Congratulations, for having delivered your baby! You have many things to think of – feeding your baby, soothing her and yes, how to get rid of those extra pounds that you easily packed during your pregnancy. If you were overweight before pregnancy and added more weight, then you may take up to a year to shed the pounds. If you were having normal weight before pregnancy and added about 10-11 kilograms, then you could be back to your normal weight in about four to six months, if you watch your food and exercise. Never take up any dieting or exercise for the first six weeks immediately after delivery since you should let the body recuperate after childbirth.
Patience: Like any other goal, it takes a lot of determination and patience to get back to your original weight. While it is good that you want to get back to your usual self as quickly as possible, do remember that your body has undergone childbirth, one of the complex processes of nature. It will take time for the body to heal. Therefore, it is important to be kind to your body and set realistic goals. Yes, it is essential to lose baby weight after pregnancy, however, do not rush forgoing you and your baby’s needs.
Eat Smart: Do not diet but eat smart. Eating a well-balanced variety of foods will keep you feel full and gives your energy to tend your baby throughout the day. Keep healthy snacks all around the house that you can eat all through the day – apple slices, carrot sticks, wheat crackers, banana, grapes, your favorite fruits and nuts are important for breastfeeding women. You must also include high protein since your baby get the nutrition from the food you eat – fish, eggs, legumes, milk, yogurt , sufficient water are some recommended foods. Stay away from processed foods that are high in oil, sodium and sugar. Eat several small meals than few large ones and never skip a meal!