There can I point out many Uncles, or fathers, who conceive the plan of their houses, carry then, in their heart and mind, and beautifully give life to their dreams, just with stones and bricks.. The houses stand still with pride, speaking of their hard work, their undaunted desires and more… I have seen many, who evolve into a different, profound look, once they enter their own home. For them, it is a place, where they are themselves, shedding the masks that they carried, outside.. Some where I read somebody saying, “Once I enter my house and lock the door, I feel I am detached completely from the outside world, and I just love it”..

A house becomes a home, if it has love in the air, and if it smells of children.. The walls would be happy to be scribbled by them, the lamps would love to throw light on your marriage photo, and the chime loves to bring in sound of fortune.. I love my home, wherever it was so far, and whichever it is going to be too, and I also believe that my house loves me back too…I say so, because wherever I go, however great it may be, I feel the coziness and comfiness only when I cuddle up with my own pillows in my own bedroom…

There is surely a way to love our home too.. Let’s open up the windows, bring in some fresh air and fragrance, light up a lamp and love our home!!

Have cherishable memories about your home? Do share them here.