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Clinical Nutritionists/dietitians From Delhi For The Management Of Pcos

Discussion in 'Indian Diet & Nutrition' started by cheenu123, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. cheenu123

    cheenu123 Gold IL'ite

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    • Hi,
    • I am a 32 year old female, 5'3" and weigh 86-88Kgs (it keeps on fluctuating). I'm a chronic sufferer of PCOS and do not menstruate if I don't take meprate. I am very depressed due to this PCOS and excessive weight.
    • I have gained
    • 1. Almost 30 kg in the last 3 years
    • 2. Have developed acute depression
    • 3. My pulse is also very high
    • 4. I have slightly high BP
    • 5. I have cholesterol
    • 6. My Vitamin D levels are close to nil
    • 7. Of Late, I feel pain in my knees
    • 8. I sweat profusely
    • I do not have any reproductive goals therefore, I want an in-depth solution/ long-term solution. If I go to a gynec they give me oral contraceptives which make me bloated and cranky. If I go to an endocrinologist they give lipocut which upsets my gut. If I visit a dietician I am given a very strict diet (so far I have had bad experiences because I cant afford to starve on a diet since I have a very demanding job).

  2. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    @cheenu123 - I saw the thread you created in the fitness forum at the beginning of the year. I'm not a doctor or a dietician and I know how hard it is to lose weight while battling pcos but I do know a couple of ILites who are on the same boat. All of them seem to be on a low carb diet because of PCOS. Unfortunately you do need to be on a strict diet because of your condition but that does not mean you have to starve yourself. Have you tried logging your calories on myfitnesspal or a similar app and seen how much you are consuming? You will be surprised to see the hidden things you eat. I always logged everything including vitamins on there.

    Secondly, do you weigh/measure everything you eat? Especially fats, oils, carbs and fruits etc. Eyeballing never works especially for oil.

    Btw, being on a diet doesn't mean you have to starve. For your height and weight you can easily start with 1600 - 1800 cals a day and work your way to a healthy weight. I'm not sure how you measure your food, but starving is never going to work in the long run. Think of it as a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    I do know two people on here who continued losing without exercising by just eating at a caloric deficit.

    Btw, this is a marathon, not a race. Take baby steps. You are on track since Jan.
    Don't give up now. Keep going ahead. It took everyone who worked at it years to lose the amount of weight you are trying to lose. Even if you don't lose one month, instead of completely throwing in the towel, take a good hard look at your food diary and see where the excess cals are creeping in. Chances are you will find you are under mining calorie count for certain things. It won't work the first time. Trial and error will show you what works. It'll take time and proper logging on mfp but it works.

    Didn't you complete a race a few months ago? I'm sure you gained a lot of confidence just crossing that finish line. Keep at it. Start the couch to 5k program. It'll give you such a rush to finish that 5k. Who knows, you will even finish a FULL marathon some day. Keep moving and even if that job is demanding take 30 mins every alternate day for this program. Running is addictive, once you start you won't be able to give up especially when you see the benefits of it. It's so difficult to continue working on weight loss especially when you stop abruptly. I just started running yesterday after a long time and it was hard to talk myself out the door I just got my shoes on first thing in the am and drove straight to the track after dropping my son off so I couldn't talk myself out of it. Same with diet. A few months of eating like without thinking just because I was super busy made it hard to get back into the swing of things. Plus I'm going through very early menopause, having terrible perimenopausal symptoms, taking meds for it making it hard to do anything. I'm doing this to stay healthy for myself. I always wanted to be in good health for my family but only when I wanted it for me I achieved it. It's doable, don't doubt yourself.

    Pinging @Gauri03 and @Shanvy for some tips.
    ashima10, satchitananda and cheenu123 like this.
  3. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    @Laks09 thanks love for the tag. and @cheenu123 your pcos and your depression are linked. your vitamin d, your cholesterol, your knee pain everything is linked. so what you need to do understand what is happening in your body, being aware of what is the reasons behind the way you are feeling be it pain or mood swings

    i am not sure about dieticians, and nutritionist and dieticians are going to give you a list of things to do and not to do and again you need to follow them to the t.

    The thing that you can do for yourself right now is snap out of the feeling that is why me...understandable after what you have gone through, but this is not the end, think of new beginnings, think of new possiblities.

    what helps is a good group of support, somebody who are not going to judge your slips, but keep motivating you through and giving you a kick on your tush when you feel like giving up.

    Mood swings - take help, if it is venting into a private blog, talking to somebody who is a listener, or moving for change of place..doing something different.

    diet - the key lies here. consistency, commitment and control. you want to be healthy for yourself and not for x y z. Remember x y z can feel sorry give a hand for a few days, but cannot for life..it is your weight that you need to carry.so start looking at how to make sensible, easy to follow changes that can be continued through life. pcod is a condition, not a disease, that can be controlled and you can have a wonderful life inspite of that. Like a low carb, high protein and cutting down sugar helps.

    Exercise start changes in your routines. yes you have knee pain, so start with walking and slowly move on to vigorous exercises.

    once you exercises,eat right,reducing stress will bring in a lot of changes. it all starts with your decisions of being better for yourself..nobody can stop you from getting better love.. start today.!!
    Laks09 and satchitananda like this.
  4. chillbreeze

    chillbreeze Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Cheenu, Laks and Shanvy has given you good suggestions. Regarding knee pain, the following worked for me:
    1. Do stretching and strengthening exercises for knees and legs. (Just few stretching and strengthening exercises I learnt from Google. This helped me a lot. If pain is more or knee is stiff, just do stretches for few days, then start with strengthening exercises.)
    2. As Shanvy said start with walking.
    3. Search youtube for workouts that can be done with bad knee. I do Jessica Smith's workout for people with bad back (I get back pain, knee pain, neck, hand pain..you name it I have it), standing exercises (I can't bend or squat) and exercises free of lunging.
    Laks09 likes this.
  5. cheenu123

    cheenu123 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear @laks,
    Your reply has come at a time when I had expected least.
    I am fighting for divorce and have my first hearing next week.
    Last week I got enrolled myself with a notorious dietitian, Dr. Suneet Khannna
    who charges like 8K for a month. I have completely lost my sanity, have gained tones of weight,
    have major temperament issues now with family & friends. This divorce has not only begun & it has ripped me
    apart mercilessly. I am wondering how am I still on with my work, I must be giving a hard time to my co-workers as well.
    Yes you are right. I completed a marathon last Valentines (14th Feb-2016). Its been a very rocking year.
    I joined this dietitian only because I need somebody who could discipline me.
    He has given me a target to lose 2.5 Kg /week but accidently/or confusedly, I have lost 5 Kgs in the last 6 days
    & my mother suspects that this is alarming & that at this stage, I need a psychiatrist more than a dietitian.
    However, me and mother are at loggerheads at every single discussion so we are going with the flow.
    I’m sorry if I sound lame.
    Laks09 likes this.
  6. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @cheenu123 - First of all, don't apologize. You don't sound lame. Every issue big or small is big enough for the person undergoing the same.
    I'm sorry for your impending divorce. No wonder you are so stressed out. I understand the outbursts and the health issues. When you are stressed it shows somewhere.

    Please understand that this is a temporary phase. I keep telling myself this. Things are not going to stay the same. They will change because change is the only constant in life. Secondly, accept the fact that there are things you have no control over. Other people's behavior or reactions or your impending court case are all things you cannot do anything about. Concentrate on the things you can change. Work on yourself. I think this dietician is a good thing. Track all that you eat based on this new diet with MFP. Even now I look back at my Logs there from two years ago to see how I ate and go on that regimen when I have to train for a race. It's good that is there for me to see.

    I don't think you should be unnecessarily alarmed by the sudden drop in weight although 5kgs sound a bit much. As with any new diet/exercise routines, you might be seeing a major drop in the begining and then it will even out. Since you are currently overweight the first few kgs will be easy to shed. Or it might be that you are checking it wrong, same time of the day is what is recommended. In the next few weeks observe how you are doing and if it is still a lot then add a small snack worth 100-200 cals in the evening and see if the loss slows down.

    Regarding your mom, she is probably worried for you. If my DD were to lose 5 kgs of weight in a week and have stress and have health issues I would be too. It isn't a bad idea to get checked out by a doc before starting any new diet/exercise regimen to make sure there isn't anything that might be a cause for concern. Think about it. You can always tell your mom that it is only the first week, in the coming months you will work all this out. Give yourself time to understand your body and eat right.

    Now losing your temper isn't good for your own sanity. The people you are getting mad at have nothing to do with your current situation. Plus everyone has their own things to deal with and may not be patient with you all the time. You can definitely work on controlling and re-channeling your energy elsewhere. Find a physical activity that you really like to do and stick with it. You can gain a lot of happy thoughts and can use up all your pent up frustrations in a constructive way.

    It's hard, I know. Take baby steps. You already did a lot this year. Just continue taking baby steps. You will get to your goal.

    All the best!
    cheenu123 likes this.
  7. cheenu123

    cheenu123 Gold IL'ite

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    Thanx @Laks09

    I wish you could give me a virtual hug or a hand.
    I'm at my worst vulnerable state.
  8. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hang in there. This is a temporary phase. Take care of yourself. You need to stay healthy physically and mentally to deal with things. Hugs and prayers.
  9. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Have you had your thyroid levels tested? Ask an endocrinologist to run a complete thyroid panel, not just TSH. Improper thyroid hormones can also interfere with metabolism and lead to weight gain.
    You can take a good multivitamin which includes vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is the more easily absorbed form. I had very low vitamin D3, and I was prescribed a weekly high dose supplement for 10 weeks, then daily maintenance.
    Laks09 likes this.
  10. Aara18

    Aara18 New IL'ite

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    You must try PALEO diet. Its cave man's diet. Google about this. There is a fb page "arokiyam and nalvazhvhu". Its a tamil group but still you can post in english. People in tht group will guide you. Dont think i am promoting sonething. Its compl free. Google abt this diet to know more.
    Madhu1234 likes this.

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