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Coronavirus Disease Information - Covid-19

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by Amulet, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Everyday I get a few things called "News Digest". Media companies trying to vie for people's attention put these out as alerts for the morning.

    It is not very often that one news item is prominent on all of these alerts. Now the news is full of the new Corona Virus (that is supposed to have jumped to humans from Bat-soup, or Snake-soup in China's Hubei province). China has locked down many cities under quarantine, the biggest of them all is Wuhan City. When the daily reports come up with increasing number of "confirmed" cases of the infection, naturally I would wonder how doctors confirm whether a cough-cold-sore-throat is a garden variety or this special alarming new kind. Is that simply with the peripheral, circumstantial information on the patient, and her travels/contacts ? Or... would it have some scientific analyses behind that confirmation ?

    So .. I am reading up on the thing. Here is an excerpt from one of my readings. Source of the excerpt: Coronavirus Pathogenesis and the Emerging Pathogen Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus

    "Coronaviruses infect many species of animals, including humans. Coronaviruses have been described for more than 50 years; the isolation of the prototype murine coronavirus strain JHM, for example, was reported in 1949 (7, 41). The molecular mechanisms of replication as well as the pathogenesis of several coronaviruses have been actively studied since the 1970s. Some of the animal viruses, such as porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), bovine coronavirus (BCoV), and avian infectious bronchitis viruses (IBV), are of veterinary importance. The murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) is studied as a model for human disease. This family of viruses remained relatively obscure, probably because there were no severe human diseases that could definitely be attributed to coronaviruses; human coronaviruses caused only the common cold. However, in the spring of 2003, when it became clear that a new human coronavirus was responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), coronaviruses became much more recognized. With the occurrence of the SARS epidemic, coronaviruses may now be considered “emerging pathogens.” The origin of the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) poses interesting questions about coronavirus evolution and species specificity. Since the SARS epidemic, two new human respiratory coronaviruses have been described. In this review we discuss the pathogenesis of the previously known coronaviruses. We then discuss the newly isolated SARS-CoV. It has become evident that the body of information gathered over the last 30 years regarding coronavirus replication and pathogenesis has helped to begin understanding of the origin and the biology of SARS-CoV."

    The following electron microscope picture (the spherical glob with little satellite globs all around it) of the Corona virus was published in Photos of China coronavirus particles under the microscope | Daily Mail Online
    The sample, with a serial number 'NPRC 2020.00001', was extracted from a patient on January 6, according to China's National Microbiology Data Center. It is the first 2019-nCov specimen
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
    kkrish, Laks09, startinganew and 3 others like this.

  2. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    The following is also the generic advice during the Influenza season, October to March of each year.
    Frequent handwashing can be difficult. It can be substituted with the use of alcohol based hand-sanitizers.


    aruna6, kkrish, Ramyarc and 7 others like this.
  3. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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  4. Vedhavalli

    Vedhavalli Platinum IL'ite

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    There are no face masks available in many stores. People create more panic than pandemic.

    NHS doctor claims coronavirus is 'negative karma' for not being vegan

    Banning wildlife hunting & eating could prevent such zoontic virus spreading.

    1)Bird flu - spread by eating infected bird though domestic or wild no one knows.
    2) swine flu - spread from pigs
    3) SARS - from civet cat or bat
    4) Corona virus - from snake.
    Next one is from a shark or a whale or sea turtle I bet for sure

    Here I'm not advocating any food habit is good or bad. Any food should be consumed in hygienic way.
    No ethics in food industry is the first cause of viral apocalypse.

    Being Indian living in US I have been subtly teased often hear comments on my food smell.
    People ask me how many spices you have?
    Why you smell like masala?
    Why all Indian gravies are red yellow green...so on.
    But our daily spices like tumeric, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom are anti inflammatory .
    Dry ginger , holy Basil, black pepper are considered best medicine in the world.
    Neem - Indian lilac fights every kind of virus.
    We never handshake , say namaste. Avoiding physical contact with others is hygenic.

    I really want to shout out to people who say nasty comments, ridicule Indian food - at least we smell masala, don't spread apocalypse.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2020
    aruna6, kkrish, Vaikuntha and 7 others like this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    @Amulet thanks for the timely post enabling the reader to understand the virus and its spread better. Thanks for information and dissemination with illustrations.

    2. Best way to protect seems to be keep sipping water and hold as long as possible without swallowing. Idea perhaps not to keep throats dry. I keep my mouth shut as far as possible.

    3. International Tourism to be avoided says one alert because aircraft’s too can carry the virus corona strain. Indian civil aviation announced no permission granted for Air India to fly to wuhan/China.
    Coronavirus outbreak Live Updates: Plans to airlift Indian students from Wuhan on hold; China toll rises to 106.
    aruna6 and Ramyarc like this.
  6. joylokhi

    joylokhi Platinum IL'ite

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    Not to make light of the situation , but i did go :roflmao::roflmao:
    aruna6, Amulet and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    isn't there a proverb/saying about being rapt in attention -- with mouth open without even realizing that flies are going in ? the Corona virus ( < 100 NM in dimension) can get through the eyes as well.

    Anyhow... the airtravel restrictions for Wuhan residents is affecting a lot of Indian students in medical and engineering colleges. This is reminiscent of the gulf war =I (US invasion of Iraq to free Kuwait) in the middle east, that created a lot of Indian refugees, who had to endure a lot of hassles, and eventually India sent a ship to repatriate them. Lives were not deemed dear enough to charter planes. :rage:
    aruna6, joylokhi and Thyagarajan like this.
  8. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Singapore has a few cases. And since the nation is very proactive when it comes to national security, there are some strict measures:
    source: Wuhan virus: Singapore confirms 2 more new cases, bringing total number infected to 7
    These include quarantine for recent travellers from Hubei already in Singapore who are assessed to be of higher risk.

    Returning residents and long-term pass holders with travel history in Hubei or with Chinese passports issued in Hubei will also be quarantined.

    New visitors with recent travel history to Hubei within the last 14 days or holding Chinese passports issued in Hubei will not be allowed entry or transit through Singapore from noon on Wednesday.
    For US resident desi's, mostly retirees on the west coast travel to India in this season (northern hemisphere winters). They should be mindful of transit through some of the major airports -- like HongKong, ICN-Korea, and Singapore. When your hands touch public surfaces (like stairwell hand-rail, arm-rests in waiting lounges, etc..) wash your hands, or use hand sanitizers. Older people with chronic illnesses (BP, Diabetes are often named) are usually more affected by viral influenzas and infections.
    joylokhi and Thyagarajan like this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    The entire marine lives would be happy if this message spreads like bushfire in Australia. Fear gripped the anglers and fisherfolk would cease venturing into see and no headache of Sri Lanka coast guards catch Rameswaram fisherfolks.

    Whole world now know how hygienic and scientific India since time immemorial.
    Thanks and Regards.
    In God’s world, there seems to be no-hand shaking. Greetings could be as in Japan. No shouldering.
    Amulet likes this.

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