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Another Day!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    My DH waits patiently with my jacket in his hands by the kitchen door as I watch a couple of my friends do their eyelashes. Later DH mentions that another friend who had joined him watching me watch my friends had wondered with a "S is so involved in what they are doing, like she is ever going to try those!" She knows me well but the truth is I am fascinated with both of my other two friends. They are trying on magnetic eyelashes and are delirious with joy - seeing how lovely their lashes look and how easy it is to make them look that pretty. I am spellbound with their happiness and in my heart want them as happy as they are feeling at that moment. I am also intrigued - how do these work? Who must have spent the time and effort to bring this to the market? I grab the eyelashes box, notice the very fine magnetic strips, there is a fine design on the strips even, understand how it all works and am fascinated!

    As I bid my goodbyes and thank everyone for a lovely New Year's party with warm hugs and kisses and a feeling of easy camaraderie and love amongst us, I am truly grateful for these bunch of people in my life. They have absolutely accepted me for what I am and how I am! No judgement. I know they are there if I need anything and they know they can count on me. We share our lives and stories - we come with no baggage and we try not to create any between us! I know if we loose touch, we will all tuck away our lives together in our 'good memories book', with 'Gestures' topping the list! We are seeking no permanence in each other lives and it is here for now!

    I wake up suddenly in the early hours of the morning and I am spellbound by what I see through my bare windows - the lovely orangish full moon shining brightly just above the white roof of my neighbor's house, the bare branches adding just that required pattern to the beautiful sky - about to become all bright. I am completely awake now. I continue to watch the moon for some more time, enjoying the view, grateful for the lovely start to the New year's morning. What a beautiful way to welcome the day. After sometime, I come down the stairs to brew that cup of coffee and notice that the Sun is breaking out in all it's glory on the other side of my house, shining bright on the snow and making everything around looking sparkly white!

    I come to my computer, eagerly wanting to check the videos of how the world heralded New Years - different parts of the world at different times making it a celebration somewhere in the world and as I watch the various of the world's celebrations, I tear up surprising myself. There is something wonderful about this New Year. Mind drifts to the 'feeling' of last year's eve but the heart wants me to enjoy the now! I sush that mind and continue to smile as the dog comes down demanding to be let out before anything else! I watch him play in the snow from my window with that cup of warm coffee in my hand, waiting for the rest of the family to make their way down as the day progresses!

    The day already after all has taught me to be in the here and the now, once again! Heart feels lighter, smile stays put and the world looks lovely despite the bitter cold, outside my windows!

  2. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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  3. MonikaSG

    MonikaSG Platinum IL'ite

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    Describing so much about a moment made it lively for forever. :)
    Archanaanchan likes this.
  4. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you @GeetaKashyap

  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you @MonikaSG. I have learnt that it is those moments that make us happier and become memories and it is amazing how much understanding happens in moments!

    MonikaSG likes this.
  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Same pinch, Srama. : ) Fortunate to have made and maintained some such friendships. Easy camaraderie, no drama, all grateful to be part of each other's lives. Some such easy camaraderie, no drama friends are also in IL. They do not judge me for things such as never getting around to answering PM's. : ) : )

    Was at the library a few times past week to pick up the now rare thing called printed books. Realized I had paid zero fines in 2017. Yay. Thought of you.

    Happy New Year. It was a super moon for New Year's Day. Going to be a blue moon on Jan 31st. Hope you will post more often than once in a blue moon. : )
    Thyagarajan, GeetaKashyap and Srama like this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Rihana,

    I have never doubted that you have good friends! You are an easy person to talk to - at least that is what I understand watching you and interacting with you here.

    I do hope you count me in here ;-)

    Your's truly hasn't been able to let go of either the physical books or the fines. There is something about go through rows and rows of books!
    Thank you for thinking of me. It does put a smile on my face. How wonderful is this online world, we have not met yet we think of one another, fondly! Now, @kkrish will go, 'still?' Srama, with a smile on hearing about my fines.

    That moon! Yes, I absolutely love watch it shed light on the snow. Thank you @Rihana for your feedback. Hope you had a wonderful start to the New Years! Also a pleasure to hear from you.
    Rihana and kkrish like this.
  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey Sabitha,

    so good to read something from you on the very first day of logging into a proper computer this year!!!

    I love your 'in the moment' posts and they truly bring a sense of peace and calm to me as a reader.

    My 'in the moment' was being fast asleep when the supermoon was on the rise. So missed it. :-( Anyway, shall content myself with pictures of it on the net. Wonder why the moon decides to show up only when I am fast asleep!!! Not fair, I say. :grinning:

    Wish you infinite moments of happiness in this New Year and hoping to see you more often with your reflections on life and descriptions of all the beauty around you.

    Loads of love and best wishes for a Happy New Year.
    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  9. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    You find beauty in everything......which we fail to observe or take it for granted.
    After reading I get a feeling that life is beautiful!!!
    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    She finds beauty even in me!

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