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A Grumpy Gray Morning And Sunflowers!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Feb 14, 2020.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    It is 4.30 am and I am wide awake. Of course, it is a dream. It is always the dreams, right? I find myself in the kitchen in no time. I make myself a nice cup of tea, but sip it urgently wanting to hasten time, willing to move the hands on the clock so that it is time for my work out. I wonder if I am addicted to it and decide that I am indeed! Perhaps my jumpiness will settle down after a good workout. As I step into the garage, I feel the brrr….cold. Thank goodness there is no snow or ice. On the contrary, I feel it is better to be that cold with snow and ice than without! Go figure! As I turn the car on, the temperature shows a solid 13F. I know it is just a matter of couple of minutes before the temperature falls falls further. After all, the car has stayed warm in the garage.

    As always, I am a couple of minutes late. Not that I have not tried. I have! I have tried to reach on time or earlier but has not been possible for some reason, even on days I wake up sooner than normal. So! My class which is usually full is showing just one another person working out and one more getting ready. Who would be crazy enough to show up in that cold! First thing I notice, I grunt ‘ugh’ another substitute? I step out to fill my water bottle all the while debating if I want to spin or try to run or do something else or plain go back. As I reach the water fountain, a fellow spinner gives a loud cheery ‘good morning’ – something that has not happened in the past and I go again ‘ugh?” This day seems to be so different already.

    I go back into the class having skipped the first workout song to a total count of four students. I know it is going to be on me to get that endorphin rush. As I begin the workout, I feel better. My heart rate is climbing after all, I feel a need to step off and get another bottle of water, not to speak of the gasping of breath and the related stuff! I am not paying much attention to the songs today - for one, they seem to be sappy love songs 'ugh' and two, sometimes I cannot follow the words and on occasion that I do, I always wish I hadn’t! It is always the beats, not the lyrics. But I hear, “you are a sunflower” in the song that is being played and my mind has transported to another time and place. Thoughts I tell you; they can travel the fastest. In those two minutes of that sing I had replayed all the conversations and scenes from a half an hour conversation, from so long ago.

    I am eagerly sitting and listening to the instructor as she flashes a beautiful picture of a sunflower

    upload_2020-2-14_7-54-0.png - a single sunflower smiling away.

    We stare at the picture to the intentional silence - from the instructor for a minute or so, of course peeking at her every now and then, wondering at her silence. Then, she dramatically turns around and asks “What does that flower remind you? Does it tell you something? Does it talk to you?” Write down what you feel. I watch everyone write fervently and I put my thoughts down as well. She goes around the room asking the students to share and I am shocked and amazed that a couple of the students had even whipped out poetry in those two minutes. I had indeed gone ‘ugh?’ back then too.

    It is my turn to share. I am not much of a sharer, except with you lucky folks here – ask my friends. I don’t share my experiences in yoga, in meditation, feelings etc. I think I am a seeker. May be an observer. I think that is why I am blessed with the job of being a teacher; the universe always nudging me to share what I know, though unbeknownst to the universe even, I think even when I teach, I am seeking to learn. Anyways, I sheepishly tell that instructor, especially after the poetry, what I have written down about the sunflower – “No matter what, if you learn to look at the ‘sunny’ side you will always be smiling!” I see the instructor purse her lips, give a dramatic pause for a few seconds and say, “Interesting, I have never heard that feeling associated with this picture in my experience so far”. Now I don’t know if it is a good thing or bad – didn’t know then, don’t know now.

    Usually during the summer months as I drive by in the neighborhood, I go by a sunflower farm – it is amazing to see rows and rows of them flowers perking up to that sun, changing directions but always smiling to that sky. Can you visualize that? Yes, all of that came back to mind just hearing that “You are a sunflower”! Whoosh, phew! Mind, thoughts, memories. I realize that perhaps that is something I try to see, the better side even in trying situations knowing full well, this too shall pass.

    I bring myself back to the present and I am climbing that imaginary hill that the instructor has skillfully taken us on. The instructor has done a fabulous job of pushing us and a different style of workout has made a difference to me this morning. I needed that. My heart is racing, and I get this feeling of wanting to take off yet at the same time wanting to stay rooted. What an incredible feeling that is I tell you! That feeling always remind me of trees – staying rooted so strongly yet taking off with their expanded branches. Have you seen those branches gently curving upwards towards the sky as if receiving all that energy and passing it down to us, giving all that it can to the life around it? I see such joy and harmony in them.

    I hear the instructor say, “Thank you for all your hard work today”. Nope, she didn’t say, thank you for taking my class or thank you for working out with me, it was a simple “Thank you for your hard work today!” acknowledging our hard work – not what she received but what we did! I tuck it away in my memory. What a wonderful way to give credit where it is due! As I step off that bike at the end of 45 mins, I find myself walking up to the instructor for the day and say “I loved your gentle yet persuasive way today. I enjoyed the workout. Thank you” taking her by surprise as much as she had me taken by surprise!

    PS: I did tell you I try to look at the sunny side. Don’t you see, a gray 11 F grumpy morning and all I have seen are sunflowers and trees, so far!

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    You transported me to a world filled with joy and serenity through your snippet. You have motivated me enough to wake up again at 4:30 a.m. which I used to do regularly but failing to do now. Isn't it a great time to work out and/or meditate and/or do yoga?

    What a remarkable statement this is! Sunflower opening up seeing the Sun is a great way nature is telling us what to do. In fact, nature is teaching a lot more to us regularly. @Gauri03 once mentioned how much she lost herself watching the breathtaking tall trees while hiking until her husband brought her back to realtime. Then I ended up asking a question to her about being in a zone while hiking as somewhere else I read about it. She explained that those who hike pay so much attention to the present moment, they really lose focus on time and the rest of the world. At that moment, they lose their identity and the processes they go through becomes dominant as their memories synchronize with those processes. The ego of "I am doing it" melts like butter. There are somethings we don't like to snap away and there are somethings we like to snap away quickly in life.

    Your write up brought pleasant memories of meditation I taught to the children.

    “You are sitting quietly in a garden that is full of flowers with different colors. They are blossoming in the rays of sunlight that comes down to earth. The trees and plants are shaking gently as though they were appreciating the rain they have experienced a few minutes back, welcoming the wind that is blowing towards them and enjoying the rays of the sun. The flowers of today are opening up as though they are smiling after seeing the colors of the rainbows up in the sky. The flowers of yesterday are facing down as though they have been humbled by the opportunity given to them to Blossom and the flowers of tomorrow are keeping their petals closed as though they are worshipping God for their opportunity. The grass on the ground is sacrificing itself to the hunger of the animals which are walking all over it. The whole atmosphere is serene and you are wondering how every living being are appreciating each other and live in peace with reality. You are thinking that peace is not obtained by your free will but by humbly surrendering to the Will of God and accepting the reality.”

    I will remember throughout my life what I need to do to keep smiling. :banana:
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    No more a grumpy morning when you are able to see the brighter and positive side even when the temperature is 11F!!!!
    Yes....sunflower make us see positive aspects of life!!!!!
    Nothing can shatter your positivity.
    kkrish, Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Warmed up in 13 F in hurried tea turned into a huge positivity notes by your mere thought of seeing smiling sunflower turning to see and remember only bright side of things . What a splendid narration of your observation seemingly insignificant yet making a riveting impression on mind.
    I enjoyed the following lines re reading twice.
    Thanks and Regards

    Aesthetics in full bloom. Thank you. Regards.

    GOD is “live” in Nature irrespective of season & in Sun flower & strong oak tree.
    Srama likes this.
  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    Thank you for your response and the detailed explanation of the meditation you taught children. children are fascinating. Just one evening this past week, as I was taking my DD someplace and talking about sunshine or lack there of, she said "Mom, I don't know what you find in nature so much. I cannot rally feel that joy". Just as she said this and as if to show here, we saw the biggest possible sunset ever - yes, I said biggest. Neither her nor me have seen such a huge setting sun and she said "now, I know what you mean!" It was an incredible experience that we could not explain to anyone but just keep the feeling between us.

    And I truly thank you for taking time to read and respond. I am grateful for that. Many a time, the joy is so overflowing that it becomes impossible for me not to put it down in words, even if it sounds repetitive.
    satchitananda and Thyagarajan like this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    My friend and my cheer leader! Thank you for your warm words :) When there is lacking of chirping outside, all I can do is chirp away here. Thank you for responding. It means a lot.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you dear @Thyagarajan sir for your very sweet words. I appreciate that you liked some lines so much that you re-read them. Thank you!
    These words mean a lot. Just the thoughts in our head, or memories they can truly spin a tale! Thank you for encouraging me.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. Agatha83

    Agatha83 IL Hall of Fame

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    I have seen many sunflower fields while traveling by car to places near Chennai, but only today I realized that a sunflower can actually smile after looking at the picture of sunflower you have posted.

    There are only a few people in this forum who can write so creatively and also use a poetic language. I enjoy every word you have put down here, giving creative meanings for the flowers looking up and those looking down, with the green grass! Absolutely fantastic. Thanks for a great write up.

  9. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Sabitha
    A calming post as always!

    One thing you manage to do is make me feel guilty whenever I read your 5 am spinning class. While you are spinning away, i just get out of bed and have my cup of coffee and checking here.:facepalm: Sitting!
    Well both actions start with a "S" so I guess I am ok (need some self-pep talk, hehe!)

    But reading about your love for nature I am very happy because I see my soul sister there.
    I agree, putting into words the joy that nature gives is so so difficult. You do a wonderful job of that too.

    i do hope there is snow before winter ends. I am not happy with this warm climate in mid-winter. Feel uncomfortable on what natural calamities lie ahead.

    Thanks again for a mind calming article.
    Srama likes this.
  10. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Agatha83 ,

    Thank you for your very warm feedback. This time around, I hope you think of me when you see a sunflower field and smile :)

    Thank you for your appreciative words. I look up to you as a writer and so thoroughly enjoy what you write. Words from you mean a lot. Thank you so much.

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