1. U.S. Elementary Education : What Parents Need to Know
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U.S. Elementary education - what parents need to be aware of

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by Rihana, May 12, 2015.

  1. BhumiBabe

    BhumiBabe Platinum IL'ite

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    So, as a Adult who has gone through the American public school system and have many friends who have also done the same, I have some thoughts on what could help Indian children succeed.

    1. focus of cultivating a healthy self-esteem - I find that many Indian children feel 'less' than their peers, for innocuous things like sports, clothes, looks, food, etc. Helping your children excel socially will eventually help them hold leadership positions within their school organizations. This in turn, makes them highly successful in life, since they are able to independently talk to people of authority for help, mentoring, etc.

    2. Sports - There is a fortunate and unfortunate importance given to sports in the US. The health and social benefits are great, but of course, it also means spending more money. If your child is interested in sports, please get them involved - especially if its a team sport. Tennis is fine, I played it, but it really did very little to improve my self-esteem, so I don't recommend it.

    3. Math and Science - Public schools are notorious for subpar math and science classes. There is nothing wrong with improving them with Kumon or science clubs. Kumon is only useful for the younger grades, when children don't have much homework. Once their school (usually middle school) is providing enough, I think it's best to continue with the activities available through them.

    4. Foreign Language - Foreign language is best learned when children hear and try to interact with other people. Giving them an opportunity to watch foreign movies or talk to people, would give them an edge up, that they would not get otherwise. The friends that have had a chance to use their Spanish while volunteering, get the most satisfaction about learning the language.
    Mehana, Laks09, Rihana and 5 others like this.
  2. silento

    silento Silver IL'ite

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    Resources for Elementary School we did at home, hope this will help other parents. This information is more for the older elementary kids in 4th and 5th grade who have standardized tests during the end of the year.


    Go Math : The school in TX follows this cirriculum, so I purchased this book and would let him work on few exercises over the weekend.
    BeeStar ( registered for science, math , GT Math and ELA)
    Singapore Math
    iXL ( used this in 2nd and 3rd grade, but stopped using in 4th and 5th grade)

    English Language Arts

    Reading Comprehension
    Encourage Writing: Using example prompts such as this one:

    Other Enrichment:

    Get books from library (fiction and non-fiction)
    Listening to audio books on a regular basis
    CNN Student news (highly recommend this website for older kids, clean comprehensive news in 10 minutes).

    Extra Cirricular
    FLL ( I can provide more information if anybody is interested): If kids are interested in legos, robotics, coding, designing and presenting.
    Solving puzzles
    Nanali, Laks09 and Rihana like this.
  3. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    BB, I missed this post till now. Each item is a topic by itself. As always, you bring an insight that is unique. We need a thread on sports in the U.S. for the under-12 age. Kumon - never took to it.. we'll talk about it someday.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    silento, you present this compilation and also say you are befuddled about middle school? : ) Moms like us learn about schools with the child. And when lucky, learn it a few months ahead of needing the knowledge.

    Would be a really great help if you can do the above. Many parents are in the situation that child has attended a robotics class or workshop, or camp, and not sure what to do next. How to spark interest in a child who is new to it. How to decide when child is ready for it. What if child is more interested in robot design or programming only. FLL team, tournament, coach... do's, don'ts.

    Please share as much as you can. There are many befuddled : ) parents who will be happy to read it all without having to ask questions!
    Laks09 and silento like this.
  5. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    The latest and neatest in this regard is the "Maker Movement" that I'm sure many of you in the US have already heard about. It has had a lot of buzz lately, now going mainstream; I'm mentioning it here for the fresh droves of ambitious Indian parents in the hope that it might encourage them to put their baseball bats away, saving a few knees for better things. While Mum's busy with the kitchen and laundry and being VP at Citibank, Dads can bond with their daughters, fooling around with laser cutters and 3D printers at the TechShop - most major cities are beginning to have one. There's one near me, love it! To find one near you, google 'TechShop' or 'MakerSpace'.

    I'm posting this here in the elementary school thread because it's never too early to start, and I assume that most parents, even Dads, will exercise due caution before letting their second-grader loose with a rotary saw. Just kidding, they have appropriate age restrictions depending on the tool/class/project.:lol:

    Additional links for those who need more persuasion:
    Maker Movement in Education - Newsweek
    James Fallows on the Maker Movement - Atlantic
    Maker Movement Plans to Transform the US Economy - Time
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2017
    Laks09, kkrish and silento like this.
  6. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    That 'it's has' in the post above is annoying me. :icon_writing:
    Editing window protest!:frown::mad::icon_pc:
  7. Sneha999

    Sneha999 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi priya,
    I'm new to system here.My daughter is also born in nov and i was thinking what to do because of the age cutoff.I felt happy after reading ur message.
    what is screening test?
    what is prek3 and prek4?
    And If cleared the screening test no need to pursue these prek3 and 4?
  8. rmpriya

    rmpriya IL Hall of Fame

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    Sneha , I am not sure on pre K things . My daughter did kindegarten in a private school and for first grade , she took the screening test in public school and got enrolled in public school for first grade . Not sure if this helps.
  9. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    You have a few options for your daughter...

    Option 1 - like what @rmpriya did, keep your daughter in private school for Kinder, make her take the screening test during summer next year in the neighborhood public school for 1st grade, if she clears it, she would go into 1st grade.

    Option 2 - keep her in private school for both kinder and 1st grade, if that would fit your pocket. Then take her to public school for 2nd grade, no testing needed they will take her straight into 2nd grade. This is weird, but this rule is followed strictly for age cutoff issues in some states (like TX).

    Option 3 - keep her in pre-k in private / public school the coming year, take her to kinder the following year. This is the most recommended option by many for it gives the advantage for your kid to be the oldest kid in the class, giving her an upper hand in academics and maturity levels.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    rmpriya likes this.
  10. Pradhavj

    Pradhavj New IL'ite

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    V just moved to LA in march 2017.My daughter is going to join her kindergarten in a public school dis year. The school in which she will b enrolled has not that gud reviews.private schools here r very xpensive.is there any means v can shift her to other public school after joining.

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