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Hair Dusting And Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Split Ends

Discussion in 'Hair Care & Hair Styles' started by virtualkv2020, Oct 26, 2019.

  1. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hair dusting is a process done to snip split ends without losing hair length. The only downside is it takes more time than a usual hair cut/trim and is expensive when done at a salon.It is vital to trim hair every 6 to 8 weeks to prevent split ends and go for hair dusting as and when needed.Here is the video that demonstrates the traditional method of dusting process.

    There are hair friendly gadgets like Split-Ender pro to trim hair/snip split ends these days.Apart from trimming and dusting here are a few remedies to prevent split ends.

    Note - One can use any of the following remedies once or twice a week for 3 to 6 months.Drinking enough water everyday helps combat dry hair and split ends.

    Vanilla hair oil remedy for split ends and headache
    20 grams Vanilla beans are made into a paste with 200 ml water and mixed with 100 ml coconut oil.It is then cooked on a slow fire till all the moisture evaporates. It is removed,strained and stored in a glass jar.Alternatively you can use vanilla essence instead of vanilla bean paste.Add essence to the oil,warm it a bit and filter,proportions are 5 grams vanilla essence per 100 ml oil.This aromatic oil is applied regularly to repair split ends and arrest hair fall. Also helps to relieve from headache.

    Hair pack remedies for split ends
    • To 1 cup curds and a pinch of black pepper powder and wisk well.Apply this to the hair n scalp.Leave for 30 mins and take head bath with a herbal/mild shampoo.This also promotes beautiful hair growth.
    • Peel and de seed a ripe Papaya, cut into pieces and grind into a pulp.Mix equal amount of papaya pulp and curds,whip until you obtain a smooth consistency.One can use ripe banana instead of papaya.Apply this mixture all over the hair.Cover with a shower cap and leave for 45 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
    • Mix 1 egg,2 tsp pure cold pressed sweet almond oil,1 tsp extra virgin olive oil,1 tsp unrefined pure sesame oil and/or unrefined pure mustard oil,1/2 tsp unrefined castor oil,4-5 drops of rosemary or lavender or peppermint essential oil to get rid of egg odor,1 tsp of pure honey and 1 tbsp of yogurt (optional),1-2 tbsp of henna powder (optional) to make it into a thick hair pack.Apply to scalp and hair,wash hair after 45 mins to 1 hour with a mild shampoo.Repeat twice a week.This also promotes hair growth.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2019
    mangaii, Vaikuntha and Rihana like this.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow.. didn't know this method of getting rid of split ends. If the hair is not layered, and falls to one even length, would a simple 1/2-1 inch trim take care of split ends? Or, does new hair growth make periodic hair dusting necessary?
  3. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes if you have even hair, trimming the hair ends once in 1.5 - 2 months would be enough.Also keep oiling the scalp and hair ends, eat nutritious food, drink lots of water and use hair packs to prevent them.

    Sometime when we develop split ends on the scalp due to nutritional deficiencies, periodic hair dusting becomes necessary.Hair dusting though time taking is a more efficient way to get rid of split ends. Hair dusting can also be done at home or Palour these days using split ender pro. It is a hair trimming tool. I love using it. Here are the videos

    Split end treatment by beauty therapist Vasundara
  4. pihu123

    pihu123 Silver IL'ite

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    I have Sinus problem and because of that my hair is thin,dry and frizzy.Can anyone please help me out what remedies should i follow..
  5. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    Although coconut oil is quite popular to use traditional ayurveda recommends using sesame oil.In many people applying coconut oil may cause or worsen cold,cough,sinusitis.One who applies black sesame oil will not experience headache,baldness,greying and hair fall.Since you have sinus issues try doing a hot oil treatment with unrefined virgin black sesame oil,you can try purchasing Kama Ayurveda black sesame oil for this purpose.Heat little black sesame oil on a slow flame with a few black pepper corns,let cook for few mins,remove strain.Apply the oil in luke warm state to the scalp.Repeat oiling a bit every night or at least 3 times a week.Also do a hot towel treatment before washing hair with one of the following mild shampoos. A similar recipe is posted by Ramya from wild turmeric.You can try this one.5 Top Benefits & How To Do Hot Oil Hair Growth Treatment For Dry Damaged Hair - Wildturmeric

    Hair oils made with a base of coconut can worsen cold and sinusitis in a few people.If you still wish to enjoy the benefits of coconut oil, to 100 ml of virgin coconut oil add 5 grams of black pepper powder and heat it on a very slow flame for 5 mins.Filter and store in a glass jar.This oil is now suitable to use as a hair oil.Luke warm the required amount of oil and apply to scalp and hair.Do not forget to do a hot towel treatment before washing hair.

    Conditioning shampoos for dry hair
    A Mild shampoo is a sulfate and paraben free shampoo.A combination of mild shampoo and other ingredients can greatly helps dry hair.Examples of mild shampoos are Himalaya, Khadi,Natures gate, Dr Bronner's castile liquid soap.

    Lavender shampoo
    Mix 1 spoon olive oil, 1 spoon egg yolk,1 spoon egg white,1 spoon lemon juice, 1 spoon black tea decoction,1 drop of lavender essential oil (to prevent the egg odor),1 spoon mild shampoo in a bowl.Wet hair, apply this mixture to scalp, leave for 3-10 mins and wash.

    Mayonnaise shampoo
    Mix 1 spoon mayonnaise sauce,1 spoon water,1 spoon wheat flour, 1 spoon mild shampoo, 1 spoon lime juice in a bowl.Wet hair, apply this mixture to scalp, leave for 3-10 mins and wash.

    Moisturizing aloe vera shampoo
    Mix 1 tsp freshly extracted aloe vera gel,1 tsp mild shampoo in a bowl.Wet hair, apply this mixture to scalp and wash.This controls dandruff.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
  6. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    I tried Hesh Amla, Reetha and shikakai shampoo made after boiling it well. But I felt it dint clean my scalp properly. Before that I used besan to remove oil and then applied this shampoo. After that the strong besan smell was still there and made my hair more frizzy and sticky and more hairfall :confounded:
  7. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    After you oil hair, either use besan paste as a hair pack and wash with just water or use just amla-reeta-shikakai-methi paste as shampoo without using besan.Also using too little will not remove the oil and using too much will cause dryness.You need to use the right amount.With practise you will get it right!
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
  8. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    I tried both the ways but still I felt that my scalp was not clean. Not sure where I’m going wrong.
  9. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    Initially I used to feel the same as we are used to using the lathering shampoos.The amla-reeta-shikakkai-methi paste will not produce much lather but cleans well.Use more water while rinsing hair.Practice will help you. I use this one for my daughters hair and it really helps.You can try this if you like.

    Moisturizing aloe vera shampoo

    Extract aloe vera gel from a leaf,grind the gel into a smooth paste and mix with equal amount of mild shampoo (I used nature's gate) in a bowl.Pour this into an empty shampoo bottle and use.Refrigerate any left over for upto a month.If you have the habit of storing aloe vera gel in ice cube trays in the freezer, grab a cube, let it melt and mix with equal amount of mild shampoo and use on the same day.If you want to store at room temperature then use Natur sense aloe vera gel https://www.amazon.com/Organic-Great-Sunburn-Psoriasis-Eczema/dp/B012YFWSUS/ref=sr_1_4?crid=11M4HSY62M8AS&keywords=nature+sense+aloe+vera+gel&qid=1574281239&sprefix=nature+sense,aps,222&sr=8-4
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
    shravs3 likes this.
  10. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Think so.
    Thanks will try this.
    virtualkv2020 likes this.

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