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Relationship Hijack And Banter

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by Rihana, Sep 17, 2018.

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  1. Vaikuntha

    Vaikuntha Platinum IL'ite

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    So true, his behavior goes against all that the institution (High court) stands for.
  2. rgz

    rgz Gold IL'ite

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    Lawyers(some of them are judges later) and Police are among the most corrupt and morally bereft in India.
    And ofcourse the Politicians top those two professionals.
    A salute to the few amongst lawyers and police who are honest and moral. They are a rare breed back in desh.
    Vaikuntha likes this.
  3. nemesis

    nemesis Platinum IL'ite

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    Laws work two ways.

    One, it is to ensure there's a fairness for all. People believe it is for all and thus respecting the law is seen as a right thing to do.

    The other way - in third world conditions with a mix of progress and backwardness- the former believe in the above, while the rest see 'law' as yet another hindrance to be dealt with. Success in their lives is about how powerful they are above the law.

    majority of politicians, real estate, bureaucracy are drunk high on this power- them and their immediate families. Rich, educated but third rate behavior otherwise.
  4. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Then when will we progress?
    Education has thought me to follow the law and I want to believe no one is above the law. A judge is a so called educated person right? A highly educated person.

    Anyways it's a sad and disappointing part that we are seeing all this when we have plans to send our citizens to the moon in 2022. Just 3 years from now.

    Are we progressing at all??
    shravs3 likes this.
  5. nemesis

    nemesis Platinum IL'ite

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    What is needed is an 'abundance mentality'. In practical terms, it is about content with what one has and start thinking about stuff in the upper zones of 'hierarchy of needs' pyramid (google).

    People in a developing economy like India is stuck in a scarcity mindset and they keep piling up wealth-cash, real estate, gold... can't help because it's all competitive; the cost is erosion of values and morality(if they had one in the first place).

    Introspection seldom happens- in that case they turn to religion/spirituality/philanthropy to return something to the world; the others are stuck at the bottom and hug the wealth and status till the last breath.

    Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power -Abraham Lincoln.


    As for progress: what really is the progress? Crude, rustic nature of us gets slowly replaced by civil ways, so it's all now about being politically correct while still sustaining that inherent animal in us.

    In an optimistic sense, i would say, maybe we are faking it till making it- it's still a long way and our lives would be over before we witness such a society.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Shocking video shows former Madras HC judge, family torturing daughter-in-law over dowry
    "According to The News Minute Sindhu said that she had accessed the videos in April, but decided to release them only now, after her husband filed for divorce. She says she did not want to leave her kids without the care of the father, and that her in-laws had added to her vortex of trouble."

    Bad on her part to bide her time and use the video only when releasing it is to her advantage. She should have spoken up right after the beating, preferably from the stretcher in Apollo Hospital, and told everyone about the cctv recording. Springing it on her husband only after he filed for divorce is not right. If she chooses not to stand up for her rights at the right time, she should not blame bad in-laws, husband and all later.
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  7. Dhamini

    Dhamini Platinum IL'ite

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    I beg to disagree on this.

    Whether she did before or now it still doesn’t take away the fact that she was abused by her in laws and her husband. She would have felt terribly low because of the long abuse. She is the victim and their views might not be similar to one who had not experienced such trauma.

    Most of the domestic violence victims don’t come out of the vicious cycle for similar reasons. In this case maybe the in laws and husband had panicked because of the medical documentation of the abuse and taken to court first by filing for divorce. Just because the husband filed for divorce first he cannot extricate himself from the abuse he had done.

    I am happy that the wife had atleast this foresight to take the video recordings of the abuse. She had this sense to do that. I wouldn’t blame her at all if she is bringing it now. Atleast now she had that mental strength to bring into open.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  8. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    I agree with this. We should first stand up for ourselves. It should start from ME. Then collectively as a society we can fight such evil acts.
    Had she given back to them the first time they hit her or taken the footage earlier I'm sure they would have dared to treat her well.
    Rihana likes this.
  9. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    I agree.

    She was up against a very powerful man .
    She had to worry about the custody of her little daughters.
    She lives in a patriarchal society with two daughters....had to buy some time to think things.

    She did file the police complaint when the abuse happened and it is in court.

    We have to blame her upbringing and the society she lives in that she is still ready to live with a monster husband for the sake of her daughters because she is not sure about her future as a divorced woman with two very young daughters.

    Sad but that is the truth of many Indian women.

    Most abused women make many compromises with abusers before seperating . This woman was up against a mighty ex judge and all his power and influence.

    She has finally taken the step to provide evidence that probably finally broke her marriage that so many women think is the most precious thing in a woman's life.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
    Dhamini and Lalithambigai like this.
  10. nemesis

    nemesis Platinum IL'ite

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    And from now, subjected to the guilt of 'breaking' a large Indian family and that she should have adjusted because some other woman they know had it even worse and this is much better compared to that, and such.
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