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Langanam Parama Aushadam(Sometimes being without food is a good medicine)

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Jun 27, 2010.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Friends I don’t know how to translate this in English. Some people feel when you are not well if you are without food it’s a good medicine. Who all thinks I don’t know but my husband does that. When he is not well he does not eat anything. If he eats also its very less and he does not go to the Doctor also. Only when it is very serious he is ready to go to the Doctor.
    On 12<SUP>th</SUP> June When I was in Bangalore , in the night my dh’s nephew and his wife with their daughter came to my dh’s niece’s place and took us to his house. We reached their house after 11 pm. Night before leaving my dh had adai for dinner , he might have had adai at 9.30 pm or so. Actually we all had adai except for some. In the night suddenly my dh had chest pain in the right side. I had not carried any balm with me and I did not want to disturb his nephew and his wife. So whole night both of us did not have proper sleep. Early morning when I told them, nephew said you should have woken us. His wife gave garlic pearls saying it must be due to gas problem. My dh was very tired and was feeling very uneasy. He did not have coffee or any drink. Twice he vomited , then he was feeling very cold. He covered himself with a rug, he always does that saying later he will perspire then everything will be alright. We got worried and his nephew and myself took him to the Doctor who was luckily in the colony itself. After examining she said he is having low BP. To give him only liquid food and if there is any problem then he should be given drips. I got very worried. After coming home dh said he does not want anything, though immediately nephew went and bought medicines, lot of apples, mosambi etc to give him juice. But dh was not ready tohave anything. He said if he rests he will be alright. My sis in law who is in Chennai had phoned and she said to give him kanji, told her dil to make kanji and give. She made kanji but dh had only half cup. Nephew and wife had planned to visit the temples but because dh was not well we did not go. I was getting worried that everything should be ok as in two days we had to leave for Bombay. Luckily by evening dh was alright and he had bath and looked fresh. We even went out to see our niece’s in laws. For two days he was very tired and luckily when it was time for us to leave for Mumbai he was perfectly alright. After coming to Mumbai he started doing his social work .
    Again yesterday morning he had gone as someone expired to help them , came home had lunch and again at 4.30 he went as he had some Samithi work. He came back at 9.30 pm tired and said he will have only milk. He straight went to the bed and lied down and told me to cover him with blanket. Just had one glass of milk. He had severe backpain. I applied volini. Luckily it worked and his pain went off and he had good sleep in the night. Usually morning by 5.45 a.m. he gets up but today he was feeling very tired so slept for more time. Today we had to go to see the house which we will be taking as our house is being redeveloped. He felt better and we went to see the house. He had only one chapatti and after back till now he is resting. Usually we have lunch between 12.45 pm. and 1.00 pm. but he is fast asleep , I don’t want to disturb him. If he has proper rest then he will have his food also properly.
    Sorry friends my post is very long. Hope you all understood why I said langanam parama aushadam


  2. Sudha Kailas

    Sudha Kailas IL Hall of Fame

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    Mami, first of all my prayers for mama to get better.
    DH also same here. He would not eat and rather do langanam and say that he will be alright and that is his best medicine. Same way unless he cannot handle would not go to the doctor also.
    Mami, where else do we share except in Indus with our close ones......and you did the right thing of sharing with us rather than bottling it up !!
  3. Soldier

    Soldier Gold IL'ite

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    Hi aunty!

    How r u? Meeting here after a long time.

    This is a famous saying at our house too. Even my dad says this when he is not well and will skip meal for that time and then get back to normalcy.

    Your DH should not have had adai at such late hours at night. Because it is difficult for seniors to digest adai. If they have it quite early like 8 p.m then it is ok. I too make adai very rarely these days because my husband too develops gas problem. So I use very little of dhals and more of rice.

    Take care and all the best to uncle.
  4. Pavithra55

    Pavithra55 Gold IL'ite

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    hi viji maa
    very nice write up.
    maa hope your dh is all right now. hmm very well said today since morning am not well, have severe stomach pain. even i did not eat anything till now. just took rest. now am feeling very relaxed.:)
  5. parusabari

    parusabari Silver IL'ite

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    Dearest Viji Mami,

    I read your post but it reminded me of my dad. Visualised appa throughout your post.Appa also takes medicine only as the last alternative.
    It is their will power which helps them to regain good health soon.

    I pray to the almighty to bless mama with good health and strength and the post also reveals your concern and abundant love for mama.
    Wishing you every day as a happy and love filled day.

  6. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sudha

    Thank you for your loving fb. Evening mama went for Samithi Meeting and then to the site as work is going on there and came back shivering. I gave him some medicine and he covered himself with blanket. I was so worried. Later he perspired and today also did not have anything in the night except milk. So many phone calls as two people expired.


  7. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mallika

    Olden times people do that only. Here in my house I give him dinner between 8.30 to 8.45 pm. Since we were in his nieces house I coud not tell them anything.
    I also dont make adai much, if I make also make it very thin and grind it nicely. Thanks for your good wishes


  8. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pavitra

    Good to know you are feeling relaxed when you wrote this. Yesterday night again my dh had shivering , since it was sunday could not call the doctor. Gave some medicine for shivering. Luckily he had good sleep in the night. But morning again at 9 a.m. he had shivering, then the Doctor came and gave medicines. He is better now but feeling tired. Today whole day he was resting


  9. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Paru

    Thanks for your concern for mama and good wishes. Olden times people are like that only , they have good will power.Today again in the morning he was not well, Doctor gave medicines and now he is better.


  10. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    I also follow the same. If you feel like you don't need food, I will not have it.
    Ask your dh to go for a thorough check-up Viji. We all need a yearly check-up pa, to keep things straight.
    My prayers to your dh to get back his original vigour in health.

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2010

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