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Mirror Never Lies

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by Akanksha1982, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. 28neha

    28neha Platinum IL'ite

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    Oh this is my Second scuba diving in IL..one with @IniyaaSri and second with you..actually i never did scuba diving but i experienced twice:grinning:

    Very Nice episode Aks and super Narration.I am thinking why only these two ladies have complain about their husband that they have changed .what about Ajay and Raghu ? even they both have same complain about their wife's ? just curious to know even boys will be having such complain:grinning:
  2. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    We have done Scuba once and it is really fun. I was scared earlier as I don't know swimming. But will do it again when I get a chance.

    Raghu did complain in the second part. The history and thinking about each character is intertwined in the narration of the story.

    Thanks Neha for your support and lovely comments.
    28neha likes this.
  3. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    OMG I was scared that even those words maybe too much on IL. As it is I am walking on a thin rope here with an adult theme. People are shying away without comments. Hirsute to aapki farmish thi (In Jai Hind story)

    Yep, years back I had taken the Cruise to Baja Mexico. It was a fun experience.

    I am not a popcorn fan but need it when I am at the movies. Without popcorn what's the fun of movies? Doesn't the smell become too distracting. So better to have the popcorn.

    Thanks Rihana. Love your comments.
  4. Rith

    Rith IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow...great to see Aks next story..How are you aks...hope your neck pain subside somehow...Will read your story soon and post my comments..
  5. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey Rith doing fine. How are you? Yes my neck pain has nearly gone. Great to hear from you. Looking forward to your lovely comments.
  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Realistic episode, Akanksha.

    That is the problem with vacations - in addition to getting time for rest and relaxation, the mind gets more time to brood.. stand on deck of cruise liner and shed tears that fall into the mighty salty ocean.
    Standard pati-patni jhagda on vacation - one wants to sleep, other wants to be up with the sun.

    One prepares backpack the night before, other says why do we need a backpack.

    This I didn't get. Why is she waiting for his approval. The girls who marry against parents' wishes, are usually not so meek.

    See that is the problem with women. Before he went to bathroom she was mad as a wet hen. He comes out, she is ecstatic and hugging him just for a yes to scuba.

    What do they wear inside the wetsuit? Are burkini's allowed?

    Hey!!! Didn't we give Palak and Munir have a patent or something on that 'gal needing help with gear' thing? Actually, would be fun if they had a guest role in this story.

    That his knuckles grazed? And the dark outlines from sunbathing?

    Aiyo... I know what is going to happen. The instructor will assume they are a couple, and 8x11 pictures will be posted on ship in that busy area they use to con people into buying overpriced professional pictures. It will be formal dinner night, and as Shweta and Raghu are walking towards the restaurant, the pictures leap out at them.

    Smiling to read the above after all the discussion in Agnipariksha thread. : )
  7. Deepu04

    Deepu04 IL Hall of Fame

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    Interesting episode aks dear....
  8. creativemind23

    creativemind23 Silver IL'ite

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    Nice. waiting to know what happens next....write soon
  9. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Part V

    Raghu held the picture frame in his hand and stared at it. Kavitha made the payment and they started walking. As they started walking, Raghu made a poem on the spot based on the picture.

    As in the ocean the tired sun dips
    With all its mighty orange flare
    So does in your luscious pink lips
    Worries of my day seek your care
    As the moon covered in night dark
    Silently spreads its warm cool love
    So your face with curvy hair dark
    Gives me the peace I long and love
    To wake up the next day with vigor
    To fight a new battle of the day
    Just as sun in its mighty splendor
    Rises to new hope and a new day

    Kavitha was impressed with Raghu’s poem. “Your wife must be luckiest person. You are so romantic.”

    “I am tired of your romance and romantic poems. Do you think every married couple does romance all day and night?” Raghu remembered Shweta’s words. He just kept quiet to Kavitha’s comment and they continued walking.

    Kavitha returned to her room. She realized that she had to prepare the dresses for the formal dinner. She started to iron the clothes.

    Ajay walked in. Seeing Kavitha ironing the clothes, he shouted, “Why do you do everything at the last moment. We have to leave soon for the dinner and you are still ironing the clothes. You will then take a long time to get ready. You are so slow in everything you do. Why can’t you plan ahead?”

    Still fuming, he paced around the room. His eyes saw the frame that Kavitha had purchased. Seeing the price tag, he shouted again, “Why do you purchase more frames? Don’t we have enough? Our home looks more like a museum now. And that too you bought such an expensive frame!” He moved into the bathroom to get ready.

    Shweta and Raghu entered the formal dining hall. Shweta was looking beautiful in a blue laced Sheath knee height dress with blue dangling earrings and necklace. She was looking elegant in a blue stole resting on her left shoulder and carrying a blue Prada clutch in her left hand. Raghu was dressed in a blue suit. Ajay and Kavitha entered the formal dining hall. She had worn a black gown with dark black stone studded earrings and matching necklace. Ajay was wearing a black suit.

    All four got seated on the same table. They all mingled well. Kavitha complimented Shweta on her dress. The four talked about their profession, interests, politics, sports, talked about the cruise and finally talked about the halt at Catalina Island.

    “Kavitha, your husband, Ajay is so caring and has so much patience. He helped me get over the scare with Scuba diving. Without his help, I wouldn’t have done Scuba. It was so much fun. The view of the coral reefs and different color fishes was amazing. I got to even play with a cute turtle.”

    With creased brows and widened eyes, Kavitha was in a shock as to what she was hearing about Ajay. “Ajay having patience?” She asked in her mind and gave a shimmering look to Ajay. Raghu was in surprised to know that Shweta and Ajay had met each other. All four were quiet, each thinking about what they heard. Their thoughts broke as the waiter served the dinner. With many Indians onboard, both the couples had ordered Indian food and were delighted to find Indian food. It was ironic that when Indians are in their home town, they search for good Italian, Mexican, Thai or Mediterranean restaurants but while on travel they search for Indian food.

    While enjoying the food, Ajay asked, “So Raghu, what did you do on the Catalina Island?”

    Raghu talked about the walk on waterfront with Kavitha and delicious corn that they had and the market and the art store. Kavitha continued, “Raghu is very knowledgeable on the plays, novels and his poems are exemplary. Shweta, you are lucky, looks like he is so romantic from his poems.”
    Ajay was shocked to hear that from Kavitha. He felt insulted in front of strangers and that angered him but he controlled himself. Shweta was angry that Raghu wasted his time on waterfront when he should have come with her to encourage the endeavor she had undertaken.

    The table then just heard the occasional ding of the spoons hitting the plate. All four of them acted busy finishing the dinner. Deep in their heart, all four of them felt hurt that their spouse had enjoyed the time with a stranger of the opposite gender.
  10. Deepu04

    Deepu04 IL Hall of Fame

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    Aks story is really good so far... Narration is so fantastic dear... Eagerly waiting for the next episodes

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