miracles of lord guruvayoorappan !!!!!!!!!!! - experiences of devotees

Discussion in 'Pujas Prayers & Slokas' started by mssunitha2001, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks Sunitha dear for sharing the miracles of Lord Guruvayurappan. If we have faith in God , He will show us the way and guide us
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  2. meenueash

    meenueash Platinum IL'ite

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    Om sri guruvayurappa
    om sri guruvayurappa
    om sri guruvayurappa

    dear sunita,

    thanks for starting this thread...may guruvayurappa bless us all
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  3. vbjrajavel

    vbjrajavel New IL'ite

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    Hi Anoop,

    Yes.. Sure.. I will pray for you.. The united prayer would never go waste.. He will always help us after making us suffer a lot.. Never loose the hope.. If he does not help us, Who else is there to help?

    Rajavel Balasubramanian

  4. anoopsasidharan

    anoopsasidharan New IL'ite

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    Thank u rajavel,i nvr loose my hope,i need ur pray alwys
  5. vbjrajavel

    vbjrajavel New IL'ite

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    As I already sent in the previous mail, I got out of 1 problem with the blessing of almighty god.. I happily got married and lead a vey good, happy life for more than year.. But, Still, I am under another issue..

    It makes my life so misearble sometimes.. I pray the lord guruvayurappan to be compassionate and let me get out of this issue soon.. I need his blessings towards me to relieve me mentally by which I always feel negative things and look like a person who lost this world and mad..

    I am sure Lord guruvayurappan will relieve me from this issue also..

    Rajavel B

  6. vbjrajavel

    vbjrajavel New IL'ite

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    Hi All,

    I got relieved from the 2nd pain also which was giving me the pain like anything for more than 2 years.. Now, I do not know How to express my happiness,calmness I have in my mind.

    This is an another great incident in my life that proves The god will test us, will make us suffer a lot but will never abandon us.. It reached my mind very deeply..

    I just pray the god.. I am so happy now.. I will surely make use of the lessons I got during my painful period in the future and I will always think of this moment whenever I get depressed, am very sad..

    In such moments, I will just think that The GOD is always with us and we should just proceed and the Life has to move on..

    Thanks & Regards,
    Rajavel Balasubramanian

  7. nnambiar

    nnambiar New IL'ite

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    Krishna Guruvayoorappa, rakshikane.

    I am going through a difficult phase in my life, I call it difficult, not everyone should agree, my jewellery got stolen from my car because of me and my husband’s ignorance. My tali and my husband tali and my kids jewellery was in there. I don't know but I am very emotionally attached to it and the fact that I lost it is somehow eating me. I am praying and praying to lord GURUVAYOORAPPA and KRISHNA and VIGNESHWARA they have always listened to my prayers and bestowed their love on me. I am still praying with undying hope to get it back and also thinking that whatever happens, happens for good and is god decided.

    I am very upset about it and trying to read good things online to keep myself off bad thoughts and sulk. I happen to come across this page and read almost 80% experiences, tears rolled down my eyes couple of times, I will admit. But it is a pity that such a great practise is stopped long time back, the page was last updated on Last updated on 28/11/06. It is such a pity.

    I would like to share my small experience with my guruvayoorappa. I got married in 2011 May and it was 2013 Feb when I was about to visit Kerala, me and my husband always make sure we seize every opportunity to go to guruvayoor and pray. 2013 was a very auspicious year in our lives as we had got possession of our house abroad on 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Feb and also we did house warming of our new house in kerala, after the house warming of kerala house we soon rushed to go to guruvayoor. It was ulsavam time in guruvayoor then (Paliveta was the day we reached there) As per our kerala tradition a couple who gets married should have a baby as soon as they get married, but me and my husband had decided to have baby only after we were settled in our lives, me also being a career oriented women I was more than happy about my husband’s decision, but over the period of time relatives and in laws would keep asking question about baby, and this time when went to kerala my in law was pregnant with her second child already so I was very scared that everybody would corner me and pester me about not having a baby yet, but it was just not about being answerable to them I wanted a child myself this time. We Went to guruvayoor and during the ulsavam as we were standing and praying, I get tears in my eyes wen I am in guruvayoor vicinity I just feel the connection and get emotional, as I was praying and looking at the ulsavam and the elephants and tyring to understand the things around, an unknown uncle calls me from behind, and he is asking me.. so do you understand whats going on here, I was like no uncle I don’t know, (I have been brought up in Mumbai and do not know the ulsavam things), he was so kind to explain me everything and also tell about himself and about his family, I was nicely talking to him and then he said these words to me, your praying right, hmm pray you will come next time with a kannan in your hands to see the kannan, tears are rolling in my eyes as I write this, and then he just vanished in the crowd, I just remember a slim figure aged uncle, who said he visits very often guruvayoor and is retired, I can never forget those words he told me, he was guruvayoorapan for me, a messenger or himself I don’t knw.. but that’s all I wanted to hear, soon after we left india, we tried and I got pregnant and guess who I gave birth too, yes it is a boy, a gift and blessing from my guruvayoorapan.
    Krishna Guruvayoorappa, nyan prartikunnu nee kelkunellye bhagwane, rakshikanne ishwara..
  8. Shakthi7

    Shakthi7 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Guruvayoorappa,
    Please help me..
  9. ShruthiSK

    ShruthiSK New IL'ite

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    Bhagavan is always with everyone who prays to Him with whole heart.I wished to hear Miracles of Guruvayoorappan and browsed about it and found few here.so happy.I wish He gives me also an opportunity to write something really special that happened relating to His presence in my life soon.He has always been there and sometimes I could feel that.Things does happen and we never know why He let it happen in our lives.Its all miracles and blessings.

    Lucky are the ones who has experienced His greatest presence in their lives.I have heard that my Ammamma and my cousin's experiences inside the temple.Everytime just as someone had mentioned here that tears come automatically when we see Him seeking His blessings and there is some power onside the temple.A happiness dwelling around.So I always wish to go there.Thank Krishna..

    "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama
    Rama Rama Hare Hare"
  10. supriyaKanan

    supriyaKanan New IL'ite

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    I came across this site when I was trying to find answers to the loss of a very dear one, the question I had in my mind was if there was a God why dint he save my dear one knowing she was such a great devotee of God.
    Reading the experiences here my eyes filled up and made be believe in the existence of God.
    i always wanted to post my experience but being a private person i dint want to but changed my mind so that those who have doubts may find their answers here.

    Here is my story – I don’t know why in India the main goal of every parents who have daughters is to get them married off, they center their whole happiness and life around their daughters marriage my parents have daughters and no sons.
    I got married the traditional way and was lucky enough that my marriage got fixed with the first person who came to see me. But my sister was not so lucky…. this was the beginning of the internet age and many matrimonial sites were sprouting up and since there so many options presented on the internet we were not getting the required responses and my parents were getting very disappointed that nothing was materializing, finally one did set but then after the engagement the guy started showing his true color, we had to call off the engagement, We belong to a middle class background and incidents like this can ruin our lives… for my sister this rejection was equivalent to public shaming because society never finds anything wrong with the guy they will only blame that girl couldn’t adjust , she couldn’t recover from this rejection and she took her own life. This loss was so immense and knowing that I won’t see my beautiful sister again drove me into a depression, I was also trying to conceive about the same time thinking she will be reborn as my daughter but as life would have it when you need something the most that is when things don’t happen. this drove me into more depression, I got a chance to go to Guruvayoor and broke down in front of Guruvayoorappan all I could pray in my depressed state of mind is if that I had a child I will do her “choorunnu” in Guruvayoor. It took me a couple of years after my visit to become a mother but looking at my child I can say she has many elements of my sister. Bhagwan may not answer your prayers immediately, he may not give you what you have asked/prayed for but that doesn’t mean he isn’t looking out for you, only he has your best interest in mind and since he knows your past and your future he will make the best decisions for you just trust him whole and sole heartedlly his decisions will not disappoint you. ALWAYS PRAY FOR HIS RIGHT GUIDANCE.

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