Sample Food Menu

Here is a simplified version of this menu for you to follow. You may use this sample food menu as a base to plan your meals, during the nine months.  Remember to keep alternating food choices, according to seasons, and your moods, to avoid monotony.

Early Morning: Half a cup of almonds / apricots/ walnuts.

Breakfast: A bowl of poha / upma / cereal / one masala dosa / an egg omelet, a glass of orange juice.

Mid-morning: Fresh fruit juices, one vegetable sandwich in whole wheat bread, a slice of cheese.

Lunch: Chapattis, grilled chicken/ paneer / dal, fresh fruit salad, a bowl of curd.

Afternoon:  A glass of coconut water/ lassi, strawberries/ one banana, 2-3 ragi biscuits/ crackers

Dinner: Lean meat/ fish/ cooked vegetables, chapattis/ rice, soup, an apple.

Around bedtime: A glass of warm milk.

Avoid junk food and caffeine, eat healthily, and your baby will be assured of a nutritious environment.