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An Act Of Kindness!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by BDivya, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. BDivya

    BDivya Platinum IL'ite

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    An act of kindness

    We were once-upon-a-time-friends and this incident was during those times!

    We are 5 colleagues working under the same account but in different projects and it took no time for all 5 of us to bond. We used to have a really great time during lunch and coffee breaks. Gone are the days now. Sigh.

    It was one such day during our appraisal period and the 'seniors' make the best of this time! So it was one such 'senior' assigned exam that we all had to complete within a dead line. And this exam was not conducted inside the office. We had to travel to the actual exam centre to write the exam.

    So the date and time slots were decided and all of us chose the same date and time. It was just few days before exam and we were still enjoying. Just 2 days before the exam we all 'actually' started the preparation. We referred to all possible web sites and registered in almost a dozen anonymous web sites that promised us to provide with the 'mock' questions! So we all prepared whatever we could get from these sites and as we hailed from software industry we proudly transferred the pdf files to our mobiles so that we can continue our preparations even on the go! And in this way we became a 'Techie'!!

    It was the day before the exam and we were all engrossed in deep discussions as how we will reach the place. We discussed on many different modes of transport and cursed few transportation facilities as they were not available for us to reach our destination! And finally we decided each of our modes of transportation and who is going to share a ride with who. Everything was settled and we gulped down the coffee quickly and left for our respective desks.

    It was the d-day! We all got ready well before the time and reached the exam centre. As there was some time left we all took out our mobiles and went through the pdfs for the one last time. It was 10am and we logged into the systems as it was an objective type examination. For the next 1.5 hours we were glued to the screens and with the mouse button clicks. So after 2 hours one by one we all came out and waited for the rest to finish. No doubt we all cleared the exam, thanks to those anonymous sites that helped us.

    It was 12.30pm and time for lunch. Each of us spoke about various restaurants that we must go and relish. Finally we settled for Mc Donalds and one more traditional 'thali' food restaurant. Two of us went to Mc Donalds and the remaining 3 preferred the 'Thali'!

    Me and one of my colleague entered Mc Donalds and oredered ourselves a meal each and happily carried the hot burgers to our table. Before we dig into the burgers we posed for a few selfies and victory-symbol-selfies. With this we started muching our burgers.

    I had taken only a few bites of the finger chips when I saw a middle aged lady with a baby in her hip and was asking for money to the passerbys in the pavement. Since the Mc Donalds was located high above the pavement with more than 12 steps, I could see her from our table. The baby was curiously looking at the passerbys who gave her some coins and then the baby shifted its glance to the coins that lay on her mother's hands.

    The lady moved out of my sight. I could no longer eat the burgers. I felt bad and went out to give her few coins. I walked down the steps and found that she had already walked past the next shop also. I walked fast so that I could give her the coins.

    Just before I could reach her, she went near an auto and asked for money. The auto driver with due respect took out his lunch bag that was tucked beneath his seat. He pulled out his box and emptied its contents into her plate. After that, he touched the baby's forehead and ran his fingers through the baby's hair.

    I was so moved. The auto driver who had got food for himself, emptied all its contents to her plate and also showed love for the baby. As he runs an auto and could not provide the lady with few coins, but still he wanted to do something for the baby and the mother. The way he took out his lunch bag and offered food, his face had no expression of proudness or superior feeling but he pulled out his box with all due respect for the mother and the baby.

    In front of his act of kindness, the few coins in my hand had no value. I returned back with a heavy heart and a great lesson learnt - An act of kindness!

  2. shobhamma

    shobhamma Gold IL'ite

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    You will find that REAL acts of kindness are mostly from people with meager resources!
    sindmani likes this.
  3. BDivya

    BDivya Platinum IL'ite

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    Thats soo true! Now that I had vitnessed it, I truly agree!! :)
    sindmani likes this.
  4. BDivya

    BDivya Platinum IL'ite

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  5. sindmani

    sindmani Platinum IL'ite

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    Nice one. True. It is not richness of resources , it is the mind that makes people kind.
  6. BDivya

    BDivya Platinum IL'ite

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    very true :):):)
    sindmani and shyamala1234 like this.
  7. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Divya,
    It is the mind which has to respond for compassion and kindness and not purse. Purse is only instrumental.
    Good one.
    sindmani likes this.
  8. BDivya

    BDivya Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank u Shyamala :)
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    These are signs of existence of humanity. I can't hear enough about such acts of kindness from people who struggle in their day to day life. It looks like people who struggle to make the ends meet are the ones who understand the difficulties of those who beg for food.

    I was born and raised in India and my son was born in India but was raised in the US. His perspective when he sees someone who asks for help appears to be very different than my own perspective. Even his attitude towards those who drives us around, who cooks food for us, who clean our cloths, etc. appear to be different. Even though I am liberal towards them and loving in my words, I expect them to do their work right whereas my son sees their difficulties first before expecting anything.

    sindmani and BDivya like this.
  10. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    We cannot come to a definite conclusion as to the kind temperament of people.In our village there was a rich family with four sons. All were living in a joint family.Three sons were already married and the vadhus were from rich families .The DIL s were very much cooperative.The fourth son was a professor in a local college.He wanted to get married to a girl from a poor large family so that the girl will be much understanding, kind and know the anxieties of others.He had such an alliance.The girl came home.But contrary to the expectation the girl was very much selfish and started quarrelling with her sisters -in-law and was bent on dividing the family property.Though she had been brought up with 5 siblings, she had no compassion or sympathy-Her poverty had not taught her anything good.
    We cannot come to a conclusion that single children would be selfish and those from large families would be kind hearted or people from the poor strata of society would be compassionate. Depends on individuals.We cannot blame parents too.

    Jayasala 42

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