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Suggestions On Baby Appetite

Discussion in 'Baby / Kids Foods' started by Ammu2886, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. Ammu2886

    Ammu2886 Gold IL'ite

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    Hello Mommies,

    My son is 20 months and he weights 10kg.He looks lean .

    He does not each much and i keep trying to make him eat and he gets fussy so I cannot force him.

    And I make up my mind thinking it is fine he is all active.
    But I always get to hear questions like are you not giving him food on time?May be he doesnot like what you cook!May be you are not having a proper plan for food for him..etc etc...Sometimes I just try to take it lite and again when he does not eat or avoid I get frustrated and all these talks come in to my mind and feel depressed!!

    He likes to eat the home made cerelac / ragi malts. Other than that making him to eat anything else is like a roller coaster ride...
    I never had any problems till he was 15 months as he used to eat whatever I gave.

    I spoke to doctor and he told as long as he is active there is no problem.

    But somewhere in my heart as a Mom I am feeling sad.

    Any suggestions on how can I improve his appetite would be great and helpful.
    thenmozhiboo and GeetaKashyap like this.

  2. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @Ammu2886 ,

    The child may be a frugal eater and weigh less, it is okay as long as his milestones, growth and activities are normal. Active kids have higher metabolic rates and some tend to be less interested in a boring chore like eating. Observe which decently healthy food he likes more and give him that often to reduce your stress for a while. Try to make his food nutrient dense. That means, foods having more nutritive value and less of calories. If you consume non veg, give him par boiled eggs, banana, mixed veg paratha, sprout paratha etc. My Punjabi neighbour used to give mashed banana+curd to her toddler to improve gut condition and also the weight of the baby. Thus even if a small quantity of food is consumed, child's nutritive need are met.

    This is a part of motherhood woes, many mothers go through this. Good news is that this disinterest in food is often a passing phase. Many skinny kids do gain weight as they grow. I was recently told by someone that Pediasure helps kids grow well. Please consult your doctor before giving.

    All the best.
    thenmozhiboo and Ammu2886 like this.
  3. Ammu2886

    Ammu2886 Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for the tips @GeetaKashyap
    GeetaKashyap likes this.

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