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Enlighten Me, Please..

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by sweetygal, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Op....there are all kinds of teachers and all kinds of teaching styles.
    It is possibe that she is open and available to the students for popularty.
    It is also possible that she is the kind of teacher who gets emotionally involvd in her students life.
    She could be popular because of her closeness to students ...or she could be popular because she is a good teacher.

    Remember she will be evaluated not just by the crowd around her but also by the results her students get.
    If she is not good,the students will realize it closer to exam time .
    If she is good...they will value her more during exam time.

    This is an engineering college.The students know they have to do well in exams and they are not there for chit chat with a lecturer .

    If she is indeed so dedicated...her style will remain same.
    If she is faking it...she will soon tire out.

    You should just ignore her and do your best the way you do it best.You will soon fiind your style that works for you and gets you best results.
    Best wishes Op.
    SGBV, sindmani and dnormx01 like this.
  2. sweetygal

    sweetygal Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanks everyone.. I m feeling better for the last few days reading different views. It was just that I wanted to know if she s really right or is that I m feeling uneasy. Anyway I ve thought about this pressing problem n come to the conclusion as u all said is BETTER to leave d matter. Easy to say. I have read about Zen habits and it says when such irritating thoughts come, just observe it and it ll pass away. I ve also told myself that i shud not bother myself thinking if students ll like me, coz I know in my heart I m not that bad. Some do like me though not all.
    dnormx01 likes this.
  3. Lady1

    Lady1 Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sweetygal, quite simply she is looking outside of herself, thinking of others and, how SHE can help 'them, ' what she can do for them...you are looking inward, and wondering why the OTHERS are not pleasing YOU!

    There is much more long lasting joy and fulfillment in serving others however we can than in getting others to serve us-in fact that (getting) happens automatically and disproportionately multi-fold, when you give, give, give....Give it a sincere try. What can make it easier for you is, if you see God in your students and feel you are serving HIM, through serving them-remember what a NOBLE undertaking teaching is---its not just a means to earning a livelihood- you are shaping other lives through the advanced education you impart and are helping them carve out their careers and professions and livelihood!

    After all, you are there to 'educate' and ''guide' them, and who says that must start at 9 AM and end at 6 PM, or stay within pre-fixed appointment hours? Your enthusiasm and energy level are the only factors that form the boundaries...in fact that latter one (energy) gets replenished the more you expend of it! Involvement is a true re-energizer.Jealousy is an energy sapper.
    Good Luck!
  4. sweetygal

    sweetygal Bronze IL'ite

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    Ok, I ll definitely think about it ..

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