How do you feel after returning to Chennai.

Discussion in 'Return to India' started by Shanvy, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. parusabari

    parusabari Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Shan/All,

    Ystday night was browsing IL. Got jitters when chanced upon these forums about R2I and selection of schools.I went through the full R2I section ystday. So many experiences shared. I know sooner or later we may also have to shift to Chennai.
    I thank Shan for pouring in so many suggestions. Though still i feel light headed thinking on which school to select for my kids. Ystday a tear did escape my eyes imagining the stress initially which children would have to cope up with. They are very familiar with Chennai since we have been visiting frequently and will adjust well.

    I would like help from my friends. I would like to know if Tamil is a compulsory language in the schools in Chennai. What are other languages allowed and from which standard.
    I have gone through other threads and understood french can be selected too.
    P.S: I have posted the school query in the appropriate thread.

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2011
  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    It is easier these days. you have fellow returning ilites who are willing to share their experiences, and there is so much information that your transition is only making a few step by step to do list and move.

    all the best for yours whenever you are ready. will check out the school forum.
  3. vbrk1971

    vbrk1971 New IL'ite

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    Hello all, I just joined this forum. This seems to be the spot I have been looking for to post my questions.. thanks to the founders and contributors to this thread.

    I am currently living in US and considering to move back to India in 2012-2013 academic for all the same reasons you all have done. My kids are studing III and V grade in US. Looking to hear from parents who have returned to India from US whose kids enrolled in VI Grade in India.

    1. I know how stressfull school like used to be in 80s... Not sure today. How did your kids adapt to the Indian school systems, kids bombarded with homeworks and projects.

    2. Did you enroll them directly in CBSE/Matric school system or enrolled in ICSE (international schools) and then transition them to regular?

    3. How did you go about deciding the languages. Is there an option to avoid learning languages ( I doubt).

    4. Once you decide a language, how did your loved one handle it?

    I guess these are my main concern to even think about next step of returning to India. We adapting to chennai life should a peice of cake (as we know the issues we are going face and can be mentally prepared)

    advance thanks for the replies
  4. priyanarayanlk

    priyanarayanlk New IL'ite

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    Hi Shanvy,
    Glad to know you have moved to chennai. How do u and kids feel now?Are u a US cistizen.
    Please let me know how ur kids are doing?

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