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Be The Magic!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Shyamala,

    Always a pleasure to hear from you. And oh that UK sun, I have heard quite a bit too :)

    You are right on about nature. Just yesterday my DH sent me a pic of peeping sun with a "there is hope" We truly are ready for sunshine! This exchange of sunrise and sunset pictures is something that we do often!
    Oh I can't wait to see the greenery around. Almost there....
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  2. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    I agree with you. Some of my friends do ask me about my fascination for Bach when I could get the same thing in our texts/teachers etc. I think it is the language and the fact that I have been a follower for years now. I do read again again and see my own perspective and thinking change. I notice things I might have missed in my earlier 50 reads of the same book!
    Oh absolutely sir!
    I see the look in he child's eye and I know he is beyond ordinary. My goal is only to do my best and nourish that quest. Thankfully, I come home most days happy with my days. I am truly blessed and I am grateful for it. Thank you for your feedback.
    GeetaKashyap, kaniths and Viswamitra like this.
  4. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    @Srama Half of spring is in the sweet anticipation, and by all indications you are in a spring state of mind. A lovely bracing snippet! Here, on my side of the world spring gave us a teaser of the glorious days to come, but winter wasn't about to surrender without a last hurrah. Sub-zero nights and biting cold days. Yet when you pause and look closely spring is everywhere, waiting for a chance to announce itself!

    Valentine's day was never much of a to do in my household and now it has devolved into a joyless parental chore. Buying and preparing valentines for 50 odd classmates is not an enjoyable task. At the end of the day the husband and I were so relieved to be done with it that we completely forgot about each other! : )
    kaniths, Srama, kkrish and 1 other person like this.
  5. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    I join you is awaiting spring.

    But then I like winters too. I like to take a walk all bundled up with the bitter cold wind making me gasp for breath but the best part of winters are the hot meals and snuggling in wraps with socks and sweaters on and watching a movie or reading a book.

    Spring is so full of color especially the canopies of fine light green lace, and tulips and daffodils. This week has given us glimpses of spring. a week or so more and finally.

    I remember the V-day cards we had to write, and always kept at it saying, "this too shall pass". Well, it did pass and now we yearn for those days. Kids! They grow up too fast!!
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Gauri03

    Thank you for pulling up this thread to respond. Oh spring, you are right it is the anticipation. Even as I type here with my patio door open at some 48 F, all I hear is the birds. They are tweeting! Oh how I love that. Winter has been so brutal for us, you should see me searching for life walking around. You are right! Spring is everywhere!

    The joys of parenting. But like @kkrish says, this too shall pass and you know what, it might be as close as just a couple of years or so. While I tease my own teen in good humor with a "any special valentine?" to his "mom, remember all boys school...and so many exams" with eyes rolling, I do get some response when I continue to do that with somewhat of a seriousness with the other teenagers I work with. I would rather know than not. That's the beauty of kids though. They remind us every now and then that there is 'us' too and help us break tradition and celebrate such days whenever our heart pleases. Happy Valentine's day to you - today :)
    kkrish and Gauri03 like this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamala @kkrish,

    Were you in line of those huge snow storms? I hear you when you say you love winters, especially the part of cozying up with a nice cup of tea and a book or a movie with your loved ones and you know you shouldn't get me started on running in snow. I absolutely adore, not just because of the snow but it somehow makes me feel that I am breaking barriers.

    This is such a poetic description of spring...yes yes and yes...all the tulips and daffodils and cherry blossoms. While I jump with joy looking at nature, DH in his good nature takes me every and then on a holiday to a remote place only to bring me back with "You are such a city gal!" The truth is what you describe, the coziness of loved ones and I need people, communities, societies yet I want that nature around me intact. Why should they be mutually exclusive? Can we not have it all?

    Thank you Kamala as always for your response. It means a lo.
    kkrish and kaniths like this.
  8. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Sabitha
    Enjoyed reading the beauty of nature in its simplicity.
    How we wish for that brightness in the winter. I am a morning person and My energy level goes down as the sun goes down. Today as I was driving saw the skies change colors within an hour. It went from clear blue to dark grey so soon.
    Glad that our winter was better this year. Just can’t wait for spring soon.

    just few days back when driving in the night I could see cumulus clouds distinctly even in the darkness. I was reminded of this snippet.

    Clouds and Sky will never cease to amaze us.
  9. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Lakshmi @jskls,

    Oh me too! completely a morning person. I can't wait to get out of bed some days.

    The pictures you have shared are so lovely thank you. It always makes me happy when you think of me out of the blue. Thank you. It is that time of the year no? We need the rains for all those blooms and the sky knows how to spin its magic!
    jskls likes this.
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:The post together with the FBs was a virtual tour de’ force through Mother Nature in her various ramifications. I enjoyed reading this thread thoroughly.
    2. Some anthological description of Nature by English poets Wordsworth, Shelly, Tennyson et al crossed my mind. If winter comes can spring be far behind?
    Thanks and Regards.
    God Bless Us All Always.
    kkrish and GeetaKashyap like this.

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