Spiritual Molecule

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Viswamitra, May 2, 2019.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I have been studying the psychedelic experiences people have shared in radio stations or in published articles after ingesting magic mushrooms, certain plants and in some cases chemical components. When the ancient yogis talked about samskaras – rote patterns of thinking – they may not have known specifically how proteins bind to neurons to reinforce these neural pathways, or “neurosis” every time someone recall an experience. Nonetheless, substances like Dimethyltryptamine (“DMT”), endogenous to the human body, but greatly increased with the use of things like meditation or even a dark room, work to undo these “scars” in our neurological make-up. They lovingly disrupt these patterns – sometimes with a spiritual wallop we weren’t expecting – but always to help us ascend out of the self-created prison that this mind-set is perpetuating. A tropical vine that belongs to Amazon region known as Ayahuasca, for example, hyper-activates the region of the brain where we store memories – which are almost always entrenched in emotion. Sometimes memories which were long forgotten on the surface – just as in a deep meditative state. We are then able to use a different part of our brain to re-assign meaning to that experience, and to let the emotion go, so that the pattern does not re-establish itself, affecting our future experience. New neural connections are made, and as we go forward, we have an “evolved consciousness,” meaning we are no longer a slave to our previous experience and the emotions attached to them.

    What is DMT? DMT is a naturally produced chemical compound found in an array of mammals and plant life. In humans, it is believed (not scientifically confirmed) that the Pineal Gland in the brain produces this chemical during REM sleep, birth and death, although this theory has yet to be fully confirmed. Some believe only Pineal Gland, Lungs and Eyes can produce DMT in human beings. This belief perhaps comes from breath control and focused meditation between eyebrows. The Pineal gland naturally produces Melatonin, Serotonin and Dimethyltryptamine. Science today knows that without the Dimethyltryptamine we would not dream and we could not imagine. When we are meditating, the pineal gland is producing extra DMT and so we have our inner and spiritual experiences. Descartes believed the pineal was the “seat of the soul”. Western and Eastern mystical traditions both place our highest spiritual center within the Pineal gland. From blasting off through a dark tunnel to encounters with the divine, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) has been notorious for sending its users into otherworldly places and experiences.

    There appears to be three phases of psychedelic journey. A good 90% of the people with DMT experiences see a spectacular light made of a vast array of colors and geometric shapes forming in front of them. This light has been described in many ways. Commonly, one may refer to the light as a gate, a doorway, a portal, or a wormhole. For the sake of simplicity and context, we’ll refer to it as “the gates”. The Gates are the barrier between the experiencer and Stage 2. Unfortunately for some, they find themselves stuck in stage one. Getting stuck at The Gates usually entails disorientation, hallucinations, and contact with unknown entities from time to time. If stage one has been properly completed, the user is blasted forward through the gates at what some would call warp speeds. Behind the gates, a tunnel is revealed. Within this tunnel, users often report seeing their life and memories flash before their eyes in extravagant color complimented by an extreme euphoria. Other common reports include contact with extra-terrestrials, hearing alien voices, and the feeling of dying.The experiences in stage three are extremely broad. Some have experienced living through the eyes of ancient beings. Some recall touring cities composed of interdimensional machinery. Others report having (usually) friendly conversation with sentient beings such as aliens, elves, angels, and in some cases, God. The conclusion is the end of the tunnel is an entrance to the “nucleus” of the Universe.

    In my study, I concluded that if DMT is available in large quantities in plants and magic mushrooms, it should be part of the biology of the living beings. Even though science indicated that monkeys in some region ate these plants and mushrooms and became more spiritual, there must be a natural way the human beings can explore spirituality by enhancing DMT. My research came up with the following options:

    1) The ancient Egyptians understood that a dark room and contemplative state of mind can induce the creation of DMT without the help of exogenous substances such as Ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, plants, chemical components and Acacia tree. The dark room helps the brain to create melatonin and serotonin which are precursors to DMT. When DMT levels reach 25 mgs, we start to have a very different experience of reality – some might call them precursors to the psychedelic experience. Once DMT reaches an even higher level in the brain, people report seeing spirits, angels, and meeting ancestors. These states are likely induced by several endogenous substances (meaning brain chemicals we make ourselves).

    2) Meditation also increases DMT naturally, as evidenced in scientific studies. Different binaural beats, and other meditation methods help us to produce more precursors (tryptamines) to DMT – serotonin and melatonin, but also DMT itself.

    3) Certain breathing techniques as well as diets also increase DMT naturally. Many yogic traditions focus on slowing the breath, and it is taught if we can decrease our breathing rate to four breaths per minute, the brain starts to make DMT while we are awake.

    4) Kundalini yoga also offers its own version of pranayama to induce greater DMT production and raised levels of consciousness.

    5) Meditation that focus specifically on the 6th and 7th chakras results in increased DMT production as well.

    What are the benefits of experiencing higher level of consciousness? It functions as a greatest way for crushing ego, places one in a highly blissful state of mind, saturates love for the fellow beings not limited to our own kith and kin, enhances energy level significantly, increases focus on personal growth and development, helps us understand how to make full use of the five elements and let the environment align with our goals to help us accomplish our missions, highest level of selflessness and equanimity, unfolding of past, present and future to accept reality, ability to enhance flow state, and lowest level of desires and attachments.

    Most importantly, natural DMT production happens at the time of birth and death. The enormous level of love and bonding with the child happens due to high-level of DMT present at the time of child birth. That is why young mother’s love is divine. The people who are ready to transition, DMT is produced in large quantities helping them see their ancestors, angels and other celestial beings side by side with the living beings. I am still studying a lot about this and please look out for more posts in this subject as a sequel.
    senorita2019, Amica, mbharani and 8 others like this.

  2. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you so much for indulging the request Viswa! An incredibly informative write up!

    Psychedelics and their role in ego-dissolution is one of my major interests these days. What attracts me most is precisely what you stated above. I am fascinated by the power of mediation and/or psychedelics to help escape childhood conditioning or in biological terms experience reality by temporarily sidestepping the Default Mode Network (DMN) in the brain, the network that interprets everyday stimuli for us.

    I'm at work now but I will return to this post with a longer response later.
    Thyagarajan and Viswamitra like this.
  3. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    My dearest Viswa uncle,

    Thank you ever so much for this. I have read couple of times to grasp the content. It’s an eye opener for me as I didn’t know about it at all. I will read once again and will try to implement this.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    You are most welcome. Particularly, I am interested in your meditation and other experiences that makes you feel the environment is getting closer to you to join you in your mission. Spiritual experiences can happen at any time in life based on the disciplined and happier lifestyle and regulated thought stimulation.

    Gauri03 likes this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    My Dearest Vani,

    Thank you for responding to this thread. I never knew anything about this either until a few months back and I started researching more to learn how to naturally become more spiritual. I really feel the nature will help shape our life, if we practice certain disciplines.

    Thyagarajan and girvani like this.
  6. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    I learnt something new today.
    Thank you @Viswamitra for this article.
    I found it very interesting. Especially the below quoted caught my attention.
    I must explore this some day soon.
    Thyagarajan, girvani and Viswamitra like this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks for enlightening the minds of quest.
    2. Deepak Chopra in his book states, During profound sleep a great deal of serotonin produced which believed to be responsible for one’s wakeful activities and production of other harmones in day light.
    Similarly melatonin believed produced during day time when body engaged in activities responsible for causing In the night quality sleep.
    3. I presume there could be a connection with level of DMT & prodigy in the making; and previous birth connection and memories. Prodigies seemed to be master of ego.
    4 Regarding breathing techniques that helps production of DMT , few years ago an yoga research institute from Bangaluru published an article of RNB &
    LNB breathing techniques to improve memory and production of brain chemicals claiming unprecedented results Right side Nostril breathing controls the left hemisphere and Left side Nostril breathing controls Right hemisphere.
    5. I guess, Presence of substantial quantity of DMT must be the reason for ghyanis ability to predict by looking at the colour of & invisible aura surrounding a person . I was told despite late indira Gandhi in front of Kanchi Periaval sat for hours together, periaval never opened His eyes and said anything to her. This was during her seeking His blessings after lifting emergency and before election. Within few days, she was assassinated.

    A great post from your stable as usual - a mind boggling one.

    God & soul are one and the same & soul is observer sitting behind heart as long as oxygen available.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
    satchitananda, kkrish and Viswamitra like this.
  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamala,

    It was new to me and I have been learning about it recently for the past six months. I am so happy to share it with like-minded friends. If all of those great qualities can be reached by concerted effort, it is worth trying that consistently.

    kkrish likes this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Thyagarajan Sir,

    Thank you for sharing further insight, as usual. Your responses always add much more value than the original thread. DMT is produced by the same gland that produce serotonin and melatonin. There are prescription medication available from psychiatrists nowadays to enhance these things especially if someone is in deep depression. It is possible, a child prodigy might have high level of DMT, as you predict. Yoga has techniques to inhale through one nostril and exhale through another. It should be done carefully. Controlling breath to 4 times in a minutes is another method suggested. There is no doubt Saints have high level of DMT and all associated benefits including learning past, present and future, control of the environment, etc.

    DMT level is very high at the time of birth and death. Young mother's love to her child is not necessarily because the child is born through her but because of this enormous energy generated from DMT production. It is divine love. Similarly, when a person dies, the biological body helps them transition nicely to astral world by showing up those who had already transitioned. Even people have experienced high level of DMT and euphoria during near death experiences.
    satchitananda and Thyagarajan like this.
  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Viswa
    Nothing has ever exposed my ignorance as this post of yours has done.
    In my early 30's I once had a chance to taste some chemical stimulant that would take me on a 'trip' as colorful as what we saw in the final scenes of 2001 Space Odyssey. I took it and was dead to the world for a few hours. I may have experienced some psychedelic moments but never remembered anything on regaining my mental faculties. But others were raving about the experience they had. Around the same time, my profession took me on an extensive tour of the Himalayas where I had a chance to meet quite a number of foreigners and 'desi' yogis. They were all on some mental stimulant or other which they said helped them to explore divinity.
    On reading your post, I could get some explanation of all their habits and actions. Honestly I have never heard of DMT before. Now that you have kindled my curiosity, I'll explore it. Considering my age and other limitations, I may not take a deep plunge into it though. But will follow your exploration with interest.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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