Depression - myth, reality, or a little of both?

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Rihana, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Putting this topic under Education & Personal Growth, because with all the information, science, studies, and data out there about depression, we need to identify what we think about it personally, and how we'd deal with it if it seemed to show up in self or family.

    You're not depressed. You're selfish. • TomaHaiku
    'I Felt Empty And Directionless', Says Deepika Padukone on Her Battle With Depression: Full Transcript

    What is your basic take on depression? You totally believe it is purely a mental health issue and happens, can happen to anybody? Or you totally think it is a fancy label and the person just needs to suck it up and get on with life? Or something in between?

    If a family member or close friend is dealing with it, would you actively encourage the person to go on medication? What if you faced it?

    Feel free to be candid, and do not hesitate if your opinion is in the minority, or you have that opinion but cannot defend or substantiate it sufficiently.
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  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Right now, my opinion falls somewhere in between. Depression is real, can happen, but it is far too often propped up as an excuse by people and doctors. Somehow, medicine for the mind - I instinctively think a No. I am not so backward as to think that only someone visibly mentally impaired needs medical help... rather that there needs to be a higher threshold to medicate the mind than for body.

    But then what do I know... felt that way about epidural for childbirth, that a needle to the spine is surely a last resort.... and when the need arose, was begging for it, and even told the dashing anesthesiologist, "God Bless you" after the meds gave blissful respite.

    So there... confessed my remarkably unscientific illogical take on it.
    sindmani, SeekingMind and kaniths like this.
  3. KashmirFlower

    KashmirFlower IL Hall of Fame

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    my take, It is a mental health issue, can happen because of many things it is in side the genes(I think runs in families) which can show-up on some stressful times,
    2.just the persons surroundings, and experiences etc can make person depressed as unable to cope up with things, or their attitude towards like
    3. weather. in winter people get depressed,

    And I feel it can happen to anybody at anytime like any other disease. ex.For us deepika's life is fine, but she suffered and took medication for it.

    if I know my people suffereing ,I would encourage, to go step by step by working with a doctor, dr knows better to use medication or not at that stage for that patient. But patient's willingness to work with doctor is imp.
    Patient needs awareness about this kind of problems to recognize what they are going through, which is also equally imp.

    Some people use depression word too loosely , for things like helplessness associated with sadness, etc.
    guesshoo and Rihana like this.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes, the word is used too loosely.

    "helplessness associated with sadness" - nice description. Perhaps some will actually ask, "but isn't that one definition of depression"

    Thanks for the fast and thoughtful response.
    sindmani and rachaputi like this.
  5. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Just to clarify, depression as it is used colloquially is not the same as Major Depressive Disorder. Obviously it is in the head, but an fMRI is all you need to end the debate of real vs unreal.
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  6. KashmirFlower

    KashmirFlower IL Hall of Fame

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    I feel by fixing things which are causing helplessness and sadness by themselves or closed ones the situation changes immediately and they are not depressed any more, and may feel happy, in this case.

    in my opinion, real depression not so, it takes time to heal even with medicines and counselling and tough process, whatever they have, still they feel empty and not happy.
    no happiness feeling for that person till he/she is healed,
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  7. jillcastle

    jillcastle Gold IL'ite

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    Well, I used to think depression was all in the head until a few years ago. There was this person, lets call Person who claimed to be depressed and would always say would commit suicide soon. Some believed and offered support, most like me did not believe and thought Person was just doing it to gain sympathy. Could I ever be so wrong? The last day I saw Person, there was something I couldn't put my finger on, something was different. Wish I went and spoke to Person. Just thought Person was throwing usual tantrum. Some friends were consoling. I ignored and went upon my usual work. Heard the devasting news Person committed suicide the next day. Changed my entire perception on depression, that it is something real and people need help.

    But I have to add, I still think most of the people just use the word as an excuse for self pity. There was one neighbor who was always depressed and always had something bad in her family to talk about. The challenge is to differentiate the real from the fake ones.
    sindmani, beautifullife30 and Rihana like this.
  8. anahita5

    anahita5 Gold IL'ite

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    I don't think it a myth at all since i witnessed someone close to me so full of life and confident become so sans verve and needed support for everything. The biggest problem is that this disorder is not researched enough and with the increasing stress levels we are seeing more cases as such. in hindsight i think i might have witnessed other people slight depressed but it was just pushed under the carpet considering it as something insignificant, which to the rest of the world is since they are not feeling the same things the depressed person is feeling and there are other worst disease like cancer etc that people have to face. I think it has made me more emphatic to such people. Medications at times help, they do have major side effects. It seems there is a imbalance of chemicals , why i am not sure, but there is plethora of alternative medicine that might work. I would not brush anyone who comes to me for help and feel they are depressed.
    sindmani and Rihana like this.
  9. Gaiya3

    Gaiya3 Gold IL'ite

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    I know someone who was diagnosed with depression. He/she was prescribed anti-depressants and was asked to see a psychologist too. Just for the fear of being branded and the side-effects of the medicines that person refused treatment. Suffered a lot, would always be in tears, anger would shoot up like anything. persons family had to suffer too. Persons behavior was misconstrued as 'seeking-attention/sympathy' as the onset was due to a personal loss and somehow the person pulled themselves up after almost going to the verge of suicide. but that person felt no one offered a helping hand as many didn't think or take it that serious. Immediate family was sympathetic but didnt know ways to help. Though the person still cannot feel happiness, is mentally much better/stable and is out of tears after many years. From their view it was like fighting a battle with one's own self. This person has decided to volunteer and offer help to whoever(depressed people) needs support. But is not sure where and how to find the group that offers support to depressed individuals. From this person's POV, they say now that all they needed was someone to talk to, who wouldn't judge them or who wouldn't brush of their suffering as not real (terming that it's no big deal), who could simply let them talk and hear out without offering opinion. Is it Myth or Real? One who underwent it feels real but cannot determine the intensity.
    cliona and Rihana like this.
  10. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    I consider it as a mental health issue. Can happen to the high risk groups, but can happen to anybody. Have friends who are on medications as well and there is medical help available.
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