Mind Over Matter: The Meditation Club

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Gauri03, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Gauri03,

    This is the same thing that Dr.Dyer calls as "Getting in the Gap". I found the book quite fascinating.

    I don't mean to keep veering off of your intent of meditation by sharing other anecdotes and I hope you do not mind this - just yesterday my DS's piano teacher was trying to teach him on how to get into that 'silence' while playing his Bach. It was a fascinating to watch him explain and my son practice. I intend on talking with my DS about it in his daily routine as well and when I mentioned to his teacher as well, he gave me a wink and said "I have no doubt!".

    Interestingly, talking of stimulus and response, I just finished a lesson on neurons and the quote you posted reminded me of the synapses that exist!

    As I write here, I have realized that the gap has gotten smaller in my every day routine as well. This post/thread is a good reminder about it for me. Thank you.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  2. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Okay then, coming to what I practice, I have been fortunate to have tried a few techniques during my yoga teacher training days. While I seem to get into any technique that is being taught quite easily, adapting and adhering to it on a long term basis has been my problem.

    Mantra meditation if I can call it so has been my blessing and my constant companion. Perhaps because it was taught to me during my very trying times by my grandmother and guru to a very younger version of me. It has stayed with me and helps me, even today. It is my 'go to, method. I continue to do that no matter what or where. Apart from that, the other technique that I am following currently is just repeating "Omkara" 'n' number of times early in the mornings before I head out to gym. I quite enjoy doing that and it is only to set an intent for the day. Seems to be helping me.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I like the analogy of sitting and watching traffic as reference to thoughts flowing through our mind. That is observation part 101 of Mindfulness. If you come across any article or video suggesting methods how the mind chooses a thought to pursue, how mind takes into account historical interaction with a person before reacting to a particular situation and how to break that habit, how our embedded values influence our reactions in the mind, how our mind handles conflicting values residing in two compartments, how the environment and people around us influence our mind, how the mind can be influenced by us to implement change of behavior, etc., it would be very helpful to take it forward further.

    I am addressing it to @Gauri03 as she is the OP. I welcome suggestions from everyone. As she rightly pointed out, we can learn from each other.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
    Thyagarajan, jskls, Laks09 and 2 others like this.
  4. kaniths

    kaniths IL Hall of Fame

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    ^^ reminded me of something, Hope the thought fits the thread topic! :innocent:

    "At a traffic crossing, instead of being impatient for the green man, appreciate how the red man gives us a chance to stop, breathe and look around" - Mindful London, Tessa Watt.

    This was shared to me by a trainer in a meditation session as part of my CBT class. Something I keep in mind and try not to get restless or impatient while waiting at the signals. This 'being calm - being not so mad' behavior has influenced my dh too, he doesn't curse anymore but adjusts any rash driving incidents and calmly drives on. :grinning: Even short rides have become pleasant and enjoyable for us now, thanks to this simple change if I may say. :blush:

    Starting today, Mindful Minutes : 24. :flushed:

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
    Thyagarajan, jskls, sindmani and 6 others like this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    True Meditation Is the Science of Observing Your Thoughts - Video

    Learning more about how the mind works is my favorite subject. It is interesting how Professor Jon Kabat Zinn thinks about thoughts and mind. When the mind is stable it behaves differently than when it is fickle. Fickle mind is considered as a Monkey as Monkeys get distracted easily. In a way it is negative because of loss of focus and it is positive when we are hurting badly due to the current happening around us and we get distracted to something very exciting enabling us to forget our suffering.

    The mind is nothing but cauldron of thoughts and mindfulness is watching it. Like any other tool, it has to be used for a specific purpose. By standing from the position of awareness, we disconnect ourselves from those thoughts. We create surface tension by letting them control us. We have to let it loose so that the cluttered mind behaving like wave become a still water in a pond. As we think, talk and act, we are creating more impression on the mind and therefore, we have to train our mind not only to watch thoughts but also our words and acts.

    Thoughts are like bubbles and they keep flowing out constantly. May be that is why thoughts and mind are together described as "Monkey playing with bubbles".

    Thyagarajan, kaniths, Laks09 and 4 others like this.
  6. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    For some reason the highlighted part had me break out in giggles in the middle of work! Can't imagine you making "hand gestures" at anyone Viswa. :roflmao:

    Reminds me of the time I went to the mall during the craziness that is the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. After driving around in circles for a parking spot, fighting my way through the crowds to get what I needed and then standing in line for half an hour to check out one shirt, I had had it up to my eyeballs with the human race. As I was backing out of my parking space a woman drove up behind me, utterly oblivious to my car. I narrowly missed crashing into her, braked hard, and honked angrily at her. She honked back at me! I got so mad I flipped the bird at her. :facepalm: As soon as I had done it I regretted it. I was overcome with shame and self-loathing. I hated myself for reacting in anger. I got of my car, walked up to her window. The poor woman looked so stricken, I'm sure she thought I was getting out to fight. I said, "I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that. I should not have. I apologize." She immediately started apologizing profusely, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see you." We both spent a few minutes saying sorry to each other, then she pulled backed her car, let me pass and took my spot. I don't know why but even today that incident gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. People are good inside. You just have to give them a chance.
    Thyagarajan, kkrish, kaniths and 5 others like this.
  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    You know me well by now! That is why the hand gesture remains only in a reaction (internal) only form without the response form. Eventually, I would like to get rid of that internal reaction as well. It is hard but not impossible.
    Thyagarajan, Gauri03 and HappyBunny like this.
  8. vidhyalakshmid

    vidhyalakshmid IL Hall of Fame

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    If you try to control your mind, it will wander more.
    If you try to know your mind, then it will settle.
    மனதை அடக்க நினைத்தால் அலையும் .
    மனதை அறிய நினைத்தால் அடங்கும் .
    Above are the beautiful words from Vethathiri Maharishi.
    Thyagarajan, kaniths, jskls and 3 others like this.
  9. vidhyalakshmid

    vidhyalakshmid IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice to read all of your thoughts. Not even a day will pass without doing my meditation. It became a part and parcel of me. But I am not sure how far I have reached. Knowing is one thing and implementing without forgetfulness is the other part. I hope any small tip in this thread will help in my practice.
    kaniths, jskls, sindmani and 3 others like this.
  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    1) Step 1-"Know your thoughts" - Memory - Thought dependent life
    2) Step 2-"Know your mind" - Analytical - Mind-driven life
    3) Step 3-"Know your forgetful state" - Intellectual - Material-driven life
    3) Step 4-"Know how to be aware"-Constant Integrated Awareness- Inquiry?
    4) Step 5-"Know to achieve blissful state" - Transcend Gunas - Turiya

    Your question triggered me to write this. More later.

    jskls, Gauri03 and vidhyalakshmid like this.

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