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Oviya Vs Julie..big Boss Tamil..

Discussion in 'TV' started by anika987, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. rossie

    rossie Gold IL'ite

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    But Raiza turned from being 'goody good' to extremely rude. She doesn't have to play the task.. But then the words she uses.. like 'Poda' or 'naan.. i know rules.. not a stupid girl' etc were not cool.. i started hating her
    sweetsmiley and poovai like this.
  2. Indeevara

    Indeevara Platinum IL'ite

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    Felt the same
    anika987 likes this.
  3. peppyr

    peppyr Silver IL'ite

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    Ya such a turnover of character 180 degrees after 1 week from being house Thalaivi. I guess with her aim to leave asap she changing her attitude to annoy BB and also viewers. Didn't like her comment when she said this is not her weather, not her language, not her food. That sounds very disrespectful. A lesson for all Season 2 contestants...(if BB Tamil will even have a Season 2!).....please think carefully before joining the show and don't do drama that I want to go home, don't want to do task...etc after joining the show.
    rossie and sweetsmiley like this.
  4. poovai

    poovai Platinum IL'ite

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    It is sad to see, Ms Gayu leave today. Cannot live in this world / survive unless you have 'hey you, back-off' message written on your forehead.

    May be, I am like her in reality. Don't mess with me attitude at work and home.

    Stop talking about history, gone days are gone! Ask, what you want people ....she will not change / I will not recommend her to change. It's another job that ended unfavorable, good luck with your personal life, Gayu. She didn't find someone that suits her personalty in marriage life and she suffered for it.

    If my parents are that popular, I will be like to her too. Many without any status shows so much attitude in BB house, what is wrong / why not she with so much backing from her circle, more prosperous life ahead her.

    Let me follow Harish Kalyan, for now he seems to be level headed, but lazy. He is more subtle than Aarav. Raiza seems to have a soft corner for him??
    peppyr likes this.
  5. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Gayathri left...semma!!

    However,audience were too lean with her with their questions.

    Moreover,one question which should have been asked..

    Though we all disliked Julie,she was bullied by harathi and this gayathri initially and she succumbed and became a doormat,which was sad.Why no one questioned her bullying?she can say anything to anyone but she won't take any criticism??

    Also,she as giving advice to Julie 24/7 and lying blatantly she isn't.She is so
    Arrogant and will never admit her mistakes.Good that she left.

    Also,suja is overacting.yes,they played a prank and they apologized.However,she seems sweet types and "acting" arrogant.Not suiting her.Is that her strategy??

    Raiza..She is too straightforward but it is not attitude but she is not diplomatic and yes she should have apologized to
    Suja.funny?playing pranks on others is funny but if someone did that to her,she won't like.
    rossie, Indeevara and peppyr like this.
  6. peppyr

    peppyr Silver IL'ite

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    hmm.....now that the main antagonist is out of BB (namma Gayu mam), i wonder how the dynamics of the house changes from this week. The BB makers/producers really keeping on their toes and making viewers guess who will be the winner. It's a bit unpredictable now.

    Suja-Mind voice: Konjam overa taan poramo?? seri povom......:nono: She can take things sportingly and leave it at that. Ok yes it was a prank but just take it easy and laugh it off. Being over sensitive over a prank can be disastrous if she is planning to live in that house for many weeks.

    Aarav-Enna pa unnaya taani vittu poitange, ungal arumai akka. Ippo yaaru kuda alliance veiparu? Perhaps he will stick to Raiza until she gets eliminated. Don't see him bonding with Harish much.

    Vaiyapuri/Snegan-Got blasted from audience from Q&A and Suja....maybe after this konja adaki vasipangalo? But in all fairness they were not mean people and did their best to be kind and caring to everyone.

    Bindu-Mind voice: Can I just leave this freaking show already. I'm silently dying here.

    Kajal-I think we won't be missing Gayu that much as we have her periya akka on board. Maybe friction will start with Suja and Snegan. She supports Raiza and Aarav so these 3 will be a gang.

    Harish-Still yet to see his "real" side. Will good looks and charm get him far in the house and emerge as BB winner? :buenrollo:
    rossie, Ranchu and anika987 like this.
  7. Ranchu

    Ranchu Local Champion Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    All questions posted by new contestants on phone were really good.
    Bindu - enna ma vacation vandhaa madhiri irukka.. I laughed so much for this. perfect.
    Harish is still lying low to understand everyone.

    Raiza - Her reason for not participating in ghost task was, we should not corner one person for a task. Task should be common for all. Now with that logic, her prank was bad. She cannot corner Suja for that .
    Someone should have asked her that.

    Suja - she understood its a prank, adhoda vidalaam. asking q to Raiza is just blowing it up. She wont get the apology or answers she need. Adhu purinjadhum she should have left it. Now her image is getting spoiled.

    V : he did sing that song in a demeaning way . he was teasing Ganesh for helping the newcomer. Apo he sang the song. they should have showed him that clip . He flatly denied saying no i did not sing. Apparama when Kamal went away, he says I may have sung but for fun.
    Panradha panitu , then samaaliching.

    A , R gayu should not have said no for the Task-winning-meal. that was just mean. Last time when parotta paaya was sent, they all shared and ate it. Ippo enna pudhusa ?
    anika987 and poovai like this.
  8. Ranchu

    Ranchu Local Champion Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Definitely Ganesh dhaan winner paaru.
    anika987 and poovai like this.
  9. poovai

    poovai Platinum IL'ite

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    அடங்குமா சுஜா, ரொம்ப பண்ணாதே. I cannot stand Suja, another 'fake' personality and Gayu (in me) might hit her!

    Another boring day in BB land.
  10. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    All the old contestants..almost all are gone!sure raiza will go this week..

    Hmm..feels like seeing a new big boss season with contestants who knows what public wants.

    In a way,missing them even the worst people as we are used to seeing them everyday.Miss Oviya and Julie (!)the most ..

    Suja - seems sweet but overacting.trying to be Oviya.

    Harish- nothing negative as of now.

    Bindu- decent but dead boring.

    Kajal- She Maybe herself but do not like the way she talks,attitude and overall personality.

    Ganesh/snegan - one of them will be sure shot winners..let's see.

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