Sleep is equally important so make sure you get a good night’s rest every day. Home remedies such as applying potato or cucumber juice around the eyes has also proven to be effective.

Diet for Your Eyes

Makeup acts as a camouflage for eyes but the real sparkle in the eyes comes from within.

Proper diet rich in Vitamin A, iron and proteins will do wonders for your eyes.  Make sure you include foods such as carrots, citrus fruits, broccoli, spinach and milk as part of your daily diet.

Protein rich foods such as chicken, eggs and pulses should also be added. If you’re healthy inside, your eyes will surely look brighter and more radiant.

Eye Exercises

Like any other part of your body, your eyes need to be exercised as well. Not only will exercising stimulate eye muscles, it will also help maintain your vision. You can start with these simple exercises:

  • Open and shut your eyes repeatedly. Do this at least 10 times.
  • Put your arm out straight in front of you and hold your thumb pointing up. Focus your eyes on the thumb, then let your gaze follow it, as you bring it closer to your face and take it farther again. Repeat 10-12 times.
  • Open your eyes wide. Roll your eyes, making sure you cover all directions. Start by looking up, then go right, down and left. Repeat 10-12 times.

Eye care needs to be ongoing which means getting regular checkups by your eye doctor, at least once every six months.

If you wear spectacles, make sure you get the power checked at regular intervals. Contact lenses should be washed carefully before every use.

With these simple tips you can ensure better vision and add sparkle to your eyes.