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how much a one month old baby should gain?

Discussion in 'Baby / Kids Foods' started by rharini8182, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. rharini8182

    rharini8182 Senior IL'ite

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    Dear friends, i am having an one month old baby...He is exclusively on breastfeeding only. During feeding he used to feed just only for 5 minutes and then fall asleep. All the efforts that we try to wake him up end up in failure..If i put him more pressure to wake up he crying aloud and very difficult to make him calm down. When i told our doctor she is telling that it is in my hand to feed the baby exclusively for half an hour and let him go for sleep upto 2 hours. But it is not happening in my case. I am scared of weight loss of my baby.

    He sleeps for 2 hours and then cry for feeding...That time he may have upto 10 minutes maximum. I dont know how much milk he is taking. He is not regularly passing stools. He may pass stools once in 6 days. But urine he is passing daily 10 to 15 times. whenever i woke him up after 2 hours to feed him he is crying non-stop.

    He is not taking enough milk and cry as his sleep is gone. How to handle this situation..? Daily i am spending sleepless nights and restless days. When he was born he was 4kg but i dont know how much is normal for my baby this month. What should i do to take him more breastfeed...i am ready to give him bf exclusively for the first six months...i am not having problem with milk supply...kindly guide me.

  2. bril

    bril Silver IL'ite

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    Check your diet to see if hez getting gas problems or bloated stomach because of which he is feeding less. Make a note of the diet you take on a certain day he feeds well and eat the same for a week and see if there is any improvement. Avoid deep fried food,spicy food, toor dal ...
    If you use vasambu, you can grind it into a paste with warm water and apply on his navel. Also you can apply hing water on his navel. Make sure you are burping him after every feed even if it takes 10-15 min.
    Not passing stools daily is not an issue i feel. Main thing must be that some food you are taking is not suiting his tender digestive system. Only trial and error method can solve this problem as i learnt that in my DD's case.
    Pls dont give gripe water/warm water... make sure u only BF always.

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