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A new year task for you!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by srinivasan_vanaja, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Nice, thought provoking write up. Liking public figures comes out of admiration of qualities in them...which are projected. We do not know them personally...it is only admiration.No interaction with them.
    The people around us...a different yardstick for them. We observe how they behave with us and with others also. Their actions, speech, manners...all these play a role. it is love....whether it is spouse, friend, neighbour or a relative. In this we are also involved.....how we interact with them.
  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Vanaja dear a thought provoking post. I feel we should never go by the outward appearance and go for their good qualities. All that glitters is not gold. But it is not the case with everyone. Some look good and their heart is also clean. With some people at the first meet only we understand them but with some people after meeting them many times also we are not able to find out. Its with experience we learn everything and I feel if we are good then we can find good in others also. As Kishoremommy has said some people in our family are jealous with the happiness others get and try to bring some misunderstanding.

    The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are."
    --Thomas Dreier

    Dont know whether my fb is correct
  3. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    I had to get back to you because of my faux pas! This was a thought provoking post anyways!

    All the best for you and me with the choice of our words and friends!:)

    L, Kamla
  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    I see you online sometimes, but then thought you are busy in your schedules, great to have you back and again thought provoking as usual..

    I believe and teach my kids this..

    when you look at a white paper which has a single black dot in the whole page, what do you see. if your eyes zero in on the black dot, it means subconsciously we are always on the look out to find faults, though logically faults are the first thing you notice.. if your eyes appreciate the accentuated whiteness of the page due to that single black dot, you have move from being judgemental..yes you are able to look at the good of the person overlooking his black spot. though difficult, it helps with practice.

    All said, the good and bad of a person is the charisma that pulls you to a person. there is a story of duryodhana and yudhishtra going to find good person and a bad person and both could not bring one as duryodhana could not find a good one while yudhistra could not find a bad one. it is all about how you want to look at. i know somebody very close who always says nobody is bad.

    So the pull of a celebrity or your neighbour or the flower vendor who comes everyday, is actually what you perceive. it is not about the person, it is more about your view and perception of the person. because the same sridevi, sachin maynot be liked by all.

    Did i digress, i thought the whole thing was about self realisation, self analysis and retrospection. we need to do it every day, every week. at every milestone we cross in life, we need to look at ourself, in respect to our OWN SELF, with respect to our relationships with others be it spouse, children, friends, god.

    if you are able to find your own faults, accept them, and are willing to rectify them then you are growing up as a person..

    happy new year vanaja..and this task should be a habit and not just for the new year...

    ( you need not be over the hill to understand life. life throws learning curves to a student even as young as 13 is what i have understood from interacting with my kids)
  5. srinivasan_vanaja

    srinivasan_vanaja Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks. You have put everything in short form :). Thanks for coming in.
  6. srinivasan_vanaja

    srinivasan_vanaja Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks. Your one point is truly valid. If we are good we would see only good in others. Jealousy is very dangerous. It will affect our mind, relationship, happiness, health and what not. If we can develop the quality of feeling content we can definitely eliminate jealousy.

    Again a valid statement and let me enhance it - world is a crystal clear high quality mirror :). You have given two valid points and you are very well in the subject. Thanks for coming in.
  7. srinivasan_vanaja

    srinivasan_vanaja Gold IL'ite

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    Kamla, Your post is a Thread in a Thread. Felt very happy to read. Thanks.
  8. srinivasan_vanaja

    srinivasan_vanaja Gold IL'ite

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    I visit IL every now and then. But couldn't find time to post or participate in threads. As you said due to work schedules. How well the incidents in epics describes each human value!

    Thanks for the wishes and wish you too a Happy New Year and Pongal. Yes, the last sentence in the thread indeed emphasizes that we should develop this thought as a habit to leave peacefully.

    To be honest, I got to realize life and people at a very later stage. No point in repenting and happy at least God has opened my eyes at this stage. Thanks for coming in.

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