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Husband Hiding again

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by SadMarried, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. SadMarried

    SadMarried Silver IL'ite

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    Me again seeking much needed advice from my IL friends.

    My relation with hubby has been having rough patches mainly for last few years, as some of you know from my previous post.

    Main reason of our fight in past has been unfair demands of gifts etc from his family member and him fulfilling it when we were not even capable of it.ME showing disappointment and disagreement when him lashing on luxury gifts for his nephew and niece when i couldn't afford little bit of that luxury myself, he used that as reason for keeping grudges and making my life hell my blaming , silent treatment and what not. I understand parents are responsibility , i don't mind him spending on his parents luxury and sending big amount every few months. But married sisters and their husband along with their kids demanding for expensive gifts is little unfair.

    Since i have been blamed by him for not letting him help his family the way he wants, i thought i wont say anything for anything he wants to send to him family.Thinking ,If that bring peace in my marriage ,i will keep quite.

    MIL is going back home next week. We have done shopping for her however she wanted ,whatever she wanted, no problem im happy about that as she is his mother and she looked after my child for 5 months, i want to send her back home happy. so all that is well.

    Problem now is pattern is repeating again.My hubby left his FB logged into my phone by mistake, and i checked his FB msg yday again by mistake , wish i didnt. What i found their is his 18yr old nephew sent him msg asking to send high end Canon DSLR camera , and he said ok . See i have been thinking of buying proper SLR for ourselves ,but havent really had courage to make a purchase yet.but that 18yr old college kid ask for around 1000 pounds worth DSLR camera and hubby without a word says ok he will send it(in past it has been laptop/iphone/ipad etc).

    This has been bugging me since yesterday.I cant say a word about it to him as dont want any fight. but him hiding this from me , saying OK to all fair or unfair demand from any of his even far family and lashing out on my also hard earned money is bothering me. I would have been ok with smaller gifts as i promised myself i wont let money matter ruin my marriage. More than money , things that bothering me is they want to loot my husband and he is just blind.When we fulfill their one demand , next time its bigger than that and doesn't seem to stop at all. in 10 yrs of my marriage , i have not received even one piece of rumal from them , but them just demanding and demanding is not fair. My hubby made big purchase for his nephew last year from credit card i was not aware of to hide things from me.Him lying to me and sending such a big amount , i asked why and he just started fight again. He can do same this time too.

    So What do i do ? keep quite as if i know nothing , which im planing to do anyways. But these things are bothering me , so i haven't been able to concentrate on anything , i couldn't sleep thinking about it all and past last night.

  2. iamsrihere

    iamsrihere Platinum IL'ite

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    How will he react if you ask him for gifts? Will he buy or say No to you??

    When he has already decided to waste money, why deny yourself some luxuries? Ask him some gifts. If he says No, fight for that justice instead of asking him to say No to his side clan.

    I know this is not the solution to this issue. but maybe with time, he will realize he has to say No to all around him.
  3. SadMarried

    SadMarried Silver IL'ite

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    He wont say no to me . I earn quite well, so he cant say no to me now. I was talking about past when we couldn't afford when i was studying (not working ) and he was earning less. Now i can buy stuff what i want and i do too. But not to that extent , and when we haven't bought a DSLR myself even if we earn ok, 18 yrs old asking for 1000s pound worth high end DSLR is just nor fair .
  4. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    I have already given you this advise either through PM or here. I don't mind repeating the same.

    If you don't mind answer the questions below:-

    1) I know you are the primary bread-winner in the family. What do you do with your money as you earn?
    - Do you spend it for household expenses
    - Do you save?
    - Keep it for any emergency?
    - Spend on kid
    - Spend on luxuries
    - Spend on personal matters?

    and what does your husband do with his salary?

    Speaking from my own example, I feel as if you are doing everything at home, and leaving your husband a little careless/irresponsible with his part.
    Eg: whatever he earns remains with him, but whatever you earn is already budgeted.

    If so, revise the budget. Do a new budget as per both of your income. Pool the money. Say 60% of yours and 60% of his go into family expenses. The remaining 40% of each will stay at your respective accounts for whatever your own expenses.
    If and when family needs more, you both will chip in as needed.

    60% of yours is obviously bigger than 60% of his. So, don't feel guilty.

    Now, your husband is left with little saving for his and other expenses like sending expensive gifts.

    You are left with more money, so don't over analyze anything. Buy what you wished to buy.

    This way, your husband will have some financial control, self worth... as well as some shyness to ask money from you to gift them.
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  5. SadMarried

    SadMarried Silver IL'ite

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    Things have turned around recently.

    I used to earn more than him, now i have been made redundant from my current job and leaving my work in 2 weeks time , and husband has got much better job(starting from next month) than before and will be earning more than me (well until i get next job , i wont be earning anything but will be getting good redundancy package from my current workplace)

    We always have had joint account , so income from both of us goes to same bank account and all spending are deducted from same, and whatever is left goes to saving account.
  6. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Again the story remains same as mine, except how it works ;)

    I have accepted a pay cut starting from this year, whereas my husband was promoted to a great job last month. As of now, his salary is 3 times more than mine. Things have changed so much.
    But due to the initial agreement and other stuff, we still follow the same budget lines.
    60% of his and 60% of mine goes to the family expenses. Certain portions of EMI, loan etc.. are borne as agreed on a shared basis. So, the remaining will be left for our individual saving, investment or whatever.

    Joint account is a great system. But it doesn't mean it is the only financial system for married couple. Chose what suits you best.

    You are in a tricky situation though. I would advice you to save whatever the redundancy to a FD or any investments. So that it won't be taken out for ipads and cameras down the line.

    Wait till you get a new post. After that, do something to save your salary in an independent account. Share the burden of family expenses, and others.

    For now, just pretend as if you know nothing about the Camera. In anycase, beware of whatever the redundancy amount.
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  7. SadMarried

    SadMarried Silver IL'ite

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    I'm in such a difficult situation , MIL is going back home next month , so no-one to look after my little boy , we were planning to send him day care part time and myself working part time. But because of this unplanned redundancy , may be i will be staying home looking after my son for sometimes or may have to take pay cut in new role for family arrangement.

    I'm going to get good chunk as redundancy money , which i honestly don't want to contribute to our joint saving as so much of it goes out lashing out on his family luxury. I cant say that to him directly , so I'm planning to request to invest some of it on gold , which will always be mine and rest i might use time off from work to do some courses which would help me with qualifications and CV.

    Now me not working or taking pay cut and him being primary bread winner , he will have more freedom on spending on his family luxury . I know its not worth fighting with him about money and same things. but he also needs to understand we are not responsible for fulfilling all luxury possible for married SIL's family , how do i open up his eye ? I'm given advice since he fought with me because i showed disagreement for him gifting too much on his family , may be i should let him spend however he wants with big smile. I was planning to do even that for reasonable gifts. but what his nephew has asked is just too much.
  8. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    I have been following some of your posts.
    It seems like flash back to me.

    My dh was like yours including even building house under his brother's name.
    Had enough fights and arguments initially itself, the cause of so much suffering. But you have to put your foot down in such issues. I was vocal, though not working at that time. as a wife I feel you do have every right on how your dh is spending his money. Him spending before marriage is a different issue, but after marriage there definitely needs transparency to have good relationship. Either he tells you or not is not the issue here. It is about the financial situation of your house and it has to be sorted. Even if you have much income it is not a matter of gifting things, it is matter that needs the decision a couple has to do with greater transparency. Make it clear to him.
    Your IL are never going to stop asking things as long as they are sure that your dh is ok with it. It needs a correction and no one else will be bothered about it except you.
    Your MIL would have known about the nephew request, and would feel that as she had stayed here to look after your kid she has to get benefit out of it.
    I had so many issues like it, and in the end what I decided was that to fight to the end was the only one beneficial. I am not sure how your dh will respond, but that is my feeling. Myself and my kids have lost all contacts with ILs, but in the end it is the survival of the fittest. I had to look after my kids future as there was huge debt for dh and I wasn't working and so forth. So I had to really fight for it. I had even decided that if nothing changed, I would have left dh and made him suffer, as well. That's long time ago, but has left a deep and irreversible scar on myself both psychologically and physically.
    You should be prepared and anticipate a traumatic and emotional stress if you proceed to ask him and deal with the issue then and there. Otherwise if you leave it , you should also expect that there is no way you would be able to discuss freely any issues with him in future.

    How much ever we tell here it is only you who knows how your dh would react and how you want your life to be ? Just think and also read other people advice.
    Take care
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  9. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Op...why do you let your husband take all financial decisions?
    Why do you leave so much money around?
    Why do you not tie up the money in investments?
    Why are you always walking on eggshells around your husband?

    First ...tie up your redundancy fund in an FD that he cannot touch.
    Then go out and buy that camera and other stuff that you have been wanting today.
    Why should spoilt nephew have all the fun?

    Will there be fight....may be....but can you be sure there won't be if you keep giving your joint money for spoilt brats?

    When you get your job ...try SGBV 's financial plan .Make it 50 -50.(this should be used only for the three of you)Both of you put 10% for son's future and rest you both take care of your investments from your 40% each . This way he will have to think about his future too .
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  10. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    This is a very nice situation to be in...

    Enjoy the luxuries of an house wife. At the same time upgrade your CV and knowledge by learning a new course. The new jewelry plan, and may be some investment on your kid or yourself is worth.

    Let him pay the entire household expenses, medical, child's expenses, and everything in addition to whatever the sudden expenses like Kid's birthday, new purchase, festival etc..etc.. comes up.

    Being a primary bread winner is not easy. Perhaps you know it.

    Dont say any negative comments about him sending money to his people. But every now and then, kindly remind him of the family's need. Try to boost his ego in the mean time by mentioning about his new job, salary upgrade; hence the requirement to upgrade the facilities at home.

    Perhaps, invest on a new day care.

    Remember... Don't try to run the show at home. Finish whatever the shoping, saving, investment with your redundancy money. Dont talk about it. Finished.

    Now don't remind him about your post cut, no salary issue. Treat it as if your husband is capable of running the home perfectly without you. So, like any housewife would, you too be honest with him.
    Ask him if you need anything openly. Eg: an iphone.

    Try to drain him as much as you can with the family expenses, your expenses, kid's expenses, savings and all the upgrades.

    If he still feels the need to send money home, let him do... It wouldn't be that much after all the spending. Also, if he does so, let him find happiness there after doing all this for you
    5 people like this.

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