were no cysts thankfully, but was diagnosed with genital TB. I was shocked. Took ATK treatment for 6 months. Thankfully my DH has no issues. Post that doc suggested to try naturally for few cycles. We did, but it didnt work out. We moved to IUI. Due to pcod my doctor is particular about going for non-medicated IUI. I just did second iui and currently in 2 ww. My cycles have been bang on 28-29 days, every month i have one dominant follicle which ruptures on its own at 14-15th day, my endo thickness is good (around 10-11 mm) but still things are not working out. Rest all parameters are normal for me. I have already discussed with my doc and will start preparing for Ivf on next cycle if this iui does not work. I understand that TTC is extremely taxing emotionally. Physically we can still cope up. Stay strong my dear. Your positive attitude is a must to sail you through. I have also been oscillating between hope and negativity at times. But i have kind of accepted that things will not come easily to me. Though I am trying all possible medical help, i am continuing the routine of my life. I have stopped complaining about what I have dont have currently. Instead I am thankful to God for so many things he has given to me till now in the form of supporting family, good education which helped me build a decent career, a caring and supportive Dh and inlaws and atleast decent financial position to try these medical treatments. I believe that every person will get her share of happiness one day. You also try diverting your mind in the things you like. I do exercise and yoga, most importanty meditation which has really calmed me. I suggest you should also try it. Learn it from a professional trainer if possible. Both of us are travel junkies. So we plan and keep visiting new places. Even all my friends and cousins younger than me as well have kids. I catch up with them and love spending time. The kids are also fond of me. Whenever i visit them i keep telling myself that I will be in their phase in few years. Till then hold on. Dont isolate yourself dear. Try to enjoy life as has also been suggested by other ILites and in return life will also reward you one day. Keep up the positive spirit. There are so may success stories in IL itself. I come from a medical background. I have myself stopped googling and researching even the smallest of things on net. It only adds to the anxiety at times. I trust my doctor, thankfully he is really good. Have faith in him. I pray to God to watch over all the ladies here who are TTC and answer their prayers soon.

    Sorry for the long post....but sending lot of positivity to you. Wish you all the very best dear. God will hear your prayers.
    mbharani likes this.
  10. mbharani

    mbharani Gold IL'ite

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    Read your entire TTC journey hatsoff the way your handling....I agree meditation helps a lot...

    Even m struggling with this ttc journey but I believe in God even my day will come..all are days will come we just need to be positive and patient..but being patient is very difficult in ttc journey. ..

    Anyways all the best for all of US :)
    Godbless8 and wish4miracle like this.

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