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Affected very badly due to nazar/dhristhi of freinds, acquintances,relatives..

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by generic, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    KF...I am not very spiritual or a believer. My friend who believes in this said it.One of my other newly married friend was wearing one rudrakh as a fashion thingy .So she told her it would effect their sex life.

    I only recently came to know they are of different kinds depending on mukh .
    Nice info.:thumbsup
    sindmani, generic and KashmirFlower like this.
  2. brahan

    brahan Platinum IL'ite

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    I have experience a lot of this...Be it sharing a simple good news to others , or posting some thing nice in FB...

    The effect ranged from the good event not happening (we plan for vacation/book tks-but we will not be able to go) or there have been times my dress (new ones/moderately used ones) used to tear (tear beyond a shape which cannot be stitched back)- this has happened to me almost 5 times , that too my fav dress.

    I have posted some snippets of my life (my DS's smartness) , and the whole world appreciated on the little child's intelligence, the next day he had diarrhea and fever(He has never got this in his 7 years of life)

    After these incidents i stopped posting these in social networking sites. My DH used to say that only way to protect us from this is thru prayers..When we pray all the negative feeling surrounding us go away.

    Also try mopping your house with Salt water...Salt is a very good absorber of negative energy
    sindmani and generic like this.
  3. generic

    generic Gold IL'ite

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    nice suggestion. thanks brahan
  4. Meet9

    Meet9 Silver IL'ite

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    OMG I am getting obsessed with this buri nazar stuff....The fact is I never paid any attention to it, in fact I was a bit of a boaster and full of confidence, then all of sudden, bad things started happening in my life.....
    People around me with average hard work easily got superior results, and their wishes came true in jobs etc, while I genuinely slogged and struggled to even get a base result...I have always been a class and college topper...and no, I did not quit working hard, or working smartly..if someone has seen the movie "The pursuit of Happiness" I have literally slogged like will smith...nothing seemed to work and was astonished at myself at how low my life had became..
    analyzed and found that I was a boaster..I stopped boasting and started complaining about small things, started acting dumb and things started falling in place...

    believe me, I have been in science forever in my life..and I trust this buri nazar now like crazy....

    recently, I have observed that if you smile and show satisfaction in your life in front of a person who is struggling hard, negative stuff starts happening to you....I can sense insecure and jealous people from 10 feet.....I can sense it in their fake smiles, and eyes...

    my ILs always compare me to their daughter, SIL, who is I can guarantee bringing my life down with buri nazar, especially my ILs follow a lottt of occult methods, and they obviously have my birth information....I always always always get affected very badly when my ILs visit me and see me happy with my kid......my kid becomes sick, I become stressed, things become uncontrollable, I gain weight..I become sick and lethargical, DH and I fight a lot.....such a storm happens when they go..and NO we dont fight of ILs issues....we just fight.. no reasons for getting sick...my walking and exercise routine goes out of whack, I literally become a mess when they visit ....and the effects are so long lasting that I literally lose my life over it.....now I am horrified at the thought of what could happen when they visit next time...

    my ILs our financial and health troubles, our loans etc, worries about kids etc...still they leave no stone unturned in making insensitive remarks about my looks/job/earning potential and small happiness that we try to steal from everyday struggles..while their daughter is just enjoying her life she is just fat and doent earn...she is happy but because of her luck or whatever she is enjoying her life..please God let me at least have peace in my home and plz dont let their buri nazar affect my little heaven.....
    generic likes this.
  5. Meet9

    Meet9 Silver IL'ite

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    where can we get an authentic rudraksh, can pregnant women wear it? can a small child (3 yrs old wear it?)
  6. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    You can get them near the Hanuman Temple, Nanganallur, Chennai. Ask for 6-faced one. If it is only 5, it is no good. You can wear it after the 2nd trimester.
    3 year old child cannot wear it. It might get loose, She will eat it, and choke on it.

    On a second thought, don't buy it. It may get loose, you may eat it, and choke on it.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  7. generic

    generic Gold IL'ite

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    @Meet9 yeah there are so many things beyond our reasoning capacity..so I never boast about my accomplishments neither do I express happiness in front of anyone..
    Lot of times I have slogged like anything without good results and others have succeeded hundred times more than me without efforts..just like you.
    Have faced it in case of few friends , co workers and relatives who were not exactly thinking in my best interests.
    So I'm very guarded in sharing anything with anyone apart from close family members
    Meet9 likes this.
  8. sumzaya

    sumzaya Gold IL'ite

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    During my childhood days ...Whenever i visited my aunt , dads 2nd sis i used to fall sick n weak.. , mom takes dried red chilly,salt , mustard seed s rolled in a paper n just murmer somthng ( may b buri nazar door ho jaye) n move/rotates 3 times it all over me n put that in fire. .
    Aftr som time I used to feel better.... May b superstitious... I donno.. According to me...MOMs are always RIGHT.:grinning:
    Meet9 likes this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    My qualifier up front is "I am not a believer of superstitions and talk much against such superstitions not only in real life but in IL as well". However, I have learned in my life to accommodate the beliefs of others. If my mother or MIL were to do some rituals to eliminate the evil eyes, I will blindly obey their instructions. I don't consider as a conflict against my conscience but simply consider that as fulfilling the wishes of my close family members.

    If I miss a step while leaving, my wife tells me to sip water. I just comply. Some believe that a cat should not cross when one leaves to do something important. Some others believe a widow should not cross the path while leaving from home. In your case, you are experiencing bad things, if someone appreciates your family. Therefore, you are driven not to share anything good happening in your family with your friends and family.

    Frankly, if we are not sharing our happiness with others, how good is that happiness? Similarly, if we are not expressing our happiness from the bottom of our heart, if someone is having a good time, we need to evaluate ourselves.

    Take it easy and share your happiness with others. if they say, "you are lucky", accept it gracefully. If you believe in rituals for evil eye, perform it quietly at home for the well-being of your family with no offense to anyone who shared their feelings about your good times.

    We have to treat others the way we like others to treat us. Just imagine, if someone were to pick up the sand under your feet to put it in open flame and you happened to see it when they pick the sand under your feet impression, how you would feel?

    Life is filled with good and bad events for everyone and nothing is driven by someone's emotional feelings. Even if it is, certainly, it is not going to happen because someone is saying positive things about us. If they feel jealous, perhaps, that negative vibration may affect us a little. It is our mind that relates the words of our friends and family with bad things that follow after they said it.

    When I reached the age of 50, someone suggested that I should wear Rudraksh in a chain. I was planning to relinquish all my jewelries at that time and hence I was reluctant. But one person said the right word that triggered me to wear it for 12 years now. He said, "you would feel very spiritual and make righteous decisions". Whether it happens naturally or because of what I wear, I feel good. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings, we can do whatever we are comfortable with.

    If our faith in the Supreme Power is intense and we have the mindset to accept the life as it comes, what effect such evil eyes have on us? Please forgive me, if anything I said is hurtful to you.

    sindmani, SRK123, Laks09 and 4 others like this.
  10. Meet9

    Meet9 Silver IL'ite

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    Thanks Nonya, I think I will buy one for my kid as well next time I visit India...my toddler does not put anything in his mouth without taking my permission :)..not sure how this second baby would be...

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